Image of 9ff GT9-R

9ff GT9-R specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1329 kg (2930 lbs)
Introduced 2009
Origin country Germany
Views 40.2k


0 - 100 kph2.9 s
0 - 200 kph7.8 s
0 - 300 kph15.8 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph4.9 s
Est. 200 - 300 kph8.0 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph2.8 s
Est. 1/8 mile7.0 s @ 115.6 mph
Est. 1/4 mile10.5 s @ 150.4 mph
Top speed414 kph (257 mph)
Est. max acceleration1.04 g (10 m/s²)
9ff GT9-R acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type flat6 turbo
Displacement 4.0 l (244 ci)
Power 1120 ps (1105 bhp / 824 kw)
Torque 1050 Nm (774 lb-ft)
Power / liter 280 ps (276 hp)
Power / weight 843 ps (831 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 790 Nm (583 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6-Speed sequentiell
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Elon Musk  9m ago

I would pick this beast over any Mclaren that is shaped like a brown insect with wings.

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hostboy  3y ago

How is this thing slower from 100-200 than a freaking 720S?

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Mihajlo Milisavljevic   4y ago

I am B Sc Mech Eng and 51 years in mototechnic. 9ff company is , like others good small companies example how to build sport car , or car generaly !!!

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S  12y ago

Although it looks like a racing car, it is a road car

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Fangio Man  12y ago

Better 0-300 time than the Veyron!

But it looks like it is very hard to control this thing at those speeds.

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Orenthal_Blitz  13y ago

wow look at the transmission spelling :O
text:6 speed sequintiell
fixed version:6 speed sequential
that should be fixed

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Orenthal_Blitz  13y ago

this is awesome! but it should be from the top 10 fastest cars list aswell....

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SUPER9MAN9  14y ago

W.O.W (I didn't mean World Of Warcraft)

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lws  14y ago

i love this car

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FastestLaps  14y ago

Internet is full of Einsteins. Just let them do their thing :D

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Davy13682  14y ago

God, is this a car website? Then why are all the Einsteins discussing about the laws of physics???

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DeDe  14y ago

Actually the 414 kph is a calculated topspeed. The best so far is 388 km/h, measured at Papenburg, Germany.


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Davy13682  14y ago

Are you kidding me??? A Porsche that can do 414 kph???

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FastestLaps  14y ago

No. This is not a tuned car by any means.

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hmm  14y ago

Can upload tuned cars?!

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SUPER9MAN9  14y ago

Is this seriosly a road car? It really dosen't look like it!!! Must be fun.

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golf3diesel  15y ago

4 liter turbo flat 6 and 1120 hp..Veyron sucks in that aspect,even the Grandsport.

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Pokinkidinx  15y ago

Looks very crazy for a Porsche, yet I think they will make it with this car because it is nice

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NIN  15y ago

i will give example with my 1962 MZ ES 250 motorcycle:

You will stop it less distance when alone but with a passenger, the weight distribution is probably what is making the bike \"feel\" more balanced. Extra weight will hurt your stopping distances.

Lesser rolling resistance on bike is a factor but no way near as important as the huge advantage of lesser drag.

I know. I was making the point that aerodynamic drag isn\'t the only factor. There are many factors that contribute to drag. I used rolling resistance as an example. I could have used drive-line efficiency since a bike has less parasitic loss in the drive-line compared to a car (going back to golf3diesel\'s example of 200hp car vs 200hp bike). The bike puts more power to the wheel.

Thats not entirely true, sure a heavtyier car could do it faster,, but its also in the type of equipment you use to, No Rolls Royce Phantom is gonna decelerate faster than a C4S at the same speed, even if it is 2800lbs more..

You\'re missing the point. The heavier car will take longer to slow down. That\'s why the heavier car will be \"in front\" of the lighter car (in GT\'s example). Also, in GT\'s example, both cars were identical and GT\'s example stated that the heavier car would NOT decelerate faster. Reread the example GT gave. The heavier car will take longer to slow down which is why it will be \"ahead\" of the lighter car.

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golf3diesel  15y ago

-and about decceleration:i will give example with my 1962 MZ ES 250 motorcycle:i can brake harder when i am alone on the bike,but i have less grip...when i have a passenger i have way more grip when i brake in straightline,but i am sure i can brake in a better distance if i know what i\'m doing when i ride alone.

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golf3diesel  15y ago

Oltcit 1.1(romanian version of citroen Axel) with driver only=150 kmh,Oltcit 1.1 with driver+3 passengers+ 50 kg luggage=146,5-147 kmh(those data are from MANUFACTURER BOOK) weight HAS a role in top speed...maybe not huge,like aerodynamics,but it MATTERS...also a japanese 50cc 2 stroke scooter with two persons on it will have a topspeed with about 5kmh less..

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E  15y ago

My mistake yes, for some reason I read that as letting off the clutch, not stepping on it.

You are right, the heavier car will have more momentum and coast for longer.

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gt  15y ago

read before commenting..

and exactly the same car model going

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FastestLaps  15y ago

Bottom line: weight doesn\'t affect top speed at all.

Lesser rolling resistance on bike is a factor but no way near as important as the huge advantage of lesser drag.

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Anonymous.  15y ago

Thats not entirely true, sure a heavtyier car could do it faster,, but its also in the type of equipment you use to, No Rolls Royce Phantom is gonna decelerate faster than a C4S at the same speed, even if it is 2800lbs more..

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NIN  15y ago

you forgot that we're talking about deceleration not acceleration..

Maybe that's why "E" and "NIN" are getting opposite answers.

the lighter car would accelerate faster and then decelerate faster

That's what I figured, too. I hope "E" didn't think I was stating that the car with 4 people would pull ahead of the car with just the driver while accelerating.

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gt  15y ago

you forgot that we're talking about deceleration not acceleration..

the lighter car would accelerate faster and then decelerate faster yes the gravity has effects on the heavier car but at speeds of about 300km/h the heavier car would decelerate slower

just take the keels for example

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NIN  15y ago

I figured the car with 4 people (say going 100mph) has more forward momentum than the one with just the driver. I thought once the power to the wheels is cut (pressing the clutch) the car with 4 people would have greater momentum. (using the example GT gave)

I figured it would be easier to stop an empty shopping cart than a full one so I used the same thinking that a full car would be harder to stop with just drag than an empty one.

I guess I was wrong.

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BumRush  15y ago

Wow, look at all these Einsteins! lol

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E  15y ago

faster as in acceleration, not speed.

Photo of 9ff GT9-R

Photo of 9ff GT9-R

Photo of 9ff GT9-R

Photo of 9ff GT9-R