Image of BMW 535D

BMW 535D (F10) specs

Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1825 kg (4023 lbs)
Introduced 2010
Origin country Germany
Views 44.8k
Submitted by gt

Lap times


0 - 40 kph2.7 s
0 - 80 kph4.1 s
0 - 100 kph5.7 s
0 - 180 kph17.6 s
0 - 200 kph22.7 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph17.0 s
0 - 60 mph5.8 s
0 - 100 mph13.5 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.8 s @ 87.0 mph
Est. 1/4 mile15.1 s @ 107.5 mph
Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.55 g (5 m/s²)
BMW 535D acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type Twin turbocharged Inline-6 Diesel
Displacement 3.0 l (183 ci)
Power 299 ps (295 bhp / 220 kw)
Torque 600 Nm (443 lb-ft)
Power / liter 100 ps (98 hp)
Power / weight 164 ps (162 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 329 Nm (242 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 8 speed Steptronic
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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FastestLaps  11y ago

Wow, that is news to me!

But if the "without" sound was the second one, I think I like it better.

And crap like this is a big turnoff to an audiophile like myself. A diesel should sound like a diesel. I love how diesels sound. Low pitch, very robust, industrial sound - like I said - 6 cylinder car diesel should sound much like a 10+ liter lorry engine. And that's how I would like the best.

I don't need no fake-ass "sound actuator" for my '96 5 cylinder Audi diesel. It sounds awesome by design!

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Piorun  11y ago

Audi has some noise generation system build in exhaust. Its build in as standard in some VW AG cars, and it is build only for someone outside the car. Its more of a some vibration system than a classic speaker, and look like this:


Audi is not too much vocal about it, beceause its not in good tone to tune car with fake exhaoust noise.
And this is how it sound in reality:

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Krapfen  11y ago

Maybe you don't know it, but in the exhaust system of the Audi A6 3.0 TDi is an extra tube with a speaker. Surely it is not a "normal HIFI"-speaker, it is extra constructed for exhaust system. A diesel has never such a good sound, this is not possible. This system by Audi is called "Soundaktuator" and it is not an extra. B.t.w. the Golf "R"-Type has the same system build in. Did you really think a 2.0-four-cylinder turbo has such an awful sound? Search at "Google" and you will find it.

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BR2+  11y ago

Sounds like he's sp?eaking some Form of english, anybody translate

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FastestLaps  11y ago

Krapfen, you can't build a freaking speaker in exhaust system. Fake sound exists only in the interior where it's fed through audio speakers. And that's what BMW is doing these days with their PETROL M cars, precisely because they are DI petrol turbos.

V6 diesels sound awesome. Google "V6 diesel sound" and especially look for old pre-chamber engines. The induction sound, the turbo sounds, V6 exhaust note - they sound awesome - like a freaking lorry on high revs. The same applies to inline 6 diesels.

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Krapfen  11y ago

Nice that you know, which car i own. Are you Nostradamus? And i don`t like Mickey-Mouse-Dragstrips, Nordschleife rulez! What do you want to do with a tractor on the Nordschleife? Audi has to build in speakers in the exhaust system to fake the awful sound of the tractor-engine (A6 3.0 TDi). The price for fule is not important for me, when i wanna drive i do it. This website is called "Fastest Laps" and NOT "Lowest Consumption"! And i repeat: the problem is, that the tractor-crivers mean they have a sportscar and block the free left lane on an unlimited highway. They don't go away, cause they think they have the fastest car in the universe. Thanks god it is possible to pass by on the middle or right lane.....

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hemisrt  11y ago

@BR2. Sport Truck drivers do. Diesel motors make HUGE torque. Add a blower and you have a fast machine on a drag strip. Lighten the truck...and you embarrass sports cars and muscle cars.

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saxy  11y ago

Where I live, diesel fuel costs like 30% less? and cars run nearly double the mileage. That works out to be a lot...

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BR2+  11y ago

...Who actually buys a diesel?....on purpose?..

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FastestLaps  11y ago

So you drive a fake Calibra Turbo with a whistle in exhaust...

Have a listen to petrol and diesel BMWs side by side, you will notice that modern direct injection petrols "knack knack" just as much as modern diesels.

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BR2+  11y ago

The **** did he just say?

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Krapfen  11y ago

The problem is that the owners of this cars mean, they have a sportscar.....And b.t.w. i don´t own a Calibra Turbo. Cool down, drive tractor and be happy with the low consumption....and with the "nack-nack-nack"-sound - LOL!

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saxy  11y ago

And le mans has been won by a tractor for the last 10 years?

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FastestLaps  11y ago

Who said it was supposed to be anything like a sportscar?

"Tractor" is a stupid comparison, based on just the fact that its a diesel. According to you, most Europeans ride tractors instead of cars...

I bet this "tractor" is more refined than your turbo Calibra...

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Krapfen  11y ago

LOL.....had one behind me today on a german highway. Nice tractor, but not a sportscar. The lights got smaller and smaller and smaller in my rear view mirrors.....

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w0o0dy  14y ago

And the video to the laptime..
5th Gear tests the 535d and the XFd on the tt-circuit in Assen (NL)

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w0o0dy  14y ago

And here's something to watch about the 535d (the current 295bhp version)

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w0o0dy  14y ago

The yanks will start seeing the light eventually when the price of fuel hits 5$ per gallon...
If you truly want an economical car you won't buy something like a 535d. You'd go for a 520d or maybe 525d not this one.

One other thing you guys can think about... try a roadtrip with any of the petrol cars you mention over 1500 or more miles. You'll probably won't have a hope in hell of keeping up... these cars run high speeds (90mph) 500miles long on one tank... the refuelling will cost more time than you could hope to win against this thing driving in normal traffic...

Speed is the perfect example to illustrate relativity.

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BMWexpert  14y ago

The 535d is a good car no doubt , but in Estonia u cant use the power,speed....our roads are hard and speed limits **** your mind.So this is not a good car in my country.
One of the main reasons why this car was built : Its faster than the 535i petrol version and its more economical.
Put now lets answer the big question.What would u prefer?A fast DIESEL or a slow PETROL car?Let me know.Thank you!

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Viking  14y ago

On the other hand, I can definitely see the point of a fast diesel in Europe. The last time I was in Germany, I rented a 3 series diesel with 6 speed manual. Nice car and very stable at autobahn speeds. I averaged 35 miles to the gallon. Given the price of fuel, I can see an advantage to such economy. Germans are excellent drivers, and more importantly way less aggressive in stop light acceleration than the insane Camry drivers in the Washington D.C. area.

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Viking  14y ago

A problem we have in the U.S. is not only has the horsepower war infected regular cars like V6 Camrys so that they can do 0-60 in less than 6 seconds, but every Camry driver, V6 or not, accelerates aggressively all the time. It is very annoying when one is driving an upscale luxury car and you have trouble with Camrys and such outrunning you. I speak from experience, my 1994 Jaguar is nice, but it gets practically run over by "lesser" cars.

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Georg  14y ago

0-60 is not 0-100km/h

Toyota Versa is a slow in the USA as it is in Europe..they sound a little bit quicker because 60mph are only 96km/h... a Honda Jazz/Fit, Golf GTI, A6 3.2, 525i, 530i, 535i etc are the same in the USA and in Europe... of corse Estonia does not represent the average Europen cars... in Germany you find tons of A4, A6, C-Class, E-Class, 3series and 5series many of them are pretty powerfull even the hot hachbacks get into the 6seconds and the most radical of them already do low 4s.

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monkeypop  14y ago

Have to agree with Apathy. I dont know about other countries but here in the U.S even common cars can go 0-60 in 6 seconds. Take a camery for example.. just a regular granny car but its a 6 seconds to 60 car. Even a handful of pickup trucks here can run 0-60 in 6.

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Apathy  14y ago

These days, a V6 mustang and most any of the compact luxury cars will do 0-60 in under 6 seconds. It is no longer exclusive to performance cars.

I was surprised to learn that a $35k lexus is350 will do 0-60 in 5.6 seconds. 15 years ago, the IS300 would be lucky to do 0-60 in under 7 seconds.

Everything from hyundais to SUV's will do 0-60 in under 6 seconds these days. It's a great achievement for diesels, but it has become commonplace in most of today's petrol cars.

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BMWexpert  14y ago

"A 5.8 0-60 was fast 15 years ago..."

lol , ur kidding me , in Estonia there are few cars that can go 0-60 under 6 seconds lol.Most of the cars go over 10-12 seconds.
Well i didnt buy my BMW beacause i wanted to go fast.No!
Man a diesel going under 6 sec is a great result.

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Apathy  14y ago

A 5.8 0-60 was fast 15 years ago...

I doubt diesels will ever be completely accepted stateside.
Unless it's in a 3 ton truck, people won't buy it.

I am aware how prominent it is in Europe, but I'm also fairly certain that theirs a huge stigma surrounding them. Namely that everyone thinks they're horribly slow and that they make you look very cheap...

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BMWexpert  14y ago

"Why the hell are people comparing fastest DIESELS anyway? Am I the only one that notices the irrelevance?"

Well , the diesel cars are not allways made for to be economic and quiet.As u can see , german diesels are fast,economic,quiet......
Go fast and ur car is economic aswell.Great!

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Apathy  14y ago

"i wont waste my time on your comments"

Hate to break it to you, but you just did...

Why the hell are people comparing fastest DIESELS anyway? Am I the only one that notices the irrelevance?

RS6 vs. M5
S6 vs. 550i

The winners between these comparisons are clear and actually meaningful...

You don't buy a damn diesel to be quick. Fuel economy, quietness, and maintenance costs are the biggest concerns amongst diesel consumers. Some of the people on here, sheesh.

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BMWexpert  14y ago


Again , i wont waste my time on your comments , but the A6 3.0TDI 180KW IS the fastest A6 diesel , so i compare the fastest diesel A6 against the fastest diesel 5-series.

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expert  14y ago

@BMWexpert compare versions with ~~240 hp, the BMW has no chance with the new A6.