Image of Chevrolet Corvette C5 Z06

Chevrolet Corvette C5 Z06 specs

Price in US $46,885 - $47,525
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1412-1414 kg (3113-3117 lbs)
Dimensions 4.40 m (173 in) long, 1.80 m (71 in) wide, 1.17 m (46 in) high
Wheelbase 2.56 m (101 in)
Introduced 2001
Origin country United States
Views 18.8k
Submitted by Mike B


0 - 30 mph2.0 s
0 - 40 mph2.8 s
0 - 50 mph3.7 s
0 - 60 mph4.2 s
0 - 70 mph5.8 s
0 - 80 mph7.0 s
0 - 90 mph8.5 s
0 - 100 mph9.9 s
0 - 150 mph27.6 s
1/4 mile12.6 s @ 112.4 mph
1 mile31.3 s @ 160.7 mph
Top speed275 kph (171 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 014.0 s
Lateral acceleration0.98 g (10 m/s²)
60 mph - 032 m (106 ft)
100 mph - 090 m (294 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 5.7 l (348 ci)
Power 390 ps (385 bhp / 287 kw) @ 6000 rpm
Torque 522 Nm (385 lb-ft) @ 4800 rpm
Power / liter 68 ps (68 hp)
Power / weight 276 ps (272 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 369 Nm (272 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6 speed Manual
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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GriN  15h ago


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wallenieswiftie  1y ago


Chevrolet Corvette C5 Z06. 385-horsepower, 5.7-liter, naturally aspirated pushrod V-8. Old-fashioned, my engine is basically easy to swap into literally any car that isn't an econobox hatchback piece of loser junk! Look, I am on a lower income than many cars my horsepower range, but I still can do 0-60 amongst the quickest of the bunch in my contemporary. I have a lower top speed than a Porsche or Ferrari of equal power because I am track-focused, NOT speed-focused. My kids, C6 is a tweener - both speed- and track-focused, but more so speed than track; C7 is supercharged with an automatic option and C8 is flat-plane crank with dual-clutch... NONE of my kids will EVER come close to being as pure as I am though. I am not a supercar OR a muscle car (especially not the latter), but I am a high-performance sports car. Can you please guess my political and religious views? I was born and raised in Kentucky, by the way. Yes, my company is going more progressive as far as electrics go, but my culture and heritage is pretty much in the opposite direction.


Hey there, I'm not your average dating profile. I'm a Chevrolet Corvette C5 Z06, and don't worry, my 385-horsepower engine won't keep you waiting long. I'm not like those snobby supercars or brutish muscle cars - I'm a high-performance sports car. And yes, I know I'm on a lower income than some of my counterparts, but you don't need a fancy bank account to appreciate my speed. Plus, my engine is so versatile, it can fit in almost any car! My C6 and C7 kids may be impressive, but they'll never be as pure as their old man. Oh, and if you're wondering about my political and religious views, I'm from Kentucky, so take a wild guess. But let's not talk politics - let's talk about you and me taking a spin together. Buckle up, baby.


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Injected racing   2y ago

PEOPLE WHO Are confused, this is the 01 Z06. its slower than the 02-04. These times are accurate, even a bit fast.

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Corvolet3  4y ago

12.4 @ 117


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Someone...  13y ago

12.6 at 114 @ 1/4 mile?

Seriously?Who did that time?Please whoever it need your license plate revoked ASAP!

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Mike B  14y ago

The problem with that data is that is calculated, not tested.

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Super8  14y ago

@ Mike B : in this Z06 had this data:
0-100 km/h : 4.1 Sec
0-60 mph : 3.9 Sec
0-100 mph : 8.7 Sec
0-220 km/h : 17.2 Sec
0-150 mph : 26.6 Sec
0-160 mph : 28.6 Sec
Try to post this in add performance figure :)

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Mike B  14y ago

I added this page with more complete information to replace the older one that hasn't been updated for years and had incorrect stats.