Image of Koenigsegg Agera R

Koenigsegg Agera R (1156 PS) specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1435 kg (3164 lbs)
Dimensions 4.29 m (169 in) long, 2.00 m (79 in) wide, 1.11 m (44 in) high
Wheelbase 2.66 m (105 in)
Introduced 2012
Origin country Sweden
Views 45.8k
Submitted by phavyarden


0 - 100 kph2.9 s
0 - 300 kph14.5 s

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8 Twin Turbo
Displacement 5.0 l (305 ci)
Power 1156 ps (1140 bhp / 850 kw) @ 7100 rpm
Torque 1200 Nm (885 lb-ft) @ 4100 rpm
Power / liter 231 ps (228 hp)
Power / weight 806 ps (795 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 836 Nm (617 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 7-Speed Dual Clutch
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive
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humana  7m ago

it says 1156 ps in the name, yet displays 1140 ps in the sheet, please fix

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humana  7m ago

it says 1156 ps in the name, yet displays 1140 ps in the sheet, please fix

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humana  10m ago

it says 1156 ps in the name, yet displays 1140 ps in the sheet, please fix

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i8XDCST4X  2y ago

This post has received too much negative feedback and is hidden. Click here to show it anyway.

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Lambolover  4y ago

Can I change pics of some cars to more sexier pics?

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saxy  11y ago

That's a Vitesse SuperSport, Not a Normal Veyron, Theres quite a difference.

Yeah there's quite a difference which is what I pointed out and you still failed to even get it.

The Vitesse with the extra weight, and everything accelerates and has the top speed more like the normal veyron, than the Veyron SS.

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FastestLaps  11y ago

Carbon fiber rims are making it to production cars!


Love living in 21st century!

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BR2+  12y ago

Its a big difference, Once the big advantage of the Veyron is negated, Its a different story, Awd and all that weight on the wheels mixed with a fast DCT, electronic aids to help you get there, LC, And that 1115Lb Ft, would do wonders off the lines, Thas the only reason theres a rather small difference in its 0-300Kph times, not too mention a non Mag test.

But once you get rolling, 60Bhp more is nothing compared to the 1000Lbs+ advantage for the Agera.

Now Agera R Vs Venom GT, That would be something different, a Venom has the Manual, so that makes a BIG difference vs either the Sequential or DCT in the Agera, But im almost certain the Venom would pull the Agera like the Agera pulled the Veyron(But also these people in the vids cant shift for shite so...)

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dddd  12y ago

Hmmmm i have seen that movie recently and there is one problem...

Veryon SS Vitesse should have done better in my opinion...That hypercar is just fast beyond imagination and difference between them from 200-300 isnt that big. From 50-200 Veyron should be much faster than Agera R.

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Mental  12y ago

Gustav, less talk! Time for action!

Nice to see those two beastys to be taken for a run. However, I would like to see the race to be more organized: with recorded times starting from a stand point, best drivers, best conditions. Those rolling starts from 50 kph on short distances are not too much informative, and the Veyron being a heavy AWD had a big disadvantage... Anyway, I knew Koenigsegg wins, FTW! And that sound!.. oh it is so struggle!

The more epic race would be Agera R -vs- Venom GT. I really don't know who is going to win there. While on the track I would bet on Koenigsegg, or Zenvo. Too bad it's not likely to happen...

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BR2+  12y ago

Well good luck getting a laptime from any of those cars with exception of the Veyron. And given the price and rarity, that's an even bigger unlikely. Its a shame, but its how it works.9Cant blame them for not wanting there car ending in a ditch.

Venom might get a top speed run, The Updated SSC is unlikely too. Koenigsegg too, Zenvo, As much as I liked that race, I Almost feel unsatisfied until I see the other cars race.

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NIN  12y ago

Roll-ons tell part of the story. 0-whatever, lap-times, and top speed are also needed.

Still impressed, though.

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BR2+  12y ago

That's a Vitesse SuperSport, Not a Normal Veyron, Theres quite a difference.

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saxy  12y ago

The vitesse has the same performance as a normal veyron. That's no surprise that it loses.

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BR2+  12y ago

Well, I think this is what we have been all waiting for, for a LONG time, but here it is!!

Agera R Vs Veyron SuperSport Vs Venom GT Vs Ultimate Aero TT Vs ST1

That's what I REALLY Want to see.

I would also LOVE to see, All those cars, on a Strip, With THE best Drag Racers in the world in the best conditions in a 1 Mile drag, Thas what I really want to see. And also around a track.

Best Ever Race...Period.




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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: I think Koeniggsegg's claim of 273 MPH is correct, or a little less than the actual top speed, it just has to be proven.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

What are your estimates about the topspeed?
What do you expect?

I expect over 430 km/h.
I hope 436-438 km/h are capable.

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Fangio Man  12y ago


I do not know how fast it would be...but I know it would be fast!

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: They need to do a top speed run with the Agera R, this could be the fastest road car in the world, but it isn't proven yet.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

I hope we will see a topspeed run and some laptimes in the near future...

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o_shit  12y ago

wished VW could lend thier test track, o wait they dont want thier veyron ss reccord to be broken wich it would be. and its HP 1140 HP

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Hamcee  12y ago

it still has to prove the 273 claimed mph tho

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Shaggy  13y ago

This is the fastest road car in the world. With a top speed of 273 MPH, it'll dust anything on the road, including a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

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Shaggy  13y ago

Oh, and it's spelled Sweden with one e.

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Shaggy  13y ago

This is the best Koenigsegg yet, mainly because it's the fastest and most powerful, and that's what Koenigsegg is about, speed and power. They're the only Swedish car company that makes anything interesting. Every other Swedish car is about as interesting as a pair of khaki slacks.

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Mental  13y ago

0-100 mph - 5.3 sec
0-150 mph - 10.2 sec
0-200 mph - 17.7 sec! (03 minutes:29 seconds)
Love this car!!!

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phavyarden  13y ago

That seems like reliable paint made source lol :p

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MXN  13y ago

top speed is limited at 375 km/h. Agera base is even faster

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shrek  13y ago

Power is 1140 hp not PS.

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Mike B  13y ago

I'm sorry to be the guy that's always nitpicking but; power is 1140PS not hp. I know it says hp in the site but is a Swedish company and an international site so hp actually refers to metric horsepower and not the american/british horsepower.

Photo of Koenigsegg Agera R 1156 PS

Photo of Koenigsegg Agera R 1156 PS

Photo of Koenigsegg Agera R 1156 PS

Photo of Koenigsegg Agera R 1156 PS