Image of Nissan Juke Nismo 2WD

Nissan Juke Nismo 2WD (Mk I EU spec) specs

Car type Compact
Introduced 2013
Origin country Japan
Views 8.6k

Lap times

General performance

Top speed215 kph (134 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type Inline 4 turbo
Power 203 ps (200 bhp / 149 kw)
Torque 249 Nm (184 lb-ft)
Layout front engine, front wheel drive
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LotusFan  9m ago

I'd buy one. I've heard that these are good cars. They have aged better than expected.

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TypeF173  2y ago

I mean don't get me wrong I Love Bugatti? But that's a bloody quick Nissan Juke!<😂>


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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: Obviously, if you'll notice, the Juke is one letter away from being called a joke. XD

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Super8  12y ago

I just had a trip to Indonesia... again. And I'm surprised there's a lot of Juke here more than in Japan from standard to Nismo. Looks like they had a bad taste for a car.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

To fill the lack of data:

Gearbox: 6 gears manual
Curbweight: 1293 kg
Size: 4165 mm long, 1770 mm wide, 1565 mm high
Peak power: 6000 rpm
Peak torque: 2400-2800 rpm
Displacement: 1618 ccm

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Fangio Man  12y ago

AutoBild sportscars did 0-100 kph in 7.8 seconds.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

No problem. I like, I almost love, the X6, too. But I have to admit, I can not find many tuned X6s I like.

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Mental  12y ago

X6? Sorry, but I think I cannot re-work it anyhow. Because I cannot even see any visual defect in that car. I don't see anything wrong with the exterior of that car, I even like the current one. And there were already so much actual tuning offers for the X6, so even if I try some more aggressive bodykit, my "creation" could be called a plagiarism... Sorry, but I cannot help.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

AWS Shopper!!! JOKE!
Could you rework the 2009 BMW X6 M, please? =D

If you want, you can sent me other creations, too.
My e-mail is

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Mental  12y ago

Hmmm.. now I'm actually thinking of sending Juke's image in my interpretation to Nissan management... Maybe they will reconsider their politics, and take to mind my design elements?... But they would more likely ignore me... Still, I think I will try.


You know what? I have a vacation this week, so I have enough time on other experiments. And I don't know what my next step would be. So I considered, you can order me the car to be virtually improved. And if you want, name me that car, and I'll try to re-design it. Just not too complicated car, OK? :D

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Mental: That's a big improvement! I like it! A 300 horsepower V6 in that little crossover is nothing to sneeze at, either.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

It looks certainly better than the current Juke! Looks almost cool!

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BR2'  12y ago

I never really minded the Juke, I didn't think it was that bad.

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Mental  12y ago

How the Mother of God?!?... I would never suppose ANYONE would prefer the fu.. the current Juke over my refined wisely-designed variant...

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BR2'  12y ago

To be honest...I think I prefer the Current Juke....

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*FastestLaps  12y ago

I've banned you from adding cars, lap-times, and comments right now because we are sending all the money and trolls to Mexico using Moneygram.

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Mental  12y ago

News! Nissan has just unveiled the successor to the Juke crossover - Nissan Juke MkII Evolution! Here is the first image of this prototype:

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And I think this is a HUGE improvement over the previous one!Now this Juke actually represents an impressive and wise exterior! And not just it is a big step in terms of design, but now Juke is highly advanced car! Now you can go off-road anywhere with the Juke Evolution, thanks to AWD. And 300 power twin turbo engine will leave competition way far behind. So I hope Nissan will reconsider their politics, and will accept Juke Evolution to hit the market.

I really think Nissan should get rid of their current Juke-eyesore, and take into attention my design and tech ideas. Vote for me!

So how do you like it? :)

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Mental: LOL Now that you've mentioned it, it does look like a surprised hippopotamus with big eyebrows. I think Nissan should have made the Juke look simpler, there's just too much going on with its styling, it looks like chaos. Nissan's engine designers are geniuses, their transmission designers are from the year 1932 with their ideas of offering their cars with a 2 speed automatic transmission, and their cosmetic designers have very strange taste.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Mental: I never saw the point to a front wheel drive crossover, it can't do anything a minivan can't, why not just get that, of a station wagon? I don't see where the Juke is any more practical than a 5 door hatchback, and a hatchback would be less embarrassing to be seen driving.

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Mental  12y ago

God, in addition to its Schreckness, it's also horrible from the tech point of view. FWD? In a crossover? LOL. Couldn't they make it a decent AWD? So it's not an off-road car. A big cargo space? No. There are lots of cars that are more practical. Sport? LOL, not. People, crossovers are not for sport, take a Miata then. Or if you so much want an average crossover that's fast enough and agile, take Audi RS Q3, or an upcoming Benz GLA AMG. So this Juke does none of its main aims. And there are a lot of cars that combine all that qualities, and in addition staying cars without without cosmetic defects.

So does Juke's cheapness worth to make a laughing-stock of yourself?... Huh, LOL!

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Mental  12y ago

Well, that Quest is ugly, but its ugliness - in its simplicity. Lots of such cars.. not only by Nissan. But Juke... it's disgusting, hideous, ugly, ghastly, mismatched etc. because it has extraordinary disgusting, mismatched etc. which makes it much worse looking than a pregnant hippopotamus that made its eyes absolutely round like owl, and above them two narrow.. weird damned things!

Nissan designers really have some problems with their brain... Couldn't they make it look simple, with proportional body, with decent and normal lines?...

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Mental: And if you think the Juke is ugly, you should see the new Nissan Quest minivan, it looks like a sumo wrestler wearing granny glasses while trying to do push-ups. If I ever have the misfortune of driving one, I'd stay away from store windows and mirrors, if I couldn't, I'd owe my eyes a sincere apology. >XO LOL :D

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BR2'  12y ago

..I dont think its that bad.

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Mental  12y ago

I'd crap my pants and had a vomit seeing this Thing at night >8P

Oooh, damn.. in my region it's getting more and more, and more a frequent sight... have to store a lot of toilet paper... oh holy imps, LOL... I simply wonder: aren't people ashamed driving/owning such an unpleasantly disgusting car. The only people that buying these cars are people that don't respect themselves.. or clowns... even it's so cheap, but still!... And what even more surprises me: what the "designers" of this Juke were thinking about... were they having some serious smoke, or were vandals, but if I were Nissan's chief, I'd fire them momently... And engineers? Aren't they disgusted building such a Schreck?... Strange and patient people Nissan's staff and customers...

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Mental: People do buy them, I see them around in Georgia all the time, and they're eyesores. That is one ugly crossover! I saw one at night once, not something you want to see in the dark, those round lights are the actual headlights. XO

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Mental  12y ago

Devil!.. Burn my eyes! XO

I wonder anyone Buys these.. things!