Image of Toyota MR2

Toyota MR2 specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1170 kg (2579 lbs)
Introduced 1990
Origin country Japan
Views 35k

Lap times


0 - 100 kph8.1 s
Top speed220 kph (137 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type 4cyl n/a
Displacement 2.0 l (122 ci)
Power 156 ps (154 bhp / 115 kw)
Torque 186 Nm (137 lb-ft)
Power / liter 78 ps (77 hp)
Power / weight 133 ps (132 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 159 Nm (117 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive
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Piorun  11y ago

very nice movie about MR2

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BR2+  12y ago

...You would either have to be blind, slightly blind, the average consumer, or just don't know cars to think this even slightly resembles any Ferrari.

So, with that being said...Its a Ferrari..

Also. Toyota, and every mainstream Manufaktur needs to listen to there fan and consumer base. Bring the Supra Back! That's what the fans want.


Bring back all those, And im a happy man.

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Viking  12y ago

I do completely agree with you. They should bring back the MR2. Mid-engined, good looking, reliable, easy to maintain, and affordable. I don't like most other Toyotas, although the Supra models were fine. I am not sure that they can make a business model for it though since the last MR2 model (the Roadster/Spyder) didn't sell well. I like it a lot though.

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Viking  12y ago

@BR2+ LOL...I agree..LOL...Unless of course if a girl mistakenly thought it was a Ferrari or some other mid-engine exotic. There is a red turbo model I sometimes park next to at Napa Valley College when I am going to wine class, and if you squint and look at it in certain light it kinda does look Ferrari-ish. Sorta. Of course my black Spyder is similar in that respect, no one seems to know what it is, and they frequently think it is something expensive. Probably one of the new Boxters or something. ...LOL... :)

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BR2+  12y ago

...Ummm, Im not sure you could call an MR2 a..Pussy Magnet...Or any Toyota for that matter...

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Shaggy  12y ago

There's a red one around where I live, I see it from time to time and I sometimes ask myself, "I wonder if that driver knows just what he has".

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Piorun  12y ago

I wish Toyota will back to that kind of cars. Mid engined, mean looking, with pussy magnet. Also realible and in good price.

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expert  15y ago

2.2 had the Yamaha motor when turned far more potential than the factory 2.0 turbo.

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Matt  15y ago

You guys are retarded. Its a nibble car, but I wouldn\'t call it fast in its stock form. Some minor tweaking to the turbo version (wider tires and modest increase in boost) will have the car flying around the track.

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Tracktimeplz  16y ago

The US also had the non turbo car available. Also, the US spec car only had 200bhp, and the 240hp was the later gen3 + versions in Japan.

I would love to see a JDM gen3+ 'ring time though...

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Anonymous  17y ago

The Turbo version is much better. The watered down non-turbo was only sold in Europe. Japan and America got the Turbo. 240bhp, 0-60mph around 5.5s and revised suspension on Gen 3+

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Mark Williams  18y ago

"Mayte" i may aswell drive a shitty MX-6 as i'd still beat that crappy MR2 but i drive an Audi S3. i'd piss over it

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Wayne Hudson  18y ago

Mayte **** off beta than ur car. wot car u got

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Mark Williams  18y ago

sound mate yeah only chav's buy these cars and think they own the road and that they're untouchable to anything they're shit slow hairdressers cars

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Bill Taylor  18y ago

Yes they are fast but i just thought they would be quicker round the nurburgring due to the so called "amazing handling"

although i suppose most of the cars above it are well above average 2.0's

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Wayne Hudson  18y ago

these are sound

my mates got a tbar turbo 18s on it he chipped it nd put a phat exzorst sistem go's propa kwick

fasta than most carz on ere mate

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Bill Taylor  18y ago

Thought this would be faster being a 2 litre

guess they're not all that boy racers want them to be