Image of Aston Martin DB9

Aston Martin DB9 specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1785 kg (3935 lbs)
Dimensions 4.72 m (186 in) long, 2.02 m (80 in) wide, 1.28 m (50 in) high
Wheelbase 2.74 m (108 in)
Introduced 2013
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 13.2k
Submitted by Mental

Lap times


0 - 100 kph4.6 s
0 - 60 mph4.1 s
1/4 mile12.4 s @ 116.2 mph
Top speed295 kph (183 mph)
60 mph - 030 m (100 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type AM 11 V12, n/a, QOHC, 48v
Displacement 5.9 l (362 ci / 5935 cc)
Power 517 ps (510 bhp / 380 kw) @ 6500 rpm
Torque 620 Nm (457 lb-ft) @ 5500 rpm
Power / liter 87 ps (86 hp)
Power / weight 290 ps (286 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 347 Nm (256 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6 speed Touchtronic 2
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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07CorvetteZ51  8m ago

I just saw one of these Aston Martins here in Sacramento. Beautiful supercar luxury GT. I got a good look at the car since we were both stuck in traffic. I really like the styling of these later model DB9s, very impressive on the highway.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ PeterN: LOL

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PeterN  12y ago


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Shaggy  13y ago

This is a beautiful car.

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Mental  13y ago

Yeah, that makes me nervous too. Why couldn't they offer a manual gearbox as optional, as in old-school Astons?

Cheese, I also remember a report where was written that the '12 Vanquish would do 200 mph and 0-62 acceleration - in under 4!
Crap, and where is that?

And also this comparison has finished me completely

But if you close eyes on the technical numbers, these cars would cars would seem absolutely magnificent :D

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DeDe  13y ago

AM's topspeed figures are estimations, always.

The 2004 DB9 with the very same gearbox, very same gearratios managed 309 kph at Nardo (that's the 6900-rpm-redline). With the same gearratios, the manual-DBS did 309 kph as well. At 6900 rpm as well.

This new, even more powerful version would manage the same topspeed easily, IMO - without the limit, of course.

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Inline 6 rules  13y ago

The new Aston Martins have a top speed of 295 km/h because the sh#tty auto transmission. AM limited the top speed for the transmissions safety.

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Mental  13y ago

Aston Martin - one of the most traditional auto-manufacture. Think, they will produce cars with approx the same configuration for 20 years!

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lamboboy  13y ago

Looks great! The only thing is dont like is the gearbox. They couldve done so much better, like a 7 speed dual clutch box, instead of the old 6 speed auto. But it looks fantastic! It makes me wonder how long the DB9 will go on for. Because if they keep it upgrading like this, it will never get old!

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Ferrari driver  13y ago

in October you can buy it.

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Mental  13y ago

Here it is - the new DB9! Actually it's the same Virage (and it looks the same fantastic :), but with better engine!

But I can't understand, why the engine's displacement is claimed to 5935 cc, while there (exactly on engine) is written "6.0 V12"

Photo of Aston Martin DB9

Photo of Aston Martin DB9