Image of Aston Martin V8 Vantage N400

Aston Martin V8 Vantage N400 (Mk I) specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1620 kg (3571 lbs)
Introduced 2007
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 13.4k


0 - 100 kph4.3 s
0 - 200 kph14.0 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph9.7 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph4.1 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.6 s @ 98.8 mph
1/4 mile12.5 s
Top speed295 kph (183 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.71 g (7 m/s²)
Aston Martin V8 Vantage N400 acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 4.3 l (262 ci)
Power 406 ps (400 bhp / 298 kw)
Torque 420 Nm (310 lb-ft)
Power / liter 94 ps (93 hp)
Power / weight 250 ps (247 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 259 Nm (191 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6-Speed
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Yaspaa  16y ago

because the stats given are bogus. The car isn't that quick.

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Anonymous  16y ago

Yaspaa, why the hell would ou post a damned slower tested number?

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Woh, the torque is wrong also.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

It says here it lapped the Nurb in under 8 mins matching a 911 carrera S.
0-62 is also 4.95 given here.

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crni09  16y ago

i believe this aston very good

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BumRush  17y ago

does anybody know the time it has pulled at the ring? i herd they broke into the 7's but i havent ben able to fine any numbers yet.

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Anonymous  17y ago

wheres the referencs for the 1/4 mile time?

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Anonymous  18y ago

prodrive version is better than the n400

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Anonymous  18y ago

Order from best to worst.
1.Vantage N24(By a little)
2.Vantage N400
3.Vantage Prodrive
4.Normal Vantage

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Anonymous  18y ago

i believe it - the n24 gts ther in about that time cuz its lost a hell of a lot of weight - the prodrive has 45 more horses than a stock one - so i think its possible

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rmrmd1956  18y ago

There is NO way that the N400 or the prodrive are as fast as you say. The stock is 0-200 in 18.8sec. Prodrive says about 16.6sec.

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Anonymous  18y ago

it wasn't till dave richards bought aston martin racing and now aston now they are all the smae

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Anonymous  18y ago

thanks for the info :), i wasn't aware that ProDrive was so close to Aston

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Anonymous  18y ago

besides the n400 isn't done by prodrive it's done by Aston Martin Racing which is infact prodrive but isn't called prodrive. - to put it simpley they are all the same company

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Anonymous  18y ago

no because prodrive is part of aston now as the same bloke owns both - the gt1 cars are done by prodrive - it's like bmws M - devision or mercs amg

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Anonymous  18y ago

Shouldn't the ProDrive version be considered aftermarket tuning? After all, its just a regular V8 vantage with a complete tuning package done by ProDrive

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Anonymous  18y ago

aston martin v8 vantge - normal car
n24 - modified from the gt4 stripped out racer
n400 - normal aston with 400Bhp so commerorate winning the gt1 class at le mans
prdrive version - more power better chassis done by prodrive

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FastestLaps  18y ago

Hmm. It seems like we don't actually. But there are three more V8 Vantages. Regular one, N24 and Prodrive. Do all of these actually exist as different cars or some of them are the same but with different names? Is there any Aston Martin specialist who could help out? :)

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Heyhuub  18y ago

We allready have this one in the database i believe.