Image of Citroen Xantia V6 Activa

Citroen Xantia V6 Activa specs

Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1540 kg (3395 lbs)
Introduced 1997
Origin country France
Gas mileage 11.4 l/100 km (21 mpg US / 25 mpg UK)
Views 17.5k


0 - 80 kph5.4 s
0 - 100 kph7.4 s
0 - 120 kph10.2 s
0 - 160 kph18.7 s
1000 m28.0 s
60 - 100 kph (4)8.3 s
80 - 120 kph (5)11.3 s
1/4 mile15.2 s
Top speed230 kph (143 mph)
100 kph - 041 m (135 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V6-24v
Displacement 3.0 l (183 ci)
Power 190 ps (188 bhp / 140 kw)
Torque 267 Nm (197 lb-ft)
Power / liter 63 ps (63 hp)
Power / weight 124 ps (122 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 173 Nm (128 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 17 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, front wheel drive
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geoffTheGOAT  1y ago
0.94g lat.acceleration
@fastestlaps or @hoppelmoppel123 please add

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Corvolet3  3y ago

This car has faster top speed in the moose test than a McLaren 675 LT.

The more you know...


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Lambolover  3y ago

Probably not stock
We have the 4 cylinder versions here

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Corvolet3  3y ago @Lambolover

The V6 probably won't do the exact same speed around the moose test (20 years old after all). km77 did a video on this, and it handled like a VW Arteon or a Mercedes CLS, which is, considering the age, still very impressive. 73km/h I believe

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idono  2y ago @Corvolet3

the one that holds the record in the Swedish moose test is a V6.
The cars km77 tested weren't in the greatest condition judging by some of the shots they made, in one of the shots you can see that a dust boot of the suspension is split, in another you can see one of the active suspension cylinders is wet, and in others you can see that they don't have the original spheres anymore, which in itself is logical, since those degrade over the years and loose their Gas, but it is possible that different ones were fitted that aren't up to spec, all of this makes it a lot more impressive than it already is.

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Igor  15y ago

You\'re right, Citroen specified it as 140kW. But mine had 156kW as stock, and currently has 162kW (220hp). I was just reporting my Nordschleife BTG time, and thus put in numbers from my car. Sorry about the confusion.

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silverpilen  15y ago

Korrect, 190 hp is correct. But still, it\'s enough. I was racing this very evening on Mittsverigebanan in Sweden : Many participants had great problems with my car ;-)

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Inline 6 rules  15y ago

There was no Xantia with 220 hp. The strongest Xantia had 190 PS.