Image of Duesenberg SSJ Speedster Sport

Duesenberg SSJ Speedster Sport specs

Car type Convertible
Curb weight 1990 kg (4387 lbs)
Wheelbase 3.06 m (121 in)
Introduced 1936
Origin country United States
Views 13.2k


0 - 60 mph7.8 s
Top speed241 kph (150 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type Duesenberg Straight-8 Supercharged
Displacement 6.9 l (420 ci / 6883 cc)
Power 406 ps (400 bhp / 298 kw) @ 5000 rpm
Power / liter 59 ps (58 hp)
Power / weight 204 ps (201 bhp) / t
Transmission Warner Custom 3 Speed Manual
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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Fastedee  8y ago

I wonder what laptimes an exact replica of this would get?

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Emitt Brown  11y ago

Noneyo,a word. What language is this?

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Emitt Brown  11y ago

Does Jay Leno own one?

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: I went on a few months ago to do research on the Jaguar XK 120 for a book I'm writing, I was looking for the fastest version, and its top speed was 126 MPH.

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Super8  12y ago

@ Shaggy: I thought it's 128 mph. I don't know why they claim it as the fastest car in 40's in fact, most of Bugatti cars in 1940's did over 130 mph.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: It did, with a top speed of 126 MPH.

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Super8  12y ago

@ Viking: This is the fastest car on road from 1930's to 1950's. The Jag XK120 claimed the fastest car of 40's because Duesenberg is gone from sales in 1940's.

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Viking  12y ago

@Super8 groovy new info. It is far out to have performance data for this old super car. :)

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Super8  12y ago

New Info: 2 Of this car are tested at Indianapolis Speedway before finally deliver to customer. Here's some data:
0-60 mph: 7.82 sec
0-100 mph: 17.12 sec
Top Speed: 150 mph
It might be not too accurate because the test dated in 1935. It can be slightly faster or slower than that. Both has a racing hydraulic brakes which available for racing Duesenberg and exclusively for this car and Mormon Meteor. It's a race car but dressed as production cars.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: In America, the most popular car to turn into a hot rod is a 1932 Ford model a, but my uncle has been working in a 1939 Ford Deluxe coupe in his garage, it's currently in the paint shop. My stepdad's friend has a 1929 Ford Model A delivery rat rod, it has no fenders, no hood, no mufflers, and a 350 C.I. small-block Chevrolet engine, and is also working on a 1921 Ford Model T sedan.

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Super8  12y ago

I ever seen Delahaye, Cord, and Lincoln became a Hot Rod. But I never seen Cadillac, Bugatti, and Duesenberg became a Hot Rod.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: That is crazy, nowadays the title of the word's fastest production car changes hands from car to car, brand to brand! Bugatti, then SSC, then Bugatti again, then Koeniggsegg, then Hennessey.

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Super8  12y ago

I just realise something crazy! All the fastest car in 1930's to 1940's are dominated by Duesenberg.
Fastest Cars : 1936 Dueseberg SSJ Speedster and 1936 Dusenberg SJ Mormon Meteor
Fastest Natural aspiration car : 1934 Duesenberg Walker Coupe
Fastest 4 door car: 1935 Dueseberg SJ Arlington Sedan

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Mental  12y ago

Yeah, doing a burnout with this thing will be a ridiculously serious looking sight. LOL

Such an astonishing performance for the car that was supposed to be a luxury mafias barge!

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: That would be one hairy ride. 8O

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Super8  12y ago

I believe if you put this supercharger on more aerodynamic Duesenberg Walker Coupe, iit will reach over 160 mph.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: It would be surreal to watch one of these old Duesenbergs do a burnout, peoples' jaws would hit the ground. What would be even funnier is when you tell them it's bone stock. LOL 8D

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Super8  12y ago

@ Shaggy: Maybe if they measured 0-60-0 mph, it will reach about 18 to 20 sec or more. It seems to be horrible. With all that power, I bet I can make better burnout than 1967 Mustang and of course I might blow up the tires ;D

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: You did bring up a good question, that must have been a hairy, white knuckle ride, they must have stomped on the brake petal and prayed. 8O

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Super8  12y ago

Something still bothering me....... how the people from 1936 stop this thing from 150 mph to 0 mph using ancient drum brakes? I mean... this thing like great wall of china but can run like cheetah which mean need extra power to stop

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Super8  12y ago

In that time, 0-60 mph in less 8 sec are very fast. This is Hyper car back in 1936 and only Duesenberg can make it. I looked to some site and they post faster top speed than I have. In they post 160 mph, in they also post the same.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: Amazing performance for 1936.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Mental: Because Duesenberg went out of business in the late 1930s Technically, the Jaguar XK120 was the fastest car in production in 1948.

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Аnon  12y ago

There is a question how the power output was measured. But anyway 30s were the golden era for power coming from supercharging (aviation style) . When I visited Mersedes museum last year (great place to explore history of automobiles) I was suprised to see that all Mersedes from late 20-30s were more powerful than mersedes cars from late 50-60.

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Mental  12y ago

400 horsepower? In 1936? Is it for real?!?! 80

150 mph?!? How?! This has an aerodynamics of the fridge and an ancient transmission which is so much unbelievable to realize, even it packs 400 horsepower! And that acceleration data... Holy imps...

But then I wonder, why was Jaguar XK120 considered to be the fastest production car for 1948? o_O

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Super8  12y ago

I just realise if Duesenberg SJ standard has faster top speed than first V8 Corvette in 1950's. 136 mph for Duesy and 128 for Corvette.

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Super8  12y ago

I update the old data with much more realistic data. This is Bugatti Veyron during 1930's. The most powerfull and the fastest Duesenberg ever built. It has increased boost from Centrifugal Supercharger make this car had close to 400 Hp at 5000 rpm. In that time, having 400 Hp road car mean having same performance as an F1 car in that time. Because the power, no transmission that can handle the engine power so it need Custom Warner 3 Speed Manual for racing. As the result, it's extremely difficult to drive especially on the road. But if you can handle it, it will bring you to 150 mph easily. 0-60 mph only in 7.8 sec and 0-100 mph in 17 sec. However, the gearbox doesn't fully syncronised make it really hard to shift the gear and outdated. Only 2 that ever produce with red paint and silver paint. It stayed as the fastest car in the world until it beaten by Mercedes Benz 300 SL and Ferrari Testarossa in 1950's