Image of Ford F-150 SVT Raptor

Ford F-150 SVT Raptor specs

Car type SUV/truck
Curb weight 2660 kg (5864 lbs)
Introduced 2009
Origin country United States
Views 15.9k
Submitted by Paule


0 - 100 kph8.5 s
1/4 mile16.7 s
Top speed160 kph (99 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 5.4 l (330 ci)
Power 310 ps (306 bhp / 228 kw)
Torque 495 Nm (365 lb-ft)
Power / liter 57 ps (57 hp)
Power / weight 117 ps (115 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 186 Nm (137 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6-Speed automatic
Layout front engine, all wheel drive
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Shaggy  10y ago

You'll be surprised how many of these things I see on a daily basis.

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monkeypop  14y ago

A friend of mine uses one of these nearly everyday for work. He owns a mineral mine and the 10 mile road into the mine would bottom out most trucks.. this one goes through it like a champ even with a trailer load of minerals.

His previous truck had to be modified with a lift kit to make it into the mine. Before that we used ATV's.

Dont get me wrong, a wildcat would be a lot of fun but it isnt a work truck.

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etaesu  14y ago

Raptor is a racing truck concept in the style of the Baja. Bowler is also a racer.

BUT......customers will use RAPTOR for MOSTLY workcar or commuter/status symbol on the backroads of Ohio.

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dOols  14y ago

The Raptor's power/weight ratio is 4 less horsepower/tonne...

Let's take the 50,000 that I have left over after not buying a Bowler and turn it into a VelociRaptor

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srt-6  15y ago

By the way the bowler wildcat is almost $100,000 dolars thats why dumas, the ford starts in the mid 30's.(I own a Landy & love it)

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monkeypop  15y ago

"Bowler Wildcat has a better power/weight ratio and looks a whole lot better.
Why would anyone buy the Ford?"

Uhhh.. because this is a pickup that can be used to HAUL THINGS in the bed in order to accomplish work and the WildCat can't???

I bet if you look up the stats the wildcat cant pull anywhere near the payload/trailer load that this can.

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BumRush  16y ago

Bowler WildCat is also a race car.

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dan  16y ago

Bowler Wildcat has a better power/weight ratio and looks a whole lot better.
Why would anyone buy the Ford?

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Mr.X  16y ago

A monster with four wheels.