Image of Ford Fiesta ST185

Ford Fiesta ST185 specs

Car type Compact
Curb weight 1137 kg (2507 lbs)
Introduced 2007
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 25.7k
Submitted by Wads

Lap times


0 - 100 kph6.8 s

Powertrain specs

Engine type Inline 4
Displacement 2.0 l (122 ci / 1999 cc)
Power 185 ps (182 bhp / 136 kw)
Torque 199 Nm (147 lb-ft)
Power / liter 93 ps (91 hp)
Power / weight 163 ps (160 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 175 Nm (129 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, front wheel drive
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anonymus  15y ago

6.8 is possible because with this kit fiesta goes 0-62 in second gear instead in 3rd (because rev limiter is on higher rpms now)

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Reece  15y ago

i got this kit and i will list you the cars that mine now beats:
civic type r
clio cup 172/182
corsa vxr
focus st (till about 80mph tho)
mini cooper s

All these cars are standardly faster than a standard fiesta st. now i have this kit i have enough torque and acceleration to beat these cars (i have 210.1nm torque instead ov 199nm)

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Is this not classed as a tuner car? it's no different from the mountune focus.

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Matt  16y ago

As Andys experience and pumaspeeds site shows that is a 0-60mph time not 0-62.5mph aka 0-100km/h. If you want to compare it to the renaultsport clios it would be 7.2s at least with the same conditions. It isn't quite as quick as even with mountune it's too heavy. Pumaspeed make a 190 kit that makes it as quick as a 172 or 182 clio though.

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Andy  16y ago

I have the 185 and managed a 0-62 of 7.1 seconds on a trackday on my only timed run. With a few practices to get the best out of it, 6.9 shouldn't be a problem.

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Anonymous  17y ago

the 0-60 time was tested by fast ford

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Wads  18y ago

I only said UK because thats where its sold..... for cars that are specific to a particular market doesn't it make more sense to list that country rather than where its built?

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Georg  18y ago

why UK?
Ford produce and develop currently no cars in the UK. The last Fiesta produced in the UK was the Fiesta MK V till 2002.

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Anonymous  18y ago

It has the same power to weight ratio as the Focus ST so 0-60mph in 6.8sec seems reasonable in the dry.....

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Anonymous  18y ago

With only 199Nm of torque, and 182 hp, I find it hard to believe it could hit 0-62mph in 6.8 seconds. Evo managed a 0-60mph in 8.0 seconds in damp conditions.

Photo of Ford Fiesta ST185