Image of Ford Mustang V6

Ford Mustang V6 specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1395 kg (3075 lbs)
Origin country United States
Views 6.6k

Powertrain specs

Engine type v6
Displacement 3.8 l (232 ci)
Power 193 ps (190 bhp / 142 kw)
Torque 305 Nm (225 lb-ft)
Power / liter 51 ps (50 hp)
Power / weight 138 ps (136 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 219 Nm (161 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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Thelegend  12y ago

And I mean the ones made from 2010-current these new ones look amazing sound fantastic and have some awesome options multi color interior lighting hid's navigation piano glass roofs obviously have not driven the new one I have driven every model mustang made in the last 30 years and a 68 fastback and a 69 Shelby...I've driven Cervini stangs roush 427r's Shelby 2010 2011 2013 gt500's Saleen 2007 on and on and on I know first hand trust me you are just missing out by being ignorant to the fact either that or all you can afford is an old v6 mustang and just hate on the new ones because your jealous

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Thelegend  12y ago

And I mean the ones made from 2010-current these new ones look amazing sound fantastic and have some awesome options multi color interior lighting hid's navigation piano glass roofs obviously have not driven the new one I have driven every model mustang made in the last 30 years and a 68 fastback and a 69 Shelby...I've driven Cervini stangs roush 427r's Shelby 2010 2011 2013 gt500's Saleen 2007 on and on and on I know first hand trust me you are just missing out by being ignorant to the fact either that or all you can afford is an old v6 mustang and just hate on the new ones because your jealous

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*FastestLaps  12y ago

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Thelegend  12y ago

You honestly think this model looks better than the current ones you sir are on many drugs and are blind...these fords are the best looking ones since 1967-70 models..this model v8 didn't even have 290 hp..the v6 now has 306 hp base v8 412hp..u have problems my friend they look better sound better handle better and are made with a higher

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Shaggy  12y ago

My best friend used to have a 2002 Ford Mustang V6 Convertible, she didn't like it, it had a few engine problems, I should have told her that the main problem with that Mustang's engine is it didn't have enough cylinders, I told her that it was suffering from Blue Oval syndrome. It turned her off from Fords. I love the sound of a V8 Mustang, though, music to my ears.

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305  12y ago

My sister owns one of these with a 5 speed. I didn't think much of it at first, but it's surprisingly quick and torquey. The previous owner installed a dual exhaust with aftermarket mufflers and it sounds awesome.

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ky  15y ago

A lady\'s car, if ever I saw one.

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E  15y ago

A shame too as it has a reasonable weight. Looks better than the current models though.

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danny  15y ago

A muscle-car without muscles; it doesn\'t really make much sense...

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444  15y ago

I don\'t think anyone has ever tested this. I can\'t find any stats.