Image of Hummer H1 Alpha

Hummer H1 Alpha specs

Car type SUV/truck
Curb weight 3680 kg (8113 lbs)
Dimensions 4.69 m (184 in) long, 2.20 m (86 in) wide, 1.96 m (77 in) high
Wheelbase 3.30 m (130 in)
Introduced 2006
Origin country United States
Views 18.5k
Submitted by Super8

Powertrain specs

Engine type GM Duramax LLY 6600 diesel V8
Displacement 6.6 l (403 ci / 6599 cc)
Power 304 ps (300 bhp / 224 kw) @ 3000 rpm
Torque 705 Nm (520 lb-ft) @ 1500 rpm
Power / liter 46 ps (45 hp)
Power / weight 83 ps (82 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 192 Nm (141 lb-ft) / t
Transmission Allison LCT1000 5 Speed Automatic
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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aaayy  4y ago

What do Europeans think of the Hummer? Do they think it’s silly, stupid, or badass?

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benedekpuskas  5y ago

This car is not 4.7 meters long, for sure. At least 5 meters.

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Storm  5y ago

Det mest fantastiske terrængående køretøj jeg har kørt i. Havde et kæmpe smil på hver gang jeg sad bag rattet ????????

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soofi  7y ago

i love this

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Mental  12y ago

Hummer H1 was the only Hummer I liked. Because it is natural brutal Hummer, with a military reflection. The real fearless beast.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Super8: I love Hummers, they should be brought back, I know for a fact that the engine in the H1 is a Duramax V8 turbodiesel found in the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra 2500 and 3500 HD pick-ups, same goes for the Allison transmission. Hummers are very tough and dependable, but I personally would have give them Cummins turbodiesel engines like in the heavy duty Rams, but if it's good enough for the most powerful fighting force the world has ever seen, it's good enough for civilians, I've heard these things can be driven through a brick wall with little to no damage.

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Super8  12y ago

Sadly, Hummer for civilian is already gone. I hope somebody will buy Hummer and bring it back again. I remember one of my neighbor have a H1 Alpha for his Sunday camping or off road. He accidentally crash it into his house. The Hummer is fine but the front side of his house is completely broken. That car is really tough.