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Range Rover Sport V8 2-Door specs

Car type SUV/truck
Curb weight 2578 kg (5684 lbs)
Introduced 2009
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 5.8k


0 - 100 kph7.0 s
Top speed226 kph (140 mph)
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ThatOneCarGuy1  2y ago

i am confused. The picture is the 4 door model not the 2 door
that is in the title


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FastestLaps  2y ago

I am not convinced it even exists...

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FastestLaps  2y ago @TypeF173


But I couldn't find single stock picture, other than some watermarked photos (concept images?) in

If it was a thing, wouldn't there organically be a sizable collection of cars photographed in the wild?

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Hoppelmoppel123  2y ago @FastestLaps

The Tuning company LSE Design planned to build 100 units.

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FastestLaps  2y ago @Hoppelmoppel123

Until 2012, when a brand new generation Range Rover will be launched, Land Rover will unveil a two-door version of the Range Rover Sport model (and probably for the Freelander 2). The new model will debut in 2008 and will go on sale at the end of 2008 as a 2009 model.

In a previous interview, Phil Popham the Managing Director of Land Rover said “We are keeping the Range Rover offering fresh with regular changes: some are major, like the TDV8 engine last year which, incidentally, will now be badge on the back of the vehicle while others are about the detail, such as those coming in 2008.” And one of those new models is a 2-door SUV.

It sounds like it was supposed to be factory model? Did it get cancelled? Is the story completely fake? 🤔

Maybe I am just very bad at searching for pictures... But it seems like it didn't exist.

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SUPER9MAN9  13y ago

Your picture dosen't work for me.

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unonamis  17y ago

The only SUV in the world with two doors. What does it cost? $70,353.

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Unonamis  17y ago

WOOHOO! I found a picture that works!