Image of Lotus Elise GT1 Type 115

Lotus Elise GT1 Type 115 specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1050 kg (2315 lbs)
Introduced 1998
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 31.5k


0 - 100 kph3.8 s
Top speed320 kph (199 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8 twinturbo
Displacement 3.5 l (214 ci)
Power 355 ps (350 bhp / 261 kw)
Torque 400 Nm (295 lb-ft)
Power / liter 101 ps (100 hp)
Power / weight 338 ps (333 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 381 Nm (281 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive
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TypeF173  3y ago

Oh my Lord! Where was the little car hiding?

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Monolith29  7y ago

ive found that this cars power ranges from 542hp-607hp. the 350hp listed here is the espirit V8 motor detuned, originally this version of the espirit motor was ''easily capable of 500hp+'' the problem was the couldnt hhandle it, so they detuned it by 150+hp so anyone who owns a lotus with this engine you can easily surpass 500hp without adding anything at all - just have an upgraded tranny over stock. the 542 is the 3.5l tt v8 and 607hp is the chevette lt5 engine. never knew lotus and gm go way back to the early 90's late 80's.

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Erich Altorf  15y ago

Everything what is standing upstars is bullshit !!
I workt in the time that the GT1 is built by Lotus Racing ,the factory owner was Mr. Toine Hezemans ! whe built 1 street-car and 5 GT1 -race cars , 3 cars going to Lotus Ltd and driving into the Englisch GT competition !
2 cars driving into the World GT1 competition by Mr Hezemans Team !
1 car burnd out !
Lotus cars make no other GT1 , ther all the exipment go to Holland !!! the car has no 350 hp butt still 560 HP. !! and the Bitter GT1 is built in Holland by the Factory of Mr .Hezemans in Eindhoven Airport .!! I have the picture,s ! I was working self on thad car. !! gr E. Altorf

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venom  16y ago

this looks to have to much downforce id say the needle stops befoe 170...

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Wads  16y ago

Weight has nothing to do with Vmax

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Anthony  16y ago

198 mph is very attainable with 350 hp. Mind you, this is a twin turbo with phenominal aerodynamics. A perfectly mated 6 speed gearbox and a very low vehicle weight. My e46 M3 is capable of 172 mph, and it has less power and weight more than a 1,000 lbs than the GT1!!

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Anonymous  17y ago

yet again, more bullshite..

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Anonymous  17y ago

how the fuuuk doe a car with supposedly 350bhp have a top speed of 198?????? shianagens!!

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Anonymous  17y ago

Those stats that were there before were tested by an independent european car magazine for the road going version (dont know what mag but i do have the issue), privately owned by a british millionaire. and what you said bout those other stats were true BUT what you might not have known is that Lotus made 4 more of them in Secret and sold them off in a secluded Lotus hanger/warehouse for £935,000 Just thought i might add!!

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Georg  17y ago

corrected the data which were from the race version not the road going model! Normaly we should delet this car, Lotus has produced 7 chassies of this car, 6 of them were used for racing and only a single road going version was build. After unsuccessfull race use the german tuner Bitter bought 2 of the race models and turned them into road going cars.. but completely redesigned with longer body.
this is the Bitter version..

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Anonymous  17y ago

Please add the new JPEG photo

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rice  18y ago

i know it was never really mass produced but the did make 4 road going versions 3 with roof scoops and one without its still a very pretty car even if it didnt a giant

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Anonymous  18y ago

doesnt there have to b at least 10 made to b a gt1 racer (ten road legal cars)

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23pages  18y ago

It was fun watching it raca agaist McLaren F1 but it was made in limited numbers only for FIA GT1 homologation...Not a production car.

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Wads  18y ago

I don't think this was ever a production car?

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importer23  18y ago

any guess on nurburgring time? id say bout 7:20..maybe