Image of Maserati Ghibli S Q4

Maserati Ghibli S Q4 specs

Price in Europe €82,870 - €106,015
Price in US $78,150 - $100,140
Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1870-2108 kg (4123-4647 lbs)
Dimensions 4.97 m (196 in) long, 1.95 m (77 in) wide, 1.46 m (58 in) high
Wheelbase 3.00 m (118 in)
Introduced 2013
Origin country Italy
Gas mileage 23.0-12.4 l/100 km (10-19 mpg US / 12-23 mpg UK)
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Submitted by Mental

Lap times


0 - 40 kph1.6 s
0 - 100 kph4.8 s
0 - 160 kph12.2 s
0 - 200 kph20.0 s
0 - 60 mph4.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.4 s @ 90.7 mph
1/4 mile13.2 s @ 105.2 mph
Maserati Ghibli S Q4 acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed284 kph (176 mph)
18m slalom66.8 kph (41.5 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.94 g (9 m/s²)
100 kph - 038 m (126 ft)
200 kph - 0146 m (478 ft)
60 mph - 032 m (105 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V6 60°
Displacement 3.0 l (182 ci / 2979 cc)
Power 410 ps (404 bhp / 302 kw) @ 5500 rpm
Torque 550 Nm (406 lb-ft) @ 5000 rpm
Power / liter 138 ps (136 hp)
Power / weight 201 ps (198 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 269 Nm (199 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 23 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 22 ps
Transmission 8 speed automatic
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Rolling acceleration

80 - 120 kph (4)4.6 s
80 - 120 kph (5)6.1 s
80 - 120 kph (6)8.5 s
80 - 160 kph (4)9.8 s
80 - 160 kph (5)12.8 s
80 - 160 kph (6)17.6 s
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Shaggy  11y ago

@Fangio Man: Pretty quick times, impressive performance.

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Fangio Man  11y ago

0-100 kph: 4.8 seconds
Topspeed: 284 kph

AutoBild sportscars May 2014

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ CoolShirtGuy: I hope it stays in the pipe dream pile, I have always loved the Corvette, it's been my favorite car ever since I started liking cars, part of me would die the day they unveil a hybrid Corvette, it's fine just the way it is, there's no need to ruin it by adding an electric motor, I heard of the Corvette V6 twin turbo concept, I'm glad it stayed a concept, for an American performance flagship like the Corvette, a V8 is the way to go. Back to the Ghibli, I question putting a diesel engine in any vehicle that weighs less than 6,000 LBS, but you know what they say, "different strokes for different folks". I don't think the car should be despised just because it has a 6 cylinder engine, it's turbocharged and has 404 horsepower, so it's still fast.

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Mental  12y ago

I wish that project stayed no more than a concept...

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CoolShirtGuy  12y ago

To be fair, the Corvette Stingray concept had a hybrid powertrain that supposedly pumped out 700+hp, so it could very well be in the 'Vette's future. But for now, it goes with AWD, mid-engine layout and a TTV6 engine in the "pipedream" pile.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Mental: The day they introduce a fully electric or even hybrid Corvette would be just about the worst day of my life. I'd probably have the same reaction to that as I did to the results of last year's presidential elections.

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Mental  12y ago

Maserati and diesel is a horrible combination of words... Just like diesel Ferrari (Imagine?), or fully-electric Corvette... Holy shhhh...

It will simply make Maserati not exclusive.. more a consumer goods... thats bad...

And Porsche isn't directly the same one as Maserati... Porsche are Germans, Maserati are Italians... Italians are famous for charm and grace...

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Jankes  12y ago

No, Front axle is just added electronically like in Jaguar..

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Piorun  12y ago

The AWD system will be like in Ferrari FF? With another, second gearbox in front of engine?

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ FastestLaps: A diesel engine does have one advantage over a gasoline engine, more torque, good for acceleration.

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FastestLaps  12y ago

I red somewhere that there will be a diesel V6 version for this car!!!

A lot of people will criticize Maserati for taking this route, but a lot of people also criticized Porsche for same reason and where are they now with their criticism, when Cayenne diesels and Panamera diesels are happily roaming the streets all around Europe, returning considerably better MPG and more than enough performance for a casual bursts of sportiness.

Photo of Maserati Ghibli S Q4