Image of Nissan Altima

Nissan Altima specs

Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1445 kg (3186 lbs)
Dimensions 4.69 m (185 in) long, 1.73 m (68 in) wide, 1.42 m (56 in) high
Wheelbase 2.70 m (106 in)
Introduced 2002
Origin country Japan
Views 6.4k


0 - 60 mph7.5 s
Top speed194 kph (121 mph)

Powertrain specs

Displacement 2.5 l (153 ci)
Power 177 ps (175 bhp / 130 kw) @ 6000 rpm
Torque 245 Nm (181 lb-ft) @ 4000 rpm
Power / liter 71 ps (70 hp)
Power / weight 123 ps (121 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 170 Nm (125 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, front wheel drive
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Anonymous  1y ago

Post under review. Will be published by moderator shortly.

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hostboy  2y ago

There is such a thing as a wolf in sheep's clothing, but the pre-2002 Altima was a sheep in wolf's clothing

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Apathy  11y ago

Im not a very big fan of the altima in general.
The newest one looks odd in the front imo.

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FourFiveEight  11y ago

What are its rivals? I say Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, Ford Taurus, Dodge Sebring, and Hyundai Sonata.

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FourFiveEight  11y ago

New Altima looks like a grandma's car. I prefer the older Altimas--the 2002-2012 models, they look like Dodge Intrepids/Chargers smashed into a 2000-2007 Ford Taurus.

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monkeypop  14y ago

I believe those lap times are for the V6 SE-R that had 260 horses and a 6 speed manual. Dont know why someone posted the low end trim with the 4 banger rather than the V6. I wouldnt delete the lap times.. I would change the page to the V6 model to match the laps.

The SE-R had a 0-60 time of 5.9 seconds and were pretty quick little cars. Nissan was so proud of them that they had a commercial bragging about the 0-60 time and top speed of 146 mph. At that time the top speed and acceleration was well beyond the competition in this class of cars.

The new altimas/maximas are garbage. They all come with the CVT transmission that ruins the cars for me. Always loved those cars and would own the current generation maxima if they still offered a manual.

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Inline 6 rules  14y ago

The laptimes seem very optimistic. I don't think it faster than the BMW 530d, BMW M6 and the Camaro SS.

Photo of Nissan Altima

Photo of Nissan Altima