Image of Opel Astra TwinTop 1.8

Opel Astra TwinTop 1.8 specs

Car type Convertible
Curb weight 1425 kg (3142 lbs)
Introduced 2007
Origin country Germany
Views 8.3k
Submitted by Georg

Lap times


0 - 100 kph11.3 s
Top speed209 kph (130 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type inline 4 16V DOHC n/a
Displacement 1.8 l (110 ci)
Power 140 ps (138 bhp / 103 kw)
Torque 175 Nm (129 lb-ft)
Power / liter 78 ps (77 hp)
Power / weight 98 ps (97 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 123 Nm (91 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5 speed manual
Layout front engine, front wheel drive
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benedekpuskas  2y ago

It's interesting how there was this short era in the 2000s when "convertible-ness" and "sporty-ness" was two different things and open top cars weren't necessarily sportscars or performance cars

Peugeot had a bunch of these more comfort oriented cabrios as well, and they seemed to sell alright despite the reliability issues 🤔


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TypeF173  2y ago


Peugeot 206 CC.🙂

I think from memory they were reliable!

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benedekpuskas  2y ago @TypeF173

I don't know much about each model but some of them had electronic issues, like the 307 CC