Image of Renault Fuego Turbo

Renault Fuego Turbo specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1050 kg (2315 lbs)
Introduced 1983
Origin country France
Gas mileage 13.5-6.0 l/100 km (17-39 mpg US / 21-47 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 161 g/km
Views 12.1k
Submitted by the race

Lap times


0 - 80 kph6.7 s
0 - 100 kph8.9 s
0 - 120 kph14.0 s
0 - 140 kph19.0 s
1000 m30.1 s
40 - 100 kph (4)14.5 s
40 - 100 kph (5)20.5 s
80 - 120 kph (4)9.3 s
80 - 120 kph (5)12.6 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph9.7 s
1/4 mile16.9 s
Top speed205 kph (127 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type 4 cilynders in line 2 valves per cilynder 8 in total
Displacement 1.6 l (98 ci)
Power 134 ps (132 bhp / 98 kw)
Torque 199 Nm (147 lb-ft)
Power / liter 84 ps (82 hp)
Power / weight 127 ps (126 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 190 Nm (140 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 14 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, front wheel drive
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Wads  16y ago

Mr.X it couldn't be much easier.... Username, email, password, confirm password plus two security questions to stop BOTs automatically registering. It couldn't be much easier!

If you are really unable to read the security letters just drop me an email to and i'll set you up if you tell me ehich name you want....

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BumRush  16y ago

LOL its complicated?

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Wads  16y ago

My 15 Minutes Of Internet Fame were related to GT4..... without knowing it at the time I released the first pictures of GT4 onto the internet back in early 2003. EVO Magazine had done an article/interview with the developers and had some pictures.... I scanned them in and posted on the main GT forum at the time.... several days later those same images were all over the internet and my original post had several million hits. I shat myself as I'd openly admitted that I scanned them from the magazine os was worried about copyright being thrown at me by the magazine. The original poor quality scans are still out there somewhere.

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Mr.X  16y ago

I did't register in FL because the registration process is soo complicated and I can't read those security words. Can you make the registration process easier. I would be gratefull.

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FastestLaps  16y ago

Thats a cruel joke dude. It is a cruel joke...right? (lip quivering)

:D At least you realized that it was a joke before you did something really bad to yourself.

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yaspaa2  16y ago

"I am sorry to tell you this but, due to problems with licensing from Ford motor company, there will be absolutely no Fords featured in that game what-so-ever!"
Thats a cruel joke dude. It is a cruel joke...right? (lip quivering)

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BumRush  16y ago

Its commin out, i herd march over here, but you can never be too sure, i remeber back with 4, they kept changing the dates. but yeah, ill own yall!!!! just hope they have Ma car!

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FastestLaps  16y ago

WHEN GT5 comes out, I think it's IF it comes out. I've never waited so long for a game in my life.

I am sorry to tell you this but, due to problems with licensing from Ford motor company, there will be absolutely no Fords featured in that game what-so-ever!

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Wads  16y ago

yaspaa2..... no probs I'm 42 and in the UK and if I wasn't interested in lap times I wouldn't be an admin here ;-) LOL

And roll on GT5 online i'll be there..... latest is that Japan will get it in June with the rest of us having to wait until Nov/Dec (yes 2010 not 2015!)

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yaspaa2  16y ago

WHEN GT5 comes out, I think it's IF it comes out. I've never waited so long for a game in my life.

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BumRush  16y ago

Yeah, same here.

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the race  16y ago

i still use my gt4 for ps2 ...great game

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BumRush  16y ago

Couple Things:

1: GranTurismo, came out in 1997 fir the PS1, lap times were being recorded way b4 that.

2: I never purchased GT because of the laps, i purchesd it because i Love cars.

3: Why the hell would you choose that YasPaa2 name?

4: I cannot believe this car page has this many comments 8O

5: I will Own you all when GT5 comes out! and regan my King Of The Ring status!!! lol

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yaspaa2  16y ago

Surely you must have been into lap times or you wouldn't have purchased the box.

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yaspaa2  16y ago

100th of the cost, that may have something to do it lol, and may explain why my knowledge of lap times is crap. The main magazines I buy now are Evo and Fast Ford. Evo does mention the odd lap time outside their own track.

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yaspaa2  16y ago

I only say that because my generation and all the people from my generation who I know just weren't into that, magazines in the UK never discussed it. Where are you from and how old are you? if you don't mind me asking/

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Wads  16y ago

Lap times really stated apperaing in the big car magazines once they had access to testing gear like the Racelogic VBOX..... in the early days that cost £30k so small and amatuer testers had to stick with their trusty stopwatch..... a few years ago even the smallest magazines could afford a £300 Racelogic Performance Box and its usually this bit of kit you see in pictures from magazine road tests.

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Wads  16y ago

I am a massive fan of GT having played every version of it excluding the PSP one.... it had no impact on my interest in lap times..... but buying a Racelogic Performance Box for myself certainly did. You're welcome to your opinion but you can't say it has "everything to do with Gran Turismo" without something more than an opinion to back up such a statement.....

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yaspaa2  16y ago

It had everything to do with gran turismo thats why the kids who grew up with that game are now all lap times lap times. The generation before that was all acceleration. Auto car rarely if ever disvussed lap times. Their full car tests never included these. performance Ford form the 80's never once mention it.

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Wads  16y ago

Lap times didn't become big in the UK until gran turismo came along

I think lap times became more popular once timing equipment became cheaper and more accurate than a stop watch..... not sure it has much to do with the GT series.

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yaspaa2  16y ago

Lap times didn't become big in the UK until gran turismo came along

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BumRush  16y ago

Sure, i wouldnt mind helping out fixing/correcting the stats on this site, getting rid o crap cars taking out the trash, updating specifications, fact is, i cant, im no mod, so theres really no point in arguing bout it, ive ben on this site for a long time, and i cant tell you some of the shit people have to deal with. going and checking 4000+ cars isnt an easy job, even for 5 mods.

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FastestLaps  16y ago


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FastestLaps  16y ago

What are those resources?

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the race  16y ago

i want to change the torque of the fuego is not 189 nm but 199 nm and the wheight is 1050 kg not 1005 kg those specifications are coming from afordable resources

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FastestLaps  16y ago

Just write down here in comments what do you want to be changed to what and I will change that. But you have to provide reference to source where those specifications are coming from.

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the race  16y ago

hey how to change a car specification?

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the race  16y ago

hey nitrostret sure this car has ben on a racetrack..i found some photos that prove that...but i dont know the time..and is wrong...the fuego suspensions are good the brakes to are good..the engine is a little bit sofocated but produces lot of power...the problem of the fuego is the shity gearbox..the gearbox is really bad

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FastestLaps  16y ago

Anyway ban me now MORONS.

Ha ha ha! What a wuss...

Ban me know! Oh ban me forever!

A real soap opera. Quite funny but disappointing at the same time.