Image of RUF Dakara

RUF Dakara specs

Car type SUV/truck
Introduced 2010
Origin country Germany
Views 8.7k


0 - 100 kph4.3 s

Powertrain specs

Engine type TwinTurbo V8
Displacement 4.5 l (275 ci)
Power 608 ps (600 bhp / 447 kw)
Torque 895 Nm (660 lb-ft)
Power / liter 135 ps (133 hp)
Transmission 6-Speed Tiptronic
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More RUF cars 55

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: It looks like a Cayenne with a body kit, like someone who has watched too many Fast @ Furious movies got a hold of it.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

I can not say if it looks better or worse as the Cayenne...

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memo  16y ago

hennessey jeep srt8 800hp 0-60:2.9
1/4mile: 10.75sec. is it true. lol :D

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M_is_legend  16y ago

My word, talk about over the top...any1 who gets one of those dakars is def compensating 4 shortages elsewhere ;-). Jeep is a piece of crap(all US SUV's r off or on road! esp wen u look @ details) 2.9 sec or not(prolly not, it is the co website afterall). Wonder how well it can stop or turn in.Landy,Toureg V10 oil burner and Hummer rule offroad

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Anonymous  17y ago

No, i think Fords, Chryslers, Chevys are the worst cars onn the road, then the french cars.

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427  17y ago

Jeeps are the worst cars on road, but the best cars off. I'm hoping the new Grand Cherokee will balance that ratio.

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Anonymous  17y ago

The PORSCHE obviously has the better suspension as the JEEP has the lowly solid axle but 0-60 its JEEP hands down.

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venom  17y ago

jeeps arent that bad!! one actually got compared to an r8 somewhere because its known as one of the swiftest suvs in the world!! obviously it didn't keep up with the r8 because its an suv but its still one of the most agile.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Who has the better suspension, the JEEP OR THE PORSCHE???????

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Anonymous  17y ago

I seen the JEEP R/T up close and it looks AWESOME but am not sure about the handling????

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BumRush  17y ago

any word on price??? is a Ruf so you know it will be expensive. question is how much??

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Anonymous  17y ago

Because estates suck! (pardon my American opinion)

When Americans think of a wagon/estate, they think of the Wagon Queen Family Truckster, not an E63, M5, or RS6 Avant.

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PhantomPorsche  17y ago

I hate SUV's lol. They are pointless nowadays unless you do actually offroad and thats not even a percent of the owners. People just buy them cause they feel like true off road specialists when driving in 3 inches of snow. Estates handle better, just as practicle, better fuel economy and in my opinion has better looks. Its all what you are willing to give up to get what you want.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Wow a 2.9 to sixty will beat any porsche???

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427  17y ago

Because estates suck! (pardon my American opinion)

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PhantomPorsche  17y ago

Why not get a more practical M5 Estate?

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Anonymous  17y ago

Well this is an all weather vehicle with good speed numbers, and as for that Jeep that can go 2.9 0-60, who needs it.

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PhantomPorsche  17y ago

Still not a fan of SUV's! Front doesnt appeal to my tastes but the widebody kit does.

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Anonymous  17y ago

I think this Dakara actually looks pretty good,just not a fan of those eyeball headlights.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Holy crap, 2.9 0 to 60 would blow away a GTR or , that is AWESOME!!

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fabian  17y ago


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PhantomPorsche  17y ago

one foot roll out and on a dragstrip dont really count since it has some much grip

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Anonymous  17y ago

why is that time so hard to believe?? it has 4wd and 1000bhp. i believe it can do that, considering how fast the normal srt8 gets there. shit any car can get into the 2's if it has 100bhp and a good driver and tarmac!

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Anonymous  17y ago

2.9 seconds does seem awfully quick for a 4x4,but is their website telling the truth???

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Anonymous  17y ago

Looks like fastest laps is speechless about the 2.9sec 0-60??

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Anonymous  17y ago

why isnt 2.9 secs to 60mph not possible in a 100bhp vehicle with 4 wheel drive?????

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Anonymous  17y ago

Why are you comparing a Hennessey Tuned vehicle over a Stock Car??

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Anonymous  17y ago

I would love to own that jeep, and would take it over this RUF in about 2.9sec.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Go look at the HENNESEY website like i did and if you cant find it or still do not beleive it , let me know.

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FastestLaps  17y ago

2.9 0-60!!

Not possible!

Photo of RUF Dakara

Photo of RUF Dakara