Image of Saleen S7 Competition

Saleen S7 Competition specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1341 kg (2956 lbs)
Introduced 2006
Origin country United States
Views 16.2k
Submitted by svxSTi

Powertrain specs

Engine type Aluminum V8, OHV, Twin Turbo GT35R
Displacement 7.0 l (427 ci / 6991 cc)
Power 1014 ps (1000 bhp / 746 kw)
Power / liter 145 ps (143 hp)
Power / weight 756 ps (746 bhp) / t
Transmission 6
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive
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RacingLoverSRT  7m ago


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RadicalElise  7y ago

Still no lap time on the Nurburgring, the true number 1.

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TheBlackStig  13y ago

I am agree with you

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Jeff B  13y ago

People have, just no professional testers.

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FIAking  13y ago

wow and still no one has brought one to the Nurburgring.

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Georg  14y ago

That would be a interesting compare.... two pretty rare exotics parked next to each other..


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FIAking  15y ago

This should have been compared to the Veyron when it debuted and now the Gunpert. Why these FIA legends aren\'t lapping VIR and the Ring is beyond me.

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BumRush  15y ago

There are differences, the Vipers Drag usually isnt as bad as people think,ok it is bad, but it makes up for it, but a better aero next time surely wouldnt hurt.

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E  15y ago

I wanted to show the kind of difference in CD a wing/more power could make, my estimates used only the basic formula with a very basic estimate for drivetrain loss. Though the much lower CD of the real ACR seems to show that it\'s even easier to spoil the top speed with additional CD than my estimates predict.

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BumRush  15y ago

S7 TT Cd.29, ACR Cd.42.

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E  15y ago

If that rear wing is not for visuals, it will greatly increase drag. The goal of any serious racer is downforce, not speed.

Drag = rhoACD*V^2

If the S7 TT reaches 230 mph with 750 hp, then it has a .33 CD, for the S7 C to reach 230 mph, it will have a CD of .44. If the S7 C maxes out at 250 mph, its CD must be .343, which is barely more than the S7 TT.

For comparison, the CD for the Viper and Viper ACR [using my estimates] are .39 vs .55

There is no such thing as fast enough. lol. Especially as suspension and aero technology increases.

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BumRush  15y ago

The TwinTurbo is Already fast enuff without the Competition one. yall are power crazy.

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scooones  15y ago

i think 250bhp will be enough to get past a very small increase in drag ( which will actually improve rear grip and reduce wheelspin...)

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E  15y ago

The power required to overcome drag increases with the cube of the speed.

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Mick Clarke  15y ago

@E:"I don't see how it could possibly be faster than the Twin Turbo anyway, it has a rear wing."
wow. and you spend all your time chewing my ass...
this car has 250hp more than the tt. and you wonder why its faster?

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bob  15y ago

You would be correct, E. But this is a very fast car.

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E  15y ago

I don't see how it could possibly be faster than the Twin Turbo anyway, it has a rear wing.

Also, I could have sworn the car was added already.

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Inline 6 rules  15y ago

Top speed is not even claimed!
Here is the wiki text about this car:
In 2006, Saleen offered an optional competition package for the S7 Twin Turbo. The package offers a 33% increase in power, to a total of an approximate 1000 horsepower (1014 PS/746 kW), as well as changes to the suspension, a revised front and rear diffuser, and an optional aerodynamic package with carbon fiber front and rear spoilers.
Currently Saleen claims a top speed of 240 mph (390 km/h) for the S7 Twin Turbo but with the 1,000 bhp (746 kW; 1,014 PS) upgrade there are whispers that the car has already topped over 260 mph (420 km/h) in testing.