Image of Toyota GT-One TS020

Toyota GT-One TS020 specs

Car type Open-wheeler
Curb weight 902 kg (1989 lbs)
Introduced 1999
Origin country Japan
Views 43k

Lap times


0 - 100 kph3.6 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph3.5 s
0 - 100 mph5.9 s
Top speed371 kph (231 mph)
Toyota GT-One TS020 acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 3.6 l (220 ci)
Power 600 ps (592 bhp / 441 kw)
Torque 649 Nm (479 lb-ft)
Power / liter 167 ps (164 hp)
Power / weight 665 ps (656 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 720 Nm (531 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Anonymous  6m ago

Post under review. Will be published by moderator shortly.

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196ss  4y ago

Is this page for road car or racecar?

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blair  11y ago

just bought three toyota GTONE TSO2O

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: So true. :D

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Fangio Man  12y ago

"The truth hurts." :D

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Viking  12y ago

My car wishes it was one of these. :)

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: What?! :D

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Fangio Man  12y ago

@Shaggy; Viking
Il y a que la vérité qui blesse! :D

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Viking  12y ago

@Shaggy: Touche' :D

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: En Garde! LOL

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Fangio Man  12y ago

A sword made of carbon! XD

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: You could take off the spoiler and use it as an edge weapon. :D

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Fangio Man  12y ago

Absolutely stunning car!

I am not surprised they were able register it as a road legal car in Brunei, but I am not sure if it would be road legal, here, in germany. The spoiler looks a bit too sharp.

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F355  14y ago

In the 1999 LeMans 24h the Toyota GT-One #3 was on its way to catch the leading BMW V12 LMR #15, but then the Toyota #3 was forced far off the racing line by a lapped... BMW V12 LMR. The resulting puncture on the Toyota #3 meant victory for BMW #15 and only 2nd place for Toyota.

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Mach-1  14y ago

This car was always crazy in racing games.

It was unstoppable in Test Drive 6, crazy fast in GT2 and even faster in GT4.

Guess I can see why though, that 0-100 time is epic. Wonder what this'll do in the quarter mile.

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Ragingstorm  14y ago

I would really like to see the performance of this beat on a car show on TV to just show the others what this car can beat, and I know that will be expensive no dobt.

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Anonymous.  15y ago

No it is road legal, the one on the bottom is the Race version, this is the ROAD car, and of course 5:36 isnt a real time, why would you even bother commenting on that? Under 7:00 would be more accurate.

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phunker  15y ago

this is not a road legal a race car..delete

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Werewolf  15y ago

WTF? 5.36 Ring? Source?
Absolutely BS!

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Anonymous  16y ago

your not gonna do 2.5 with this car, why would you even suspect that time? thas a Toyota Claim.

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armin  16y ago

it's correct 0-100 km/h in 3.6? I expect 2.5s aprox for this car only 902 kg and 592hp

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challensrt  16y ago


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supersnake  16y ago

is this car aloud on this site

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chemotherapy  16y ago

gumpert would get destroyed

this is a true racing car that has been bureaucratized

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Anonymous  17y ago

Does anybody think this could beat the Gumpert at the Top Gear Track?? i personally think it could. i mean yes the Gumpert has 100bhp more, and more torque, but this is 500lbs lighter AND an actual race car for the road, a de-tuned lemans car with a road worthy interior, i wouldnt bet against it.

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Anonymous  17y ago

there was no road car of this in gt4, it was the race version. and this and the r390 and rs-01 are the fastest cars ever to come out of japan...even though they made 2 of each r390/gt1.

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Anonymous  17y ago

The road car is in GT2, GT3, and GT4 along with the R390 road and race cars. The GT1 class should be brought back, it was the reason for so many awesome cars.

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Anonymous  17y ago

o hell yeah, but sadly they only have the race version on GT4:(

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ROBERT  17y ago


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Anonymous  17y ago

Im not 100% sure, but didnt this thing flip itself at le mans? well the race car version anyways, road car kicks but. o ps if this thang wer to eber hit the Nurburgrinf it would take the by ACR lol

Photo of Toyota GT-One TS020

Photo of Toyota GT-One TS020

Photo of Toyota GT-One TS020