Image of Cadillac Fleetwood Sixty Special

Cadillac Fleetwood Sixty Special specs

Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 2260 kg (4982 lbs)
Dimensions 5.80 m (228 in) long, 2.03 m (80 in) wide, 1.44 m (57 in) high
Wheelbase 3.38 m (133 in)
Introduced 1968
Origin country United States
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Submitted by Super8


0 - 100 kph8.9 s
0 - 60 mph8.4 s
Top speed231 kph (144 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type GM Cadillac V-8 472
Displacement 7.7 l (472 ci / 7735 cc)
Power 380 ps (375 bhp / 280 kw) @ 4400 rpm
Torque 712 Nm (525 lb-ft) @ 3000 rpm
Power / liter 49 ps (48 hp)
Power / weight 168 ps (166 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 315 Nm (232 lb-ft) / t
Transmission GM THM-400 3 Speed Automatic (2.94 ratio)
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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Shaggy  11y ago

@ Super8: It does have that gangster car look to it.

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Super8  11y ago

For the car itself, it has a mammoth motor with enormous 525 ft-lbs. So, it ca accelerate from 0-60 mph in 8.5 sec and can reach 143 mph in a luxury style. Don't worry about the weight because that mammoth motor really know how to move this great wall of china.

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Super8  11y ago

Look at this one! Dark, scary, comfort and has mammoth motor. This is the perfect car for gangster or an assassin. The passenger probably a mysterious man wear a black tuxedo and coat, wear a fedora hat, and carry a stick that probably can become a .357 magnum gun or a samurai sword. The driver will wear all black tuxedo, wear a black leather glove and you can probably tell he has .44 Magnum under his jacket.