
FastestLaps is Internet's first and only public lap time database for road vehicles. FastestLaps.com was established in 2006 and has been leading authority in road car lap times for more than 19 years.

FastestLaps serves automotive enthusiasts globally and provides means of comparing road-legal car and motorcycle performance not just in straight line, but also on track, therefore reflecting entire performance spectrum from acceleration and top speed to cornering and braking.

The main mission of FastestLaps.com is to allow car enthusiasts gather and compare lap times for different street-legal vehicles on various tracks around the world, and augment track times with straight line performance data all in one place.

FastestLaps.com website also provides a comparison tool for comparing up to 4 vehicles side-by-side. Points are awarded according to track and straight line performance and winner is determined by the sum of the two criteria.

Contact FastestLaps.com

FastestLaps.com was founded by Christian Zelcs who is still acting as maintainer and chief "curator" of incoming data, as well as most frequent writer in news section.

For questions, suggestions, advertising inquiries, partnership ideas and general feedback, contact FastestLaps.com at info@fastestlaps.com

Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated.