Image of Audi A8 4.2 FSI quattro

Audi A8 4.2 FSI quattro specs

Price in Europe €76,700 - €78,700
Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1800-1898 kg (3968-4184 lbs)
Dimensions 5.06 m (199 in) long, 1.89 m (75 in) wide, 1.44 m (57 in) high
Wheelbase 2.94 m (116 in)
Introduced 2006
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 18.2-9.9 l/100 km (13-24 mpg US / 16-29 mpg UK)
Views 16.8k

Lap times


0 - 80 kph4.7 s
0 - 100 kph6.0 s
0 - 120 kph8.9 s
0 - 130 kph10.3 s
0 - 140 kph11.7 s
0 - 160 kph14.8 s
0 - 180 kph19.0 s
0 - 200 kph24.2 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph18.7 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph5.6 s
0 - 100 mph13.9 s
Est. 1/8 mile10.0 s @ 85.1 mph
Est. 1/4 mile15.5 s @ 105.6 mph
Est. 1/2 mile23.6 s @ 122.4 mph
Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.52 g (5 m/s²)
18m slalom59.7 kph (37.1 mph)
100 kph - 038 m (125 ft)
190 kph - 0134 m (440 ft)
Audi A8 4.2 FSI quattro acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8, 32v
Displacement 4.2 l (256 ci)
Power 349 ps (345 bhp / 257 kw) @ 6800 rpm
Torque 440 Nm (325 lb-ft) @ 3500 rpm
Power / liter 83 ps (82 hp)
Power / weight 189 ps (186 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 238 Nm (176 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 25 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 22 ps
Transmission 6
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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monkeypop  14y ago


Loans for created by the devil. Take out a 5 year loan on a car.. and you end up paying a crap load more for the car than if you just bought it out right.

If you pay for the car yourself then you can do away with full coverage insurance. Not to mention if you miss a couple payments and they take it away you have lost all the money you have put into the car.

IMO, if you cannot afford to pay for something you dont need it. Taking out loans is just a way to go further into debt and end up paying more for something.

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I took my first mortgage loans when I was not very old and this helped my family a lot. However, I need the college loan once more time.

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Maryann26MORAN  14y ago

I would like to propose not to wait until you earn big sum of money to buy goods! You can just take the loans or college loan and feel yourself fine

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audi r8  17y ago

Thanks BumRush ...
And i think it did not have any aireodynamic or somthing like that ..

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BumRush  17y ago

Im not sure if 191bhp/oer ton is what id call wonderful power to weight ratio, and its not exactly a light car, you know what forget it, just ba a RS4 for the same money!!

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audi r8  17y ago

Surprised that its too slow to drag while it has a wonderful power to weight ratio !! Could someone told me the reason if he know please :)

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audi xlove  17y ago

It may be slow to drag but its a nice size engine for the weight...insides beautiful too

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audi r8  17y ago

1/4 mile = 15.0 s ....