Image of Marcos TSO GT2

Marcos TSO GT2 specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1172 kg (2584 lbs)
Introduced 2006
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 12.2k

Lap times

Track Time
Top Gear Track 1:28.20


0 - 100 kph4.0 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph3.8 s
0 - 100 mph8.5 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.1 s @ 97.6 mph
1/4 mile12.0 s
Top speed300 kph (186 mph)
Marcos TSO GT2 acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 5.7 l (348 ci)
Power 475 ps (469 bhp / 349 kw)
Torque 536 Nm (395 lb-ft)
Power / liter 83 ps (82 hp)
Power / weight 405 ps (400 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 457 Nm (337 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Marcus  13y ago

It looks a like the TVR 350 because most of the TVR designers had left the failing TVR company and joined Marcos by 2006.

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Anonymous  17y ago

the one that did the top gear lap was with the 420bhp version, just wanted to clarify!

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anonymous  17y ago

looks a little like that tvr t350