Image of Devon GTX

Devon GTX specs

Car type Coupe
Origin country United States
Views 31.3k
Submitted by minimac93

Lap times

Powertrain specs

Engine type V10
Displacement 8.4 l (513 ci)
Power 659 ps (650 bhp / 485 kw)
Power / liter 78 ps (77 hp)
Transmission 6 speed manual
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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Monolith29  8y ago

they should've shelved the viper motor which was the main reason they stopped this project due to emissions bs or they couldnt afford what dodge was asking.... they should've opted for a twin turbo 6 or a sc small block v8. they broke the laguna seca record lap during a minor test without trying and right after is when the zr1 and acr beat its time. looks wise this is like a tvr/spyker/alfa tz3 with interesting doors

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fastest P  12y ago

I happen to own one of these and absolutely love everything about it .including the looks. Have you ever seen one for real?

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Fangio Man: LOL, it looks like a cross between a bowling shoe and a roller skate. It was created by Frankenstein's American descendant, Devon Von Frankenstein. XD

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Fangio Man  13y ago

So, what would you take?
This or a bowling shoe?

The bowling shoe!
Which? X-D

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Shaggy  13y ago

From the front, it looks like a bowling shoe.

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Fangio Man  13y ago

Year of introduction: 2009

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Fangio Man  13y ago

Which year is it?

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Shaggy  13y ago

Wow, cool car, and it has a Dodge Viper's engine, I like it. :)

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ShariFrost  14y ago

That's cool that we can get the loans moreover, that opens completely new chances.

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Sal30  15y ago

Such a sweet car!


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MarcosCBrazil  15y ago

Top speed 313kmh (est)
Weight 1570kg/3461lb
0 to 100kmh 3,7 (est)

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E  16y ago

They were only going for limited numbers. They could have just bought a few chassis/engines. And even though the current Viper is ending production, dodge will need to support existing customers, like Bristol and 2nd gen Viper engine.

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Anonymous.  16y ago

Yall know there not building this right? should be deleted.

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E  16y ago

Seeing as it beat the ACR, it shouldn\'t mind a Carrera GT at all. Unless you meant looks, that subjective, so anything goes.

And before anyone starts with this OLD crap, the Porsche has tons of engineering money, therefore Porsche must suck for not making it fly to the Moon while lapping Nurburgring. Other ridiculous biased claims.

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Looks like Ferrari in some parts, but the really is like the bigger dodge Viper in the body and the heavy engine... not better than the OLD 2004 Porsche Carrera GT..

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waiting4gt5  16y ago

thats really ugly

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Apathy  16y ago

Am I the only one that thinks it looks kind of goofy? Check out a rear 3/4s shot. (shudders).

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BumRush  17y ago

What did they do exactly?

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Anonymous  17y ago

Why could Dodge not do what the Devon team could do.

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E  17y ago

It has a carbon fiber reinforced chassis and new suspension along with the power.

And don't forget they were tested on different days.

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Anonymous  17y ago

A Viper with a different body, but how did they improve the speed.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Wheres the stats for this car, retards.

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BumRush  17y ago

Yes its a ..42s difference for an extra 50bhp and most likely 500lbs weight difference, and 1/5 the price.

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phavyarden  17y ago

It beat the viper time by a few difference, just it's power

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Anonymous  17y ago

Kind of has a ACR-Porsche look???

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minimac93  17y ago

Sorry for the limited information, but Devon hasn't released many specs yet.

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vidalpattison  17y ago

thanks. :=))

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Georg  17y ago

USA... have added it

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vidalpattison  17y ago

CAn someone find out where this vehicle is from?