Image of Duesenberg Walker Coupe

Duesenberg Walker Coupe specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 2400 kg (5291 lbs)
Introduced 1934
Origin country United States
Views 6.3k
Submitted by Super8

General performance

Top speed226 kph (140 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type Straight 8
Displacement 6.9 l (420 ci / 6876 cc)
Power 269 ps (265 bhp / 198 kw)
Power / liter 39 ps (39 hp)
Power / weight 112 ps (110 bhp) / t
Transmission 3 Speed Manual
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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Super8  14y ago

This is the fastest Duesenberg and also most expensive Duesenberg that ever build. It cost $25,000,00 in 1934 and had Top Speed of 140 mph (no kidding) It was made for pharmacy tycoon Josiah Lilly, and is currently owned by Jay Leno. Can anyone give me another specs about this car such like torque and 0-60 mph?