Image of Toyota MR-S VM180 Zagato

Toyota MR-S VM180 Zagato specs

Car type Convertible
Curb weight 1010 kg (2227 lbs)
Dimensions 3.90 m (154 in) long, 1.74 m (69 in) wide, 1.22 m (48 in) high
Wheelbase 2.45 m (96 in)
Introduced 2001
Origin country Japan
Views 7.7k
Submitted by Viking

Powertrain specs

Engine type Inline 4 cylinder DOHC 16 valve
Displacement 1.8 l (110 ci)
Power 157 ps (155 bhp / 116 kw) @ 6400 rpm
Torque 178 Nm (131 lb-ft) @ 4400 rpm
Power / liter 87 ps (86 hp)
Power / weight 156 ps (153 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 176 Nm (130 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5 speed
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive
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Viking  13y ago

The headlights do look like the eyes of a spider. Maybe it could be called a Spyder? Oh yeah, it is. I do like it, quite exotic looking.

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Viking: I've got it! The headlights look like the eyes of a spider and the air dam looks like the mouth of a whale shark. I like the car, but it looks so weird.

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Mental  13y ago

Oooh, I've already forgotten Zagato ever coachbuilt Toyota MR2! 10 years ago it was something spectacular.

This car was all about the design. Yeah, it looks like an alien-MR2. Not what I call beautiful, but very unique. Everything Zagato is touching gets stunning but absolutely enigmatic metamorphosis, and this Toyota is not an exception.

Thank you, Viking, for revising my memory.

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Viking  13y ago

@Shaggy yep it is pretty weird looking! Looks like a concept, or show car, but I have seen plenty of pictures of cars on Japanese streets with license plates on them. Very exotic looking, yet weird, kinda a family trait for the Zagato styling house.

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Viking: Oh, good, pictures, Holy Crap, this car looks weird! I usually can think of some goofy analogy for a strange looking car, but this one has me stumped!

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Viking  13y ago

Thanks CoolShirtGuy!

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CoolShirtGuy  13y ago

Got ya' covered.

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Viking  13y ago

@Super8, Mental, Apathy, or anyone else who can add a picture; I would appreciate if you added a good picture of this exotic looking Zagato styled car. Thanks.

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Viking  13y ago

I used to know how to add a picture, but I forgot. Maybe I drink too much wine, and beer. Maybe Super8, Mental, or Apathy can do it.

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Viking  13y ago

The most extensive group of pictures that I have found so far are here:

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Viking: I've never even added a car because I don't know how to add a picture.

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Viking  13y ago

@Shaggy I agree. These cars have excellent off the line traction due to the 55 percent rear weight balance. Yeah, it would be cool to have one of these if they were sold in the U.S., the Zagato styling makes it look very exotic (albeit strange). Do you know how to add a picture?

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Viking  13y ago

Wow, for once I seem to have added a car without any obvious mistakes. Yeah!

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Viking: I'll bet the acceleration is impressive, with that kind of power to weight ratio, it should get off the line in a hurry, too bad it was never sold in the U.S.

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Viking  13y ago

@Shaggy yeah, basically it is a normal 1ZZ engine with some intake and exhaust modifications. I am not sure how to upload a picture, but it is kinda unusual looking. Most Zagato styled cars look strange to me.

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Viking: 155 horsepower, pretty impressive for what it is.

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Viking  13y ago

I was looking around at Toyota MR-S stuff, and found out about this Zagato designed model. According to the sources I looked at Toyota sold about 150 of these. Super8 could you confirm my info, and maybe add a good picture for this fairly rare car?

Photo of Toyota MR-S VM180 Zagato