Image of Saleen S7 Twin Turbo

Saleen S7 Twin Turbo specs

Price in Europe €450,000
Price in US $580,000 - $602,442
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1250-1346 kg (2756-2967 lbs)
Introduced 2005
Origin country United States
Views 45.9k

Lap times

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 50 kph1.8 s
0 - 100 kph4.2 s
0 - 160 kph8.2 s
0 - 200 kph9.9 s
0 - 250 kph19.5 s
0 - 300 kph25.6 s
Est. 1000 m21.1 s @ 281.0 kph
Est. 100 - 200 kph6.7 s
Est. 200 - 300 kph14.7 s
5 - 60 mph3.5 s
45 - 65 mph1.3 s

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph1.5 s
0 - 40 mph2.1 s
0 - 50 mph2.6 s
0 - 60 mph2.9 s
0 - 70 mph3.9 s
0 - 80 mph4.5 s
0 - 90 mph5.1 s
0 - 100 mph5.9 s
0 - 110 mph7.0 s
0 - 120 mph8.4 s
0 - 130 mph9.5 s
0 - 140 mph10.9 s
0 - 150 mph13.6 s
0 - 160 mph15.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.2 s @ 103.8 mph
1/4 mile10.5 s @ 146.0 mph
Est. 1/2 mile18.5 s @ 164.7 mph
1 mile25.9 s @ 206.3 mph
Saleen S7 Twin Turbo acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed402 kph (250 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 011.2 s
Est. max acceleration0.71 g (7 m/s²)
600ft slalom112.0 kph (69.6 mph)
Lateral acceleration1.04 g (10 m/s²)
60 mph - 034 m (111 ft)
70 mph - 048 m (157 ft)
Noise @ idle77 dB
Noise @ 70 mph86 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type V-8, 2 valves per cylinder, Twin Turbo
Displacement 7.0 l (427 ci)
Power 760 ps (750 bhp / 559 kw) @ 6300 rpm
Torque 949 Nm (700 lb-ft) @ 4800 rpm
Power / liter 109 ps (107 hp)
Power / weight 586 ps (578 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 731 Nm (539 lb-ft) / t
Power / €5000 8 ps
Transmission 6
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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wallenieswiftie  3m ago

The only thing I don't like about this car is that it had shorter gearing than the previous S7. Therefore, it could never reach 60 miles per hour in first gear.

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GriN  9m ago


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RacingLoverSRT  1y ago


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RacingLoverSRT  1y ago


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TypeF173  3y ago

YO Hostboy! Look at the below scan! I found it three months ago after originally a month prior having found the others! 0-300 and 0-322 in 25.6 and 35.53 seconds is SICK!

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TypeF173  4y ago

OMG! So I found this Saleen S7 Twin Turbo metrics 0-320km/h! That's nice right!

You think I only like Bugatti? NO! Educate yourselves! Ahahaha!

Anyway I DON'T know if it's hidden anywhere- I'm not checking. So if it is, I don't care, to look.

Hennessey is in there too! May or may not be a rearranging from MPH>km/h.


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Hoppelmoppel123  5y ago

@fastestlaps, please delete the topspeed. It wasnt able to reach more than 300 kph because of to high downforce. AutoBild wasnt able to reach 300 kph in their acceleration test, because the car was scaping on the ground.

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aaayy  5y ago

I would say that I really like this car, but I know Dante's gonna talk about how it is a piece of **** because it's American, then **** off to the Ferrari Enzo.

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BR2+  10y ago

Its different tests fallowed by different drivers on different sources, like, Why bother commenting on something so easy to figure out?....Thas like saying,Hey, This Ice Tea tastes different then this one, Oh wait, Ones from Lipton the other is Nestea..........................

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Shaggy  10y ago

@Indrick Boreale: Turbo lag, probably.

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Indrick Boreale  10y ago

This actually takes longer to accelerate to 100 than the normal version on this website? wth

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Thiago_Lins  10y ago


0-40 mph: 2.2 sec.
0-60 mph: 3.4 sec.
0-80 mph: 4.7 sec.
0-100 mph: 6.2 sec.
0-120 mph: 8.4 sec.
0-150 mph: 13.6 sec.
0-160 mph: 15.6 sec.
1/4-Mile: 10.9 sec. @ 140 mph

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dddd  11y ago

146 mp/h trap speed in 1/4 mile ? We all know that its impossible.

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BR2+  11y ago

Id take this over ANY Porsche, McLaren, Or Ferrari, Hands down and up, This is more my kind of car, And those looks! Inside and out WITH having extreme function, 7.0L V8, Manual Rwd, That Fkn Sound!!!

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ProDriveP2  11y ago

Well can we all petition Top Gear to stomp the Porsche 918 with this racing legend and GT40 engine type.

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phavyarden  11y ago

Different tests

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ProDriveP2  11y ago

How is the 0-200mph faster than 0-300kph?

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Guest  13y ago

Someone's mistake has been here for a while. The 1/2 mile trap speed is 176-186 mph, not 156.

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BR2'  13y ago

Its all we have to compare the times. The S7 TT 0-150Mph ranges from slowest of 13.6s, to fastest of 11.0s depending on the test, Same with the slowest 0-200Mph of 35.2s, and Fastest 23.4s, At the 1/4 eveyr S7 TT test has a higher Trap speed then the Veyrons, and theres only one test of the 2 doing the Full mile, where the S7 BEATS it to 200Mph by 1.1s and with a higher trap speed in the mile.(Albeit different day)

There is a .8s difference in 0-100Mph, but after the that Gap doesnt widen, it closes, and fast, The Veyrons faster below 150Mph, After its all S7, what happens past 210Mph, is anyones guess, would the Veyron win because of power/torque/tranny? or would the S7 win because of Weight/aerodynamics?...Cant say ..


From a dig the Veyron is faster, around a track I could guarantee it would get destroyed, and I do mean destroyed not beat. The S7 doesn't need a Pro driver, its actually easier to drive then a ZO6, but a good driver is required nonetheless, And the S7 wont be as popular as the Veyron, due to lack of press and company name, but like ive said before, who in there right mind would take a Veyron over this Beautiful Beast? Honestly..

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Hamcee  13y ago

there are way to many contradictions in order to compare the times.

the veyron hit 0-100mph in 5,1 seconds while the s7 hit 0-100mph in 5,9 seconds.

a difference of 0,8

then, 0-150mph the veyron hit 11,3 and s7 13,6

a difference of 2,3 seconds

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Mental  13y ago

In acceleration and top speed aspects, my money would be on Veyron, if it ever raced with Saleen. But on the track, I suppose Veyron's ass would be kicked. However, the results highly vary with random drivers. While Bugatti can be driven with one hand, Saleen needs only pro-driver for the win.

But whatever about numbers.. VW has no chance to be more brutal and beloved than S7.

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BR2'  13y ago

Well...It has..theres no head to head direct comparison, but they have both been tested on the same event albeit different days. This S7 has a faster 0-150Mph, and onwards, as proven, Every trap speed in the 1/4 mile has also been faster then the Veyron, slowest to slowest fastest to fastest, so its not Unbelievable in any way that this wouldn't stand a chance or even beat a Veyron at those speeds.

But again, theres no head to had, but its the best we have to go on, and who in there right mind would take a Veyron over this beauty?(Selling one aside)

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ddd  13y ago

I dont think that this car can beat Veyron...

0-300 in 16s ? Impossible for that car.

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BR2'  13y ago

This beats a Veyron to 150Mph and 200Mph, And has a faster Mile time and trap speed, So why wouldn't this hit 300kph sooner? When the best test of a Veyron hits 300Kph in 16.7s?..

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Hamcee  13y ago

lol, 15-16 seconds?
never ever, more like 20-21 seconds

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BR2'  13y ago

I dunno if the Aerodynamics are active or adjustable.

But not being able to hit 300Kph and actually hitting the ground is HIGHLY impressive, and hilarious at the same time.

But the reason for the bad 0-100kph time and 300kph time is simple, 2 different tests and 2 different drivers, the driver in the test that recorded a 4.2 0-100kph was bad, he bombed with all the cars in the comparison tests, but the guy who did the better test nailed it, great mile and 200mph time, 0-300kph in most likely high 16s or high 15s given its better test results.

And no, Fangio, its real speed is Much higher then 300kph, dunno the actual setting were on that test DeDe mentioned.

But Fuk me I love this car!

Photo of Saleen S7 Twin Turbo

Photo of Saleen S7 Twin Turbo

Photo of Saleen S7 Twin Turbo