Image of BMW M3 Cabrio

BMW M3 Cabrio (E93) specs

Price in Europe €78,250 - €96,281
Price in Britain £55,300 - £64,435
Car type Convertible
Curb weight 1810-1905 kg (3990-4200 lbs)
Introduced 2008
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 19.2-9.4 l/100 km (12-25 mpg US / 15-30 mpg UK)
Insurance group 44 / 50
Views 75.8k


0 - 50 kph2.0 s
0 - 60 kph2.6 s
0 - 80 kph3.7 s
0 - 100 kph4.6 s
0 - 120 kph6.9 s
0 - 130 kph7.6 s
0 - 140 kph9.0 s
0 - 160 kph11.5 s
0 - 180 kph15.4 s
0 - 200 kph17.3 s
1000 m24.1 s @ 217.1 kph
0 - 60 mph4.6 s
0 - 100 mph10.7 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.0 s @ 94.4 mph
1/4 mile13.1 s @ 109.0 mph
Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 016.6 s
Est. max acceleration0.68 g (7 m/s²)
18m slalom64.4 kph (40.0 mph)
BMW M3 Cabrio acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 4.0 l (244 ci / 3999 cc)
Power 420 ps (414 bhp / 309 kw)
Torque 400 Nm (295 lb-ft)
Power / liter 105 ps (104 hp)
Power / weight 226 ps (223 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 216 Nm (159 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 29 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 25 ps
Transmission 6 speed manual
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

60 kph - 013 m (43 ft)
80 kph - 024 m (77 ft)
100 kph - 036 m (119 ft)
120 kph - 052 m (171 ft)
140 kph - 071 m (234 ft)
190 kph - 0133 m (436 ft)
30 mph - 09 m (29 ft)
60 mph - 034 m (111 ft)
70 mph - 046 m (151 ft)

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)5.3 s
60 - 100 kph (5)6.8 s
80 - 120 kph (5)6.6 s
80 - 120 kph (6)8.1 s
80 - 120 kph3.3 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph12.7 s
30 - 70 mph4.4 s

Interior noise

Noise @ 80 kph68 dB
Noise @ 100 kph70 dB
Noise @ 120 kph71 dB
Noise @ 130 kph72 dB
Noise @ 160 kph74 dB
Noise @ 180 kph75 dB
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Corvolet3  5y ago

I like how the VBOX shows a time of 0-100-0 in 58.7 seconds.

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Jamez  13y ago

convertible weighs 1810KG*

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Jamez  13y ago

Just been on BMW website. The coupe weighs in at 1655KG but that's EU spec (or something) which includes a 75KG driver. So the actual weight of the car is 1580KG. The convertible, thanks to a steel folding roof rather than carbon fiber + all the other gubbins comes out at 1885KG on the same comparison chart. So in reality, the convertible 'only' weighs 1805KG. Still heavy though - kinda puts me off. I think it's more about how light the coupe is though, rather than the convertible being especially heavy. It's still lighter than a CLK63 cab and that has a fabric roof!

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Hayes  13y ago

0-60 4.6

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Anonymous  17y ago

Well the Japanese engineers are taking over.......

thats why they dont manage how to build a v8 and still have a car in hour hands for more than a couple of hours.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Well the Japanese engineers are taking over.......

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BumRush  17y ago

Duuuuude, thats messed up!!

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Wads  17y ago

I've just deleted the newly added DCT version of the car..... No need to add a new car version for the DCT/DKG gearbox.... nearly all the laptimes here are with the DCT box anyway.

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GodBlessOurTexas  17y ago

I swore I would drive my e46 M3 until the wheels fell off, but that unsold e93 M3 at the dealer was discounted more every time I saw it- I finally gave in and swapped for it last week.

If y'all say it is a gay car I won't doubt you. But I would point out that for a gay car it sure as hell attracts a lot of hot chicks- go figure.

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Wads  17y ago

I'd love to see the 9.7 time for the cab..... it may have been using a 1ft rollout which some of the US magazine tests seem to use (which make the times quicker).

DKG/DCT adds approx 25kg to the cars weight.

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ben  17y ago

damn, i just saw the picture of the 4.3 sec 0-60 and 10.7 sec 0-100 mph, thats very very impressive.

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ben  17y ago

yeah the coupe has pulled a 9.2 i read it somewhere either in an article or on the internet. i wouldn't be surprised if the cabrio managed a 9.7 either, its got the power, and sure the weight is a bit high, but 9.7 is a reasonable 0-100 time for that car. how much does the dkg or dct put on the m3? i'm not sure what its called but its the f1 transmission. thanks for any helpful answers :)

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Anonymous  17y ago

no no no, the coupe has manegd a 9.2 ta 100mph and the vert has managed to get a 9.7, ill see if i can pull it up!

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Wads  17y ago

The weight is correct and yes the coupe is the one thats managed 0-100mph in 9.7sec

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supercharger  17y ago

well motortrend got the m3 coupe to 60mph in 4.1

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Anonymous  17y ago

actually is HAS pulled a 4.3 second s to 60mph in 4.3 seconds and 9.7 to 100mph, as for kmh, i havent a clue, and that weight, must have ben weighed with people inside or somthing, but thats stupid.

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venom  17y ago

that weight IS a bit strange, with that much torque it would never pull that 0-60 time within supercar territory... the sedan weighs 3585 lbs and even the coupe with dct is only 3670 (road and track) so i highly doubt this mercedes territory weight

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supercharger  17y ago

Well it is a convertable and alot of cars gaine alot of wieght in becomeing a convertable.

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Anonymous  17y ago

O yeah the M3 is an excellent car, if i had tha money i would definetly get one, but i am a lil bit curious as too where they got hat 4147lbs of weight from, i have herd 3725 US spec with a full tank of gas ans liquids and all the optoins, so where does that extra 400lbs come from??

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rob  17y ago

i don't see what the big fuss is about, the m3 is a great car, whether or not its a convertible. 10.6 or 10.7 sec 0-100 is very very good for a car that weighs in at 4000+ lbs. the carrera 4s and m3 are two very different cars. one is built for fast acceleration, 0-60, 0-100,1/4 mile while the other (m3) is a quick sprinter, but more of an autobahn cruiser. so whoever the anonymous douchebag talkin bout how gay an m3 convertible is, shut the **** up and keep your damn comments to yourself.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Whats the big deal with bmw being a little slower than most sportscars but everybody knows that!!

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Anonymous  17y ago

soooo, you have a Porsche yet you cant even spell the company name? lol hahaha i HIGHLY doubt that buddy!! and it aint no 83k, its 70k..big difference.

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Anonymous  17y ago

man thats slow. theve clocked 0-100mph in 9.7!

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Anonymous  17y ago

Maybe it's a new manufacture with a 415 hp RWD coupe/convert that does 0-100 in 10.6 seconds, which is clearly "fast" unlike 10.7.

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FastestLaps  17y ago

If you have a Porsche check the badge and spell it right

+1 :D

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Anonymous  17y ago

If you have a Porsche check the badge and spell it right

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Anonymous  17y ago

Actually no BMW is fast in a mans world, so i will stck with my PORCHE!!

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PhantomPorsche  17y ago

I dont think carbon fiber is on your wifes list. At least it does look somewhat like a mans car with that configeration.

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Wads  17y ago

People buy convertibles to look good, not to have drag races and lap test tracks

Or because their wife wouldn't let them buy the coupe......

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Wads  17y ago

I find it hard to believe that anyone would consider 100mph in 10.7 seconds slow but I guess compared to a Bugatti or Caparo anything could seem slow ;)

Photo of BMW M3 Cabrio E93

Photo of BMW M3 Cabrio E93

Photo of BMW M3 Cabrio E93