Image of TVR T350C

TVR T350C specs

Car type Coupe
Introduced 2003
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 20k

Lap times


0 - 100 kph4.3 s
0 - 100 mph9.0 s
1/4 mile12.0 s @ 119.3 mph
Top speed287 kph (178 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type I6
Displacement 3.6 l (220 ci)
Power 350 ps (345 bhp / 257 kw)
Torque 393 Nm (290 lb-ft)
Power / liter 97 ps (96 hp)
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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DanR  10y ago

The times at Rockingham were set by a team of drivers for the Autocar drivers car of the year awards.

In 2003 the team included then F1 drivers Takuma Sato and Justin Wilson. The T350 was driven in a group that included the Noble and the GT3. The TVR was slightly down in Max speed at the end of the straight compared to those two but brought them back under breaking and corner G.

TVR have done heritage of sending "good cars" to magazine tests however I'd actually suggest that this wasn't the case. The fact it went down the straights no quicker than the Noble/GT3 indicates they didn't touch the engine and the weird tyre sizes TVR use means they can't just stick a trick set of tyres on it. They could have played around with set up, but that's legit because an owner can do that too.

The reason it beat the GT2 is better steady state cornering and a better power to weight. The reason it doesn't beat as many other cars around other tracks is because they are still pretty tricky to drive and in those tests they aren't being driven by current F1 drivers.

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Mr.Turbo  17y ago

maybe its about the handling ...

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Anonymous  17y ago

How The Hell does this bet a 996 GT2 at RockingHam, there is no way!


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Greg  6y ago

There is- it did- suck it up

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anonymous  17y ago

why haven't u got the top gear lap time on, it did a lap, the stig did a lap in this and that plastic noble thing.

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anonymous  17y ago

amazing car! the sound is imense!

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Chriss44  17y ago

Weight 1230 kg

Photo of TVR T350C