Image of Mosler MT900 GTR

Mosler MT900 GTR specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 950 kg (2094 lbs)
Introduced 2008
Origin country United States
Views 19.3k


0 - 100 kph3.0 s
0 - 200 kph8.9 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph5.9 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph2.9 s
0 - 100 mph6.3 s
Est. 1/8 mile7.2 s @ 113.1 mph
1/4 mile10.8 s @ 139.8 mph
Top speed342 kph (213 mph)
Est. max acceleration1.02 g (10 m/s²)
Mosler MT900 GTR acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 7.0 l (427 ci)
Power 600 ps (592 bhp / 441 kw)
Torque 637 Nm (470 lb-ft)
Power / liter 86 ps (85 hp)
Power / weight 632 ps (623 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 671 Nm (495 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Viking  14y ago

Since this beast uses a Corvette engine for its light weight/power, the weight of the engine is kind of interesting. I am not a wrench turner, just a driver, so I figure I should give my info and cite my sources. My best source of Corvette info is a small book updated annually called the "Corvette Black Book". According to the book: the 1991 L98 weighed 431 lbs, the 1992 LT1 452 lbs, the 1996 LT4 development of the LT1 doesn't have a weight listed, but the 1997 is 44 lbs lighter. Assuming the LT4 weighs the same as the LT1, then the LS1 weight is 408 lbs. I know that the LS series of engines are all pretty close in weight no matter what their displacement, so I figured that the LS7 engine must be pretty light (maybe 408-440 lbs approx.). I assume the weights are for a complete engine without accessories, but I don't really know.

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E  14y ago

aluminum for the chassis

Part of the problem.

But like I said, going for lighter stuff isn't popular in the auto industry because of price.

The Elise is way heavier than a F1 or LMP car, and those are bigger. But price is less of an issue there, of course.

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monkeypop  14y ago


Yeah you would think GM would be all over how small/light the engines actually are considering how much flack they get for the large displacement.

A LS7 is smaller in size/weight than the 4.0L DOHC V6 engine used in my pickup.

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Viking  14y ago

@monkeypop I don't know if GM has an official list of engine weights. I think their LS engines are quite light, and it should be something to brag about, but I couldn't find any official info.

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monkeypop  14y ago

Does GM not post official engine weights some place? I saw a online article that said the LS line of engines all get weighed before they head out for testing. They had a picture of a LS9 on the factory scale.

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Viking  14y ago

Well that could be a closer to reality weight than factory claims. I started doing some web searching, and engine weight claims for modern engines are all over the map. For older engines there seems to be some consistency. Weights for engines designed within the last 15-20 years seem to have been manipulated and/or lied about by the manufacturer. I could be wrong, it just seems strange that there are so many different weights claimed for all the newer engines. One example is the Ford modular 4.6 liter SOHC engine. Ford claims that in 2010 it had a shipping weight of 420 lbs, but web searching showed weights of: 530 lbs, 473 lbs, 600 lbs, 529 lbs, and 492 lbs as well as the factory claim.

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Jeff B  14y ago

That was the shipping weight I saw when my uncle ordered his LS7 crate engine, so it probably isn't the exact number, i'm not really sure.

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Viking  14y ago

@Jeff B is that 525 lbs with all fluids? I kinda thought the LS7 was lighter than the LS1 which I think weighs 408 lbs complete, but without fluids (ie. shipping weight). I know that the 5.0 coyote engine (Mustang) engine has a shipping weight of 430 lbs. I am not an expert on this stuff however, I just read a lot.

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Jeff B  14y ago

The LS7 weighs 525 pounds completed.

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w0o0dy  14y ago

Here's some reading material:

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w0o0dy  14y ago

@E: > The Lotus is light because it's small, not really because of materials.

You must be joking... they are the only car brand (in know of) that use extruded aluminum for the chassis, they glue it together as gluing is lighter than welding.. they fit NOTHING that doesn't need to be in the car (well used to, the new post 2009 cars are less about less weight)

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Viking  14y ago

Yeah, as far as I know the LS7 is very light, lighter than an LS1 despite its large displacement. 500 lbs with transmission included is possible. 380 lbs for the engine, and 120 lbs for the six speed manual is very light, impressive. I don't have actual figures in front of me, so I could be off a bit.

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Jeff B  14y ago

@ n2fastuffAL2
The LS7 fully dressed with tranny is pushing 500 pounds, at least in the Z06, I didn't think it was any different in the Mosler.

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E  14y ago

btw how could they manage to fit a 7lit v8 in a car and have the same weight as an exige?!
how much do these engines weight?

The auto industry doesn't care about light weight because it's expensive. How heavy is a Veyron? 4000 lbs.

How heavy was a Boeing Condor before fuel? About 8000 lbs. It's 60 ft long and 200 ft wide, but the aviation industry cares about weight.

The Lotus is light because it's small, not really because of materials.

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n2fastuffAL  14y ago

And the engine is all in the midpoint... rear of the front tires centerline. It sits lowww to the ground, and has the most complete frame/cage design I,ve ever laid eyes on.DO NOT THINK THIS IS LIKE ANY STREET CAR> the body was designed AFTER the frame/chassis/cage were built.Think "fresh start from scratch"

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n2fastuffAL  14y ago

BTW to answer Vette 's question, an ALL ALUMINUM, naturally aspirated 7.0L 427" LS7 is under 380lbs(including all wiring,sensors,and even with oil in the pan.Which BTW is a dry-sump, external oil pump style - like Sprint Cup cars) Titanium connecting rods reduce overall weight by almost 10 pounds, titanium valves,instead SS ones allows the radical approach of 7200 RPM,w/o fail, and alleviates another .5 lb total of unnecessary bulk.

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n2fastuffAL  14y ago

I looked at this car closely,willing to scrutinize any missed points,sat in,looked at as if I just knew there had to be something amiss.Not so.
Yes it is a two seat, road-race built demon....but it does have Fosgate speakers concertingly placed within the headrests, as well as an 8" sub under the seats for some creature comforts,also the AC duct work on the one I have seen was pretty ingenius(rear to front).I would not want to ride more than ten miles in one unless it was absolutely a necessity....due to the fact that the suspension/tire combination would possibly wreck expensive dental work, but as a "supercar" goes, it is par for the course w/o spending $500K++++

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vette  16y ago

\"Mosler has a notorious history of not selling a single road-car in the past.\" lmfao
btw how could they manage to fit a 7lit v8 in a car and have the same weight as an exige?!
how much do these engines weight?

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Anonymous  17y ago stupid?

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FastestLaps  17y ago

The King!! anybody seen one?

It is not the king. It is just another street-homologated racecar.

And there is not a great chance to see it. Because Mosler has a notorious history of not selling a single road-car in the past.

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BumRush  17y ago

The King!! anybody seen one?

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Anonymous  17y ago

this really needs to be tested more often. this wuld break every track record i believe. ps my hubby Absolutly Loves this car:)

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Anonymous  17y ago

I also herd there working on a 750bhp 1800lb version! FU****G INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous  17y ago

Im with ya on that one bro!! does it come in red?? this version?

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Anonymous  17y ago

**** me, i think i have just gone to heaven:) i am surprised there are no times for this God Of A Beast!! it would DESTROY everything in its path, Gumpert Apollo, Viper ACR,LP560-4, A10,ZR1, Enzo,SLR,,RT12,Zonda F,MC12, nothing godd stand up to this. i want, no, i NEED to see this thing on the Rinf and th Top Gear Track, and Hockenheim Short, the full 600bhpV.

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BumRush  17y ago

actually it was the MT900S that did that incredible 245 at VIR. but it had a 550bhp engine in it. the GTR would have torn the ACR...or pretty much any other car up for that matter.

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Anonymous  17y ago

The 900S wasn't run at VIR, it was the 2006 GTR that beat the ACR.

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Anonymous  17y ago

and on that VIR lap the MT900S beat the ACR by 3 seconds, not 6. but just imagine, if the S beat the ACR by that much just how much would the GTR beat it by?? one BadAss American car, and the Fastest dar around a track those Americans have, SHIT THIS THINGS FAST!!!

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Anonymous  17y ago

yes, the car that did the VIR lap was the mt900s fitted with a 550bhp ls3, and the price, well its quite a bargain at $215,000 if you ask me!!

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venom  17y ago

actually im not sure if it had more than 520 but yes its not as fast as the car shown above :)

Photo of Mosler MT900 GTR

Photo of Mosler MT900 GTR

Photo of Mosler MT900 GTR