Image of KTM X-Bow

KTM X-Bow specs

Price in Europe €54,562 - €101,650
Car type Open-wheeler
Curb weight 790-871 kg (1742-1920 lbs)
Introduced 2008
Origin country Austria
Gas mileage 14.4-9.2 l/100 km (16-26 mpg US / 20-31 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 232 g/km
Views 69.6k


0 - 40 kph1.3 s
0 - 50 kph1.7 s
0 - 60 kph2.1 s
0 - 80 kph3.3 s
0 - 100 kph4.4 s
0 - 120 kph6.3 s
0 - 130 kph7.1 s
0 - 140 kph8.7 s
0 - 160 kph10.9 s
0 - 180 kph15.8 s
0 - 200 kph20.2 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph4.3 s
0 - 100 mph9.4 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.2 s @ 92.0 mph
1/4 mile12.2 s
KTM X-Bow acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed230 kph (143 mph)
Est. 0 - 100 mph - 020.5 s @ 1831 ft
Est. max acceleration0.67 g (7 m/s²)
18m slalom73.1 kph (45.4 mph)
36m slalom134.0 kph (83.3 mph)
Downforce @ 200 kph200 kg (441 lbs)
100 kph - 034 m (113 ft)
200 kph - 0136 m (448 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type inline4 DOHC TFSI
Displacement 2.0 l (122 ci)
Power 241 ps (237 bhp / 177 kw)
Torque 310 Nm (229 lb-ft)
Power / liter 120 ps (119 hp)
Power / weight 286 ps (283 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 369 Nm (272 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 20 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 16 ps
Transmission 6 speed manual
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)3.6 s
80 - 120 kph (4)3.5 s
80 - 120 kph (5)4.5 s
80 - 120 kph (6)6.0 s
80 - 160 kph (4)8.0 s
80 - 160 kph (5)10.3 s
80 - 160 kph (6)13.6 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph4.1 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph16.5 s
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Hoppelmoppel123  5y ago

SportAuto (10/2008):
Weight: 846 kg
0-160 kph: 11.1 s
Fuel: 16.2 l/100 km
Price: 101162 €

SportAuto (18/2008)
Price: 54562 €
Fuel: 7.8 l/100 km

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Hoppelmoppel123  5y ago

SportAuto (4/2011):
0-60 kph: 2.1 s
0-80 kph: 3.3 s
0-120 kph: 6.3 s
0-140 kph: 8.7 s
0-160 kph: 11.2 s
0-180 kph: 15.8 s
100-0 kph: 34.4 m
200-0 kph: 136.5 m
Slalom 18m: 73.1 kph
Slalom 36m: 134.0 kph

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golf1diesel  16y ago

they raced this with the KTM 990 SM in a very wet track haha

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gt  16y ago

1/4mile in 12.19 according to best motoring 2010-08

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Georg  16y ago

big Hockenheim improvment thanks to Toyo R888 tires..this month sportauto supertest car

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Yaspaa  16y ago

It is coming to the US and will be street legal and around $70000.

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Anonymous  16y ago

I know CaterHams are street legal in the uS, not sure how many states though, so this should be too, but i hope they bring it over there.

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Anonymous  16y ago

I've read 2 different magazine articles and one said the car can be bought in the US (but isn't street legal) and the other said the car can't be bought in the US.

It will probably be avail. in the US, eventually.

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Anonymous  16y ago

Is there a US price on this?

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Anonymous  16y ago

Do they sell this in America?

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Anonymous  17y ago

Any guess on what this can do on the Top Gear Track??

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1=4, idiots  17y ago

Why are you all knit-picking everything on this car? The car is competent on several tracks and places well unless the track is wet. It would make sense that a car that is this light would suffer tremendously due to a wet track. And yes bozos, 1700 pounds is light for a car (lighter than almost every leMans racecar)

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Anonymous  18y ago

The time on Nordschleife is so slow because it was wet during the test....the porsche 997 turbo was also tested on this day and made a 8.23min. The tester claimed that the x-bow could have been 30sec faster. But it would not get a time under 8.20min because the nordschleife has some fast passages and the aerodynamics of the x-bow causes bad top speed and therefore a slow laptime.

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Anonymous  18y ago

is this called the X-Bow or the CrossBow?? cause i have herd both!

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minimac93  18y ago

Why is the Nordschleife time so slow...?

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Anonymous  18y ago

why is it so expensive? because its and just look at the thing, its craaaazy. i think its £50,000 or $60,000, but considering how much fun this baby is to drive, (so i here), the price doesnt seem so bad..

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Anonymous  18y ago

The Question is why is it so expensive...

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Anonymous  18y ago

Well no, it is not slow. ;-)

I was talking about weight when compared to cars like ariel atom, caterham r500 or perhaps radical sr3/4/8...

IMHO it is kind of heavy when compared to those cars (atom, r500 etc). And because it's heavier than those cars, it is also slower.

And since I thought KTM were competing on the same segment of the market as ariel/caterham/radical, it is "slow" and "heavy" relative to its competition...

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Georg  18y ago

At Hockenheim short it is faster as 2-11, at Nürburgring it is faster as similar powerfull Ariel Atom2. Patrick Simon claimed the handling brilliant... compared to the Elise SC which simple sucked because of wrong tires and shitty tranny

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Anonymous  18y ago

some times weight wont effect the performance as much if there equipped with certain options, for example, nissan gtr and bentley gt speed 3.2 and 3.9 and most cars with this weight and power are alot faster, for example the lotus exige s 240 3.8 ta 60 and 9.6 ta 100, anddd 12.4 in th 1/4, so i dunno maybe this car just sucks?

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FastestLaps  18y ago

I don't think this is a car you could call "slow"

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Anonymous  18y ago

isn't it slow because it is heavy?

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Anonymous  18y ago

the question isnt why is it so heavy, its why is it so slow?? look at thos performance stats, the Lotus Elise SC does the 1/4 in 13 flat and that around 400 lbs heavyer. but i bet this thing is really fun to drive:)

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Anonymous  18y ago

even lotus 2-eleven is lighter...

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Anonymous  18y ago

Why is it so heavy?
Allmost all similar type of cars are lighter: ariel atom, caterham csr/r500, westfield xtr, all the radicals etc...

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Georg  18y ago

the Luk driving Center laptime was driven on normal street tires no street legal semi slicks, the suspension setup was the basic factory setup. The X-Bow has a fully adjustable suspension and ride high, with proper track specific setup the car would have laped faster according to Patrik Simon the testdriver

Photo of KTM X-Bow

Photo of KTM X-Bow