Image of Dodge Challenger SRT-8

Dodge Challenger SRT-8 specs

Price in Europe €53,900
Price in US $40,158 - $40,208
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1872-1904 kg (4127-4198 lbs)
Introduced 2009
Origin country United States
Gas mileage 17.1-9.7 l/100 km (14-24 mpg US / 17-29 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 296 g/km
Views 50.2k


0 - 50 kph2.3 s
0 - 80 kph3.9 s
0 - 100 kph4.8 s
0 - 120 kph7.1 s
0 - 160 kph12.0 s
0 - 200 kph18.5 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph13.7 s
0 - 60 mph4.8 s
0 - 100 mph11.4 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.2 s @ 92.6 mph
1/4 mile13.3 s
Dodge Challenger SRT-8 acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed275 kph (171 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.65 g (6 m/s²)
18m slalom60.8 kph (37.8 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.86 g (8 m/s²)
100 kph - 039 m (128 ft)
190 kph - 0139 m (456 ft)
70 mph - 052 m (170 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type HEMI V8
Displacement 6.1 l (372 ci)
Power 431 ps (425 bhp / 317 kw)
Torque 569 Nm (420 lb-ft)
Power / liter 71 ps (70 hp)
Power / weight 228 ps (225 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 301 Nm (222 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 33 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 40 ps
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Anonymous  14y ago

Post deleted.

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broom broom harvey  15y ago

the best toughest mucle car in town

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phavyarden  16y ago

Fastest laps. why you deleted the Challenger 392?

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Anonymous  16y ago

How did the larger wheels compare to the stock as far as weight? Here is an interesting article that shows the effects of larger/heavier wheels. I know it's different (FWD VW in the article) but it does show the effects of larger wheel/tire combinations.

I loved this article and there was one years ago on a Honda, but they used the wrong size 19, suppose to be 225/35 from Ferrari.

Generally the best tire with the highest load rating in any given wheel size is ideal.

In the case of my 600hp Challenger the extra wheel weight is welcome. I actually burned off the P Zeros and switched to 315/30YR22 Yokohama Advan truck tires that weigh 45 lbs. by themselves!

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Anonymous  16y ago

I discovered I could run 305/30/22x11s on the back to solve the traction issues and 285/30/22x9.5s on the front to solve the handling issues with the stability control removed, lovin it with more rubber than the Camaros bahahahahaha.

How did the larger wheels compare to the stock as far as weight? Here is an interesting article that shows the effects of larger/heavier wheels. I know it's different (FWD VW in the article) but it does show the effects of larger wheel/tire combinations.

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Anonymous  16y ago

I discovered I could run 305/30/22x11s on the back to solve the traction issues and 285/30/22x9.5s on the front to solve the handling issues with the stability control removed, lovin it with more rubber than the Camaros bahahahahaha.

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6.4 hemi  16y ago

Starting in mid 2011 Dodge announced that it will be getting rid of the 6.1 litre hemi:( but they are replacing it with a 6.4:) that will not only produce more hp and get better economy from MDS. they will offer it on the 300,charger and challenger.

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Mid-Life Crisis  16y ago

The Challenger has something the Mustang, Camaro, or Viper doesn't have: room in the trunk for luggage and room in the back seat for people. It's a touring car with balls. And a great looking one at that.

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500kr  17y ago

thats because the camaro is lighter. anD THE CHALENGER DOES LOOK BETTER

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BumRush  17y ago

the Challenger looks much better than the Camaro, but the Camaro is a bit faster.

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M power  17y ago

is a taste point !


The three new muscles are a good design but everyone have your favourite.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Camaro is Faster, but it dont look nearly as good.

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M Power  17y ago

hahha....Camaro is better ,admit it! Muscle ?Its a fat car !

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venom  17y ago

are you people hunting me down to argue or something im not even on this page! i like the styling more just because i like having this big obvious muscle car, not something youd see in transformers. btw there are people outside of your own world who dont use kilograms for everything.

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M Power  17y ago

Hohoho venon...Camaro, 6-Speed and 1750 kg,not 2 tons....
Style and peformance much better than a Challenger..

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SRT fan  17y ago

This car is a sharp looking car but I only hope the transmissions will hold up after repeated track time. We all know that the engine is solid but the trannys are garbage.

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Anonymous  17y ago

^^ A used Viper can be had for $30K-$40K US but it's difficult to compare new car vs. used car. Some Vipers are pampered and some are trashed by their original owner.

Plus, having the extra seats is important to some people so they'd likely choose the Challenger over the Viper.

You did bring up a good point, though.

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Anonymous  17y ago

I would take a used Viper over a new one of these and get a way better car, if your talking about a Dodge anyway.

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BumRush  17y ago

My bad i forgot about the Dealer Markups, but id still have

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Wads  17y ago

Its a lot of car for the money and I'd have one if they actually sold in the UK for that money (£29k) unfortunately it sells for closer to £50k in the UK!!!

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BumRush  17y ago

True, ive also seen a 12.9 at 110mph, and this car Looks Soooo goode upclose, these pice on the web donot do it justice, and its a bargain to at only £29,000/$43,000!!!

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Anonymous  17y ago

the challenger runs a 13.8 1/4 mile not 13.3

Motor Trend got 13.1 sec @ 108.3 mph for the 1/4 mile for a 2008 SRT

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Anonymous  17y ago

well 0-60 in mid 4 seconds and quarter mile in low 13 seconds is pretty nice and thats without a supercharger.. not to mention its a sexy car (i guess it doesnt handle the best but so what i dont plan on taking a trip down death road goin 170 mph)

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Anonymous  17y ago

any idea what this could do on the top gear track? maybe a 1:29.8 with the manual?

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Anonymous  17y ago

I doubt it as its as aerodynamic as a Hummer. You have to understand that cars like this, or the mustang, are made for straight line driving.

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BumRush  17y ago

Top Speed is 176mph, and i had herd that Dodge is (Thinking about) doing an ACR edition for the challenger, anybody know if its true or not?

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abbas  17y ago

hello ,challenger is the best car in the world ,,why ?
because i love it till death

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venom  17y ago

the camaro isn't near 2 tons? anyways for me id have to get the stang out of this group because the camaro is like a transformer inside and out and the challenger may grab a lot of attention in a good way but the mustang seems the best with 315 bhp (not much in this crowd but still A LOT!) the same amount of noise and less mass which if anything makes it feel more sensible and more balanced on twisty mountain roads.

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M Power  17y ago

It´s no a muscle car...It´s a fat car

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M Power  17y ago

2 tons, 5 speed....Hmm i´m not interresed...I prefer camaro

Photo of Dodge Challenger SRT-8