Image of BMW 550i

BMW 550i (F10) specs

Price in Europe €71,500 - €103,420
Price in US $45,425 - $89,575
Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1585-2020 kg (3494-4453 lbs)
Introduced 2010
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 15.6 l/100 km (15 mpg US / 18 mpg UK)
Views 48.2k
Submitted by Georg

Lap times


0 - 50 kph2.1 s
0 - 100 kph5.0 s
0 - 200 kph16.7 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph12.0 s
0 - 60 mph4.8 s
0 - 100 mph10.7 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.3 s @ 92.6 mph
1/4 mile13.1 s @ 109.4 mph
BMW 550i acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.60 g (6 m/s²)
18m slalom63.8 kph (39.6 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.86 g (8 m/s²)
100 kph - 035 m (116 ft)
60 mph - 035 m (116 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8 twinturbo
Displacement 4.4 l (269 ci)
Power 408 ps (402 bhp / 300 kw)
Torque 600 Nm (443 lb-ft)
Power / liter 93 ps (91 hp)
Power / weight 222 ps (219 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 327 Nm (241 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 26 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 23 ps
Transmission 6 speed manual or 8 speed automatic
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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wallenieswiftie  1y ago

This car is in-between E550 and E63 AMG (6.2, not Biturbo) as far as driving dynamics and tuning capability are concerned.

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gtramgs  11y ago

BMW 550i X-Drive (F10) 0-100 km/h in 4,8 s 0-200 km/h in 16,7 s verified by PerformanceBox GPS /watch?v=MGMzKTrDlA0

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v8bimmer  14y ago

Why are there so many inline-6 comments? The 550i is a turbo V8.

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Mike B  14y ago

curbweight/DIN weight (all liquids, 90% full fuel tank) is 1830kg

EU weight (all fluids, 90%full fuel tank, 68kg driver, 7kg luggage) is the 1905kg.

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Gégengue  15y ago

Here is a link where you can see the 550i F10 accelerating from 0 to 250 km/h. The 10.7 seconds from 0-160 km/h are really true.

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BMWexpert  16y ago

@Inline 6 rules

I think another hardcore Merc fan...

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Inline 6 rules  16y ago

The 10.7 s is probably a tested number. Why you can\'t believe it?

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BMWexpert  16y ago

\"give us referance that this car will do 0-160 km in 10.6\"

\"It is likely around 11.6 not 10.6\".

Tell me why do you think that it will do 11.6?The 550i get\'s the 600NM from 1500rpm-4500rpm.FACT!Like it or not.

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hiii  16y ago

give us referance that this car will do 0-160 km in 10.6

it is likely around 11.6 not 10.6

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BMWexpert  16y ago

Very nice car , kills all the rivals!

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FastestLaps  17y ago

Maybe I'm a bit too conservative (lol I'm just 19) but these new BMWs and Mercedes models aren't good-looking for me. W124, W201, W202, E39, E38, E34 were way better. The only positive thing is BMW still uses Inline 6 engines not cr#p V6 engines.

I have to agree on the most part of your comment. Those cars you mentioned all are legendary classics and I am a huge fan of these. For many reasons. They did not have annoying electronic aids and "safety" features that numb the driving experience and add so much weight to modern cars. They are proven to be great in quality and long lasting. And, most importantly, - they are cheap nowadays, even to the extent that I can actually afford to buy them.

I could talk to considerable lengths about how much I love old Mercedes, and BMW E39 and E38 happen to be my favourite types of 5-series and 7-series. But I really don't want to become short-sighted in my admiration of cars from the past. It always takes some getting-used-to when something new comes out and I want to be open minded and really hope that the new generations of cars will become as legendary as some of those mentioned above. After all - through the history cars do have a tendency to improve. Place a Benz Motorwagen and the new S-class side by side and you'll see what I mean.

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Anonymous  17y ago

I looks fine to me. I'd buy one....or wait for the M5.

I think it looks better than the previous 5 series. I didn't dislike the old 5 as much as many other people did. Hell, I'd take any 5 series.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Yep, it looks like E92 with four doors, which is not bad.

I will reserve other comments for when I see it live

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Anonymous  17y ago

Maybe I'm a bit too conservative (lol I'm just 19) but these new BMWs and Mercedes models aren't good-looking for me. W124, W201, W202, E39, E38, E34 were way better. The only positive thing is BMW still uses Inline 6 engines not cr#p V6 engines.

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FastestLaps  17y ago

The rear lights look Korean. The front and the side are good

The rear lights remind E34.

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FastestLaps  17y ago

Disagree. This car is not ugly. How can it being so conservative seem ugly to you? And if you think E92 isn't ugly this can't be as well. Because it looks so similar.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Why does BMW produce only ugly cars? Every 2010 BMW are ugly (maybe the 3-er Coupé is an exception). In the 90's BMWs looked way better. The E39 was gorgeous. The E34, E36, etc were elegant and sporty.

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Georg  17y ago


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Anonymous  17y ago

The rear lights look Korean. The front and the side are good.

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Georg  17y ago

no that was a mistake ...the engine is twinturbo fault

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Anonymous  17y ago

Because the 550i GT, X6 50i and 750i (F01) have a 408 PS, 600 Nm, 4.4 liters twinturbo engine or it is a different engine?

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Anonymous  17y ago

Georg are you sure that the engine is supercharged?

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Wojtek  17y ago

It's similar to e92 - (335i version) but noticeably bigger and obviously looks definately better than previous model of e60. F10 conecting the best fatures of e92 good looking shape of lamps and large air intakes like in new 750i, but unfortunately BMW has lost agresive shark look and characteristic charm. Such a same ;-( Technically may be even more advance and faster but not remarkable. Let’s hope that new M5 will be astonishing.

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FastestLaps  17y ago

I wonder how will this compare to MB new E-class.

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BumRush  17y ago

Jusr as long as Chris Bangle doesnt touch it, Im straight.

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Georg  17y ago

the new 5series is officel presented now by BMW... till the M5 the topmodel will be the supercharged 550i. Delivery in Germany starts March 2010 at the production start avaible with 4 pertrol and 3 diesel engines..