Image of Rover 220 Coupe Turbo

Rover 220 Coupe Turbo specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1190-1240 kg (2624-2734 lbs)
Introduced 1992
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 14.1k

Lap times

Track Time
Tsukuba 1:12.53


0 - 100 kph6.9 s
0 - 30 mph2.8 s
0 - 40 mph3.8 s
0 - 50 mph5.1 s
0 - 60 mph6.5 s
0 - 70 mph8.3 s
0 - 80 mph10.4 s
0 - 90 mph12.7 s
0 - 100 mph15.7 s
0 - 110 mph19.6 s
0 - 120 mph24.7 s
Est. 1/8 mile10.4 s @ 81.4 mph
1/4 mile15.0 s @ 98.0 mph
Top speed242 kph (150 mph)
Rover 220 Coupe Turbo acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type S4, 16v, turbo
Displacement 2.0 l (122 ci / 1994 cc)
Power 200 ps (197 bhp / 147 kw)
Torque 232 Nm (171 lb-ft)
Power / liter 100 ps (99 hp)
Power / weight 164 ps (162 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 191 Nm (141 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5M
Layout front engine, front wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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196ss  4y ago

Car 01/1993:
curb weight - 2734 lbs
0-30 mph 2,8 sec
0-40 mph 3,8 sec
0-50 mph 5,1 sec
0-60 mph 6,5 sec
0-70 mph 8,3 sec
0-80 mph 10,4 sec
0-90 mph 12,7 sec
0-100 mph 15,7 sec
0-110 mph 19,6 sec
0-120 mph 24,7 sec
1/4 mile - 15,0 sec 98 mph
top speed - 146 mph

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Yaspaa  15y ago

1190kg, it's in the stats section.

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david  15y ago

what is the weight of rover 220 turbo coupe ?