Image of Mazda 3 MPS

Mazda 3 MPS specs

Price in Europe €24,900
Price in US $22,800 - $27,075
Car type Compact
Curb weight 1424-1485 kg (3139-3274 lbs)
Introduced 2006
Origin country Japan
Gas mileage 16.5-6.8 l/100 km (14-35 mpg US / 17-42 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 250 g/km
Views 163.4k

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 60 kph3.3 s
0 - 80 kph4.5 s
0 - 100 kph6.1 s
0 - 120 kph8.3 s
0 - 130 kph9.7 s
0 - 140 kph11.1 s
0 - 160 kph14.8 s
0 - 180 kph19.4 s
0 - 200 kph25.1 s
1000 m26.2 s @ 203.0 kph

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph2.1 s
0 - 40 mph3.3 s
0 - 50 mph4.2 s
0 - 60 mph5.4 s
0 - 70 mph7.0 s
0 - 80 mph9.0 s
0 - 90 mph11.0 s
0 - 100 mph13.2 s
0 - 110 mph17.8 s
0 - 120 mph21.9 s
Est. 1/8 mile10.1 s @ 84.5 mph
1/4 mile14.0 s @ 101.3 mph
Est. 1/2 mile23.7 s @ 121.8 mph
Mazda 3 MPS acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.52 g (5 m/s²)
18m slalom64.2 kph (39.9 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.89 g (9 m/s²)
Noise @ 80 kph66 dB
Noise @ 100 kph68 dB
Noise @ 120 kph71 dB
Noise @ 160 kph77 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type 4cyl Turbo
Displacement 2.3 l (140 ci)
Power 260 ps (256 bhp / 191 kw)
Torque 380 Nm (280 lb-ft)
Power / liter 113 ps (111 hp)
Power / weight 180 ps (178 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 263 Nm (194 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 23 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 52 ps
Transmission 6
Layout front engine, front wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

60 kph - 014 m (44 ft)
80 kph - 025 m (81 ft)
100 kph - 037 m (120 ft)
120 kph - 055 m (181 ft)
140 kph - 073 m (239 ft)
190 kph - 0138 m (453 ft)
60 mph - 034 m (111 ft)
70 mph - 048 m (159 ft)

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)4.3 s
60 - 100 kph (5)6.4 s
80 - 120 kph (4)4.4 s
80 - 120 kph (5)5.3 s
80 - 120 kph (6)8.4 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph19.0 s
5 - 60 mph6.7 s
45 - 65 mph2.8 s
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Fastedee  8y ago

Probably Sport Auto did 0-100. Real testers at Car and Driver 0-60.

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sty  8y ago

harry styles is fukin hot

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Sam I  13y ago

How does a car that runs 0-60 in 5.4 take 6.1 to hit 62mph?

Oh and the curb weight here is wrong. The correct curb weight is 3152 lbs as people have pointed out.

This 1st gen (the car) is 120 lbs LIGHTER not HEAVIER than the 2nd gen (3MPS)

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nightrunner  13y ago

Curb weight is: 3152 not 3267

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Viking  14y ago

@oxmanblaze well, I think most people on this site want the stats to be accurate. The listed curb weight is too high, I agree. I usually trust the scales used by Car and Driver. They weighed a Mazdaspeed 3 in 2007 at 3180 lbs. I don't know the source for the listed weight of 3267 lbs. As for the 0-200 kph time, I don't know which magazine test it is from. The Mazdaspeed 3 is a bit tricky to get the best performance. Apparently, one has to shift at 6000 rpm, rather than at the 6700 rpm redline. The test driver may not have known that, and it would have adversely affected the test results. For comparison, Car and Driver shifting at 6000 rpm and using its test procedure which includes a one foot roll out, reached 120 mph in 21.9 seconds. 200 kph is of course 124 mph, so it probably needs another 2 seconds to go the extra 4 mph. Maybe around 24 seconds flat? In other words, the 0-200 kph time isn't that far off, especially if the magazine doesn't use that silly one foot roll out thing.

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oxmanblaze  14y ago

Yeah the curb weight is WAY off here... Curb weight is in FACT 3152lbs NOT 3267lbs.

That 0-200KPH time is slower than actual as well.

Nobody seems to care about accuracy so I suppose it doesn't matter.

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gallardo man  15y ago

have you tried to carry one ton and a half? is it heavy?

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Dirtdickler  15y ago

3152 pounds and 263 HP is "Heavy as hell" ?

The GTI which has just 210 HP weighs 3180 pounds ( on here it's listed at 2900 pounds) for some odd reason but regardless 3152 pounds isn't "heavy as hell for a car which produces 263hp and 280 ft-lb torque.

You make no sense

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gallardo man  15y ago

doent matter about weight, this car is still heav as hell

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Dirtdickler  15y ago

Okay where's the link to correct the "weight" ? This car "2007-2009 Mazdaspeed 3" or "3MPS" DOESN'T weigh 3267 pounds!

This car weighs 3152 pounds. The "2010 + Mazdaspeed 3" or "mkII 3MPS) weighs 3270 pounds / about 120 pounds + the 1st generation Mazdaspeed 3.

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Dirtdickler  15y ago

Yeah the correct weight for this car 2007-2009 Mazdaspeed 3 / 3MPS is 3152 lbs or 1429kgs.

So it's listed 115 lbs heavier than it's actual curb weight....

Why hasn't anybody corrected this? It's been pointed out like a million times already.

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Inline 6 rules  15y ago

F@ck the loans! Banks are the enemies of the humanity!

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spinangry  15y ago

Where is the option to put the correct curb weight and weight distribution?

I mean people have been pointing out the correct curb weight 3152 lbs NOT 3267 lbs yet nothing is being done..

Does the site not care about accurate stats or what?

This car simply isn't 3267 lbs so it should be correctly to the it's true curb weight of 3152 lbs and or whatever that is in KGs.

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GW2xr  15y ago


This is the 1st generation 3MPS / Mazdaspeed 3 (2007-2009)

This models curb weight is 3152 lbs NOT 3267 or 1485kgs.

This car has consistantely posted 0-60 times in the mid / high 5 sec range (5.4-5.8). Why it would take 6.1 sec to reach 62mph doesn't make sense because the same number of shifts (3) @ 5700rpm are required either way.

As stated before the Euro's apparently weren't aware of the optimum shifting points for the car and hence the slow by comparison KPH vs. MPH times.

A car that is capable of 5.4 0-60 with 3 shifts can without a doubt do much better than 6.1 seconds to reach that extra 2mph. A far more realistic 0-100kph time would be 5.5-5.7 seconds, 6.1 makes no sense.

Last but not least the curb weight list 3267 / 1485 kgs is WAY OFF. That should be corrected to 3152 lbs.

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vette  15y ago

now i don't know much about this car but as far as i see(and looked up in the internet right now) the 2006 is different with the 2007
all those links you have from lighter ones and better 0-60's are the 2007 model
just sayin!!!

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realbigjunk  15y ago

@sashman: Negative.

The Mazdaspeed3 (3MPS) requires three as in (3) total shifts to reach 60 / 62 mph. Redline is 6700rpms but you shift this car at roughly 5700-5800 rpms for the quickest acceleration because the power drops off far before 6700rpms on stock tune.

I know this as FACT and the car can indeed hit 60mph in 5.4 seconds so 6.1 to 62mph (0-100kph) makes no sense whatsoever. It's the same number of shifts (3) @5700-5800 rpms either way. I cab only guess the UK sources aren't aware of the correct shifting points and hence the bizarre slow 0-100; 0-200kph times.

Also yeah the cars weight is 3152 lbs not 3267 lbs as listed here. I notice people keep correctly pointing this out but it's not changed.. What's the reason for that? We want accurate stats in here right?

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sashman  15y ago

both us and european version have the same power , 191 kws, when its converted it becomes 256 hp or as US calls it 263 ps. there is no difference in the power, the engine is toO powerful to be detuned for countries with hotTer climate like australia which means if they detune it, it would lose 8 to 10 kws or 13-15 hp which simply wont hapPen with this car. best 0 to 60mph is 5.9. thats 0 to 97km/h. best 0 to 62 (0 to 100 is 6.1 seconds) mps neEds 3rd gear to get to 100 as second gear goes to 97 only thats why it neEds 6.1 to reach 62 miles per hour

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TheFrank  15y ago

Here you go


Car and Driver:


Road & Track:

Mazda had it listed at 3152lbs but since it's 2011 they only have the weight for the new 2010+

Per Mazda the car weighs 3152lbs but regardless the weight listed 3267lbsis WAY off.

The 2010 3MPSor Mazdaspeed3 weighs 3272lbs
Which is heavier (120lbs) than the > 2007-2009

version which weighs 3152lbs?

So yeah if you want accurate figures the weight of this vehicle should be changed from 3267lbs to 3152lbs

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TheFrank  15y ago

This car "Mazdaspeed3 / 3MPS" doesn't weigh 3267lbs.

The 2007-2009 Mazdaspeed3 / 3MPS's Curb weight (full fluids) is 3152lbs

The weight currently listed 3267lbs is 115lbs more than actual.

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TheFrank  15y ago

You see the 263hp / 3152lbs (2007-2009) Mazdaspeed3 we have here in the states runs well under 6 sec 0-60 (5.4s) and the 1/4 in 14.0@101mph.

So if the 3MPS (euro spec) is actually rated at a lower 256hp vs. 263hp and heavier 3267lbs vs.3152lbs than that could possibly explain the seemingly asissine slow 0-100kph / 0-200kph times posted in relation to the posted 0-60, 0-100, 0-120 and ¼ mile times of the U.S spec version Mazdaspeed3.

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TheFrank  15y ago


Well where I come from the car makes 263hpbut regardless it doesn't make sense that the car can run 0-120mph in 20.7 but basically comes to a halt and takes another whopping 4.4secs to reach 124mph. Realistically the real number is probably closer to 22.5 - 23.0 sec at worst.

It just the rating system or does the Euro spec 3MPS actually produce less power than the U.S spec version? 256hp vs. 263hp

Also, I see nobody is changing the weight.. Is the Euro spec 256hp 3MPS actually 110lbs heavier (3267vs.3152lbs U.S version) than the U.S spec 263hp Mazdaspeed3?

If so maybe that explains why the acceleration times are slower.

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monkeypop  15y ago

"It's bizzarre to think it would take an another whopping 4.4 sec to go that extra 4mph. It's simply untrue."

Its not out of the question that a 256 horse car would take 1.1 seconds to gain 1mph at 120mph.

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TheFrank  15y ago

Either way it's really no big deal but there are some things that are OBVIOUSLY wrong / don't make sense here.

Like before when it was posted that it took the car 14.5 sec to hit 100mph but somehow did the 1/4mile in 14.2@100 and so on.

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TheFrank  15y ago

*correction ISN'T exactly 120mph but 124.2mph.

Reviewing the 0-100 and 0-200kph results it shows the Mini cooper (0-100kph) being right behind the 3MPS which is just silly.

And the idea that a MkV R32 would be anywhere near a 3MPS up to 200kph is laughable at best.

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TheFrank  15y ago


It's not a "forum claim" it's Car and Driver. You simply have to go to the forum link to open the source for Car and Driver.

You're right 0-120mph is exactly 0-200kph (124.27mph) but you're crazy (no offense) if you think it takes the 3MPS an extra 4.4 sec to reach 124mph. The 2007-2009 3MPS is simply A LOT quicker than 25.1 sec from 0-200kph period.

3.Again, the 3MPS (Mazdaspeed3) has recorded a 20.7 0-120mph tested by Car and Driver. It's bizzarre to think it would take an another whopping 4.4 sec to go that extra 4mph. It's simply untrue.

And lastly as I mentioned about the 0-100kph time of 6.1 it's FALSE. How on earth does a car that runs 0-60 in5.4 sectake an extra .7sec to reach 62mph? It makes absolutely ZERO sense. And since ONLY the 0-100kph and 0-200kph times are used when comparing cars the results are invalid.

Basically the site is under rating the hell out of the 3MPS / Mazdaspeed3. And I'm not saying it's just the 3MPS but other cars as well. I think we could use a bit of common sense a round up / down according to the posted results.

And lastly the weight and weight distribution listed for this car is DEAD WRONG.

Weight equal: 3152 lbs

Weight distribution: ~39/61

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Georg  15y ago

@The Frank

your link does not work and we don´t change any numbers because of some forum claims.

200km/h are 125mph not 120mph!!
120mph are 193km/h

I tryed to search the MPS 3 numbers
all I could find are
C&D test2007
0-130mph 27.4s

a other C&D test
0-120mph 21.9s

a other c&d test
0-120mph 21.9s

0-120mph = 193km/h 21.9s (US test)
0-125mph = 200km/h 25.1s (german test)
0-130mph = 209km/h 27.4s (US test)

in my eyes that fits perfectly and 25.1s is 100% correct!

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TheFrank  15y ago

0-200kph time is 20.7 sec NOT a whopping 25.1 secs.

Car and Driver (Link below) recorded 20.7 sec 0-120mph or ~ 0-200kph.

Also there's no way it takes this car 6.1 sec to hit 0-62mph (0-100kph) when it hits 0-60 in 5.4 sec...

realistically you can figure it should take at the most 5.5-5.6 sec for the 3MPS to go that extra whopping 2mph from 0-62mph (0-100kph). 6.1 don’t make sense.

That's important to note because ONLY the 0-100kph (0-62mph) time is used when comparing cars. It's not doing the car justice.

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TheFrank  15y ago

Roger that Georg

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Georg  15y ago

The Frank

the easyest way is to use the "add perfromance figures" below the car picture, add all better or new numbers and sources in the add perfromance figures user interface ... so we admins only need to check the source and approve the numbers

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TheFrank  15y ago

Strange the link won’t open...

Anyways go here:

Post #95 has the link that shows the results for the Mazdaspeed3

5.4 0-60

14.0@101mph for 1/4 mile

0-100mph: 13.6 sec

The results currently posted on this site are the weakest I’ve ever seen for a 1st gen Mazdaspeed3 or 3MPS as it’s called in the UK. The car is a lot quicker than that and weighs a good 110lbs less than 3267lbs. It's actual curb weight is 3152lbs. Weight distribution is closer to 61/39 as well NOT 64.1/35.9.