Please change name to Spider, it's not Spyder with a y. Ferrari doesn't do it like that.
Ferrari F430 Spyder specs
Price in Europe | €168,500 - €187,170 |
Price in US | $204,372 - $229,590 |
Car type | Convertible |
Curb weight | 1520-1603 kg (3351-3534 lbs) |
Dimensions | 4.51 m (178 in) long, 1.92 m (76 in) wide, 1.23 m (49 in) high |
Wheelbase | 2.60 m (102 in) |
Introduced | 2005 |
Origin country | Italy |
Gas mileage | 25.2-11.9 l/100 km (9-20 mpg US / 11-24 mpg UK) |
Views | 32.5k |
Lap times
0 - 80 kph | 3.1 s |
0 - 100 kph | 4.0 s |
0 - 130 kph | 6.3 s |
0 - 140 kph | 7.1 s |
0 - 160 kph | 9.0 s |
0 - 180 kph | 11.1 s |
0 - 200 kph | 13.9 s |
0 - 30 mph | 1.4 s |
0 - 40 mph | 2.0 s |
0 - 50 mph | 3.0 s |
0 - 60 mph | 3.8 s |
0 - 70 mph | 4.6 s |
0 - 80 mph | 5.9 s |
0 - 90 mph | 7.0 s |
0 - 100 mph | 8.5 s |
0 - 140 mph | 16.6 s |
Est. 1/8 mile | 8.4 s @ 100.0 mph |
1/4 mile | 12.0 s @ 120.7 mph |
General performance
Top speed | 315 kph (196 mph) |
Est. max acceleration | 0.77 g (8 m/s²) |
18m slalom | 65.8 kph (40.9 mph) |
600ft slalom | 114.9 kph (71.4 mph) |
Lateral acceleration | 0.94 g (9 m/s²) |
Noise @ idle | 63 dB |
Noise @ 70 mph | 80 dB |
Powertrain specs
Engine type | V8, 32v |
Displacement | 4.3 l (262 ci) |
Power | 489 ps (483 bhp / 360 kw) @ 8500 rpm |
Torque | 465 Nm (343 lb-ft) @ 5250 rpm |
Power / liter | 114 ps (112 hp) |
Power / weight | 310 ps (305 bhp) / t |
Torque / weight | 294 Nm (217 lb-ft) / t |
Efficiency | 27 PS per l/100 km |
Power / €5000 | 14 ps |
Transmission | 6 |
Layout | middle engine, rear wheel drive |
Braking distance
100 kph - 0 | 36 m (118 ft) |
190 kph - 0 | 129 m (423 ft) |
60 mph - 0 | 32 m (104 ft) |
70 mph - 0 | 46 m (151 ft) |
100 mph - 0 | 91 m (300 ft) |
Rolling acceleration
60 - 100 kph (4) | 4.5 s |
60 - 100 kph (5) | 6.3 s |
80 - 120 kph (4) | 3.9 s |
80 - 120 kph (5) | 5.5 s |
80 - 120 kph (6) | 8.5 s |
Est. 100 - 200 kph | 9.9 s |
5 - 60 mph | 4.3 s |
45 - 65 mph | 1.5 s |
F430 Spyder competition
196ss 4y ago
0-60 mph - 3,8 sec
0-100 mph - 8,6 sec
1/4 mile - 12,0 sec 120,7 mph
Source - Motortrend, June 2006
And correct name is "F430 Spider"
allen taylor 18y ago
the ferrari 430 spyder is not acctually 1450kilos though the ferrari 430 coupe is 1450kilos the ferrari 430 spyder conv is 1520kilos
Andrew tyler 18y ago
for some reason the convertable always out sells the coupe convertable models of most cars always give them better sales and convertable models of most sports cars are ussaully more popular