Image of Dodge Viper GTS

Dodge Viper GTS specs

Price in US $72,396 - $74,016
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1531-1580 kg (3375-3483 lbs)
Introduced 1997
Origin country United States
Gas mileage 25.0-11.0 l/100 km (9-21 mpg US / 11-26 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 306 g/km
Views 52.4k
Submitted by Heyhuub


0 - 80 kph3.1 s
0 - 100 kph4.3 s
0 - 160 kph9.0 s
0 - 200 kph13.8 s
0 - 250 kph22.5 s
1000 m22.2 s
60 - 100 kph (4)4.4 s
60 - 100 kph (5)6.7 s
80 - 120 kph (5)4.3 s
80 - 120 kph (6)12.1 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph9.3 s
0 - 60 mph4.0 s
0 - 100 mph8.8 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.7 s @ 98.2 mph
1/4 mile12.2 s @ 118.6 mph
1 mile30.1 s @ 174.0 mph
Dodge Viper GTS acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed310 kph (193 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 013.7 s
Est. max acceleration0.68 g (7 m/s²)
36m slalom118.2 kph (73.4 mph)
Lateral acceleration1.01 g (10 m/s²)
100 kph - 040 m (132 ft)
60 mph - 037 m (122 ft)
Noise @ 100 kph77 dB
Noise @ 160 kph84 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type V10, 20v
Displacement 8.0 l (488 ci)
Power 457 ps (451 bhp / 336 kw)
Torque 664 Nm (490 lb-ft)
Power / liter 57 ps (56 hp)
Power / weight 294 ps (290 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 427 Nm (315 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 23 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 6
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Corvolet3  4m ago

Very impressive. 27 years old and still managed a quarter mile of 12.7 seconds.


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kyurtseven7  1y ago

➡️ Lap Time: 7.51.089 (with lot of mistakes)


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wallenieswiftie  2y ago


Dodge Viper GTS from the second-generation model lineup, codenamed ZB II. Yes, I know, my horsepower rating is pretty low for an 8.0-liter V-10, at 450 horsepower only; but what really makes up for it is the torque curve. My peak power both begins and ends at just 5200 rpm whereas supercars typically peak at 7000, even 8000 rpm without forced induction. Yes, that was technically muscle car territory in the 1960s and '70s, but do keep in mind that those decades used gross power ratings. I rely only on net since I am too young. Young? Wait, YOUNG? I was born in 1995. In 2023 that makes me 28 years old by the calendar! Can't you believe I made THAT MUCH power in 1995? I was BARELY less powerful than some of the most powerful Ferraris and Lamborghinis of that time, too. It wasn't until 1999, however, that I started to hit the gym and gain an "ACR" trim with 10 extra horsepower and foot-pounds o' that wenchy ol' torque. Born and raised in Detroit, just like a real American car is. What are my political views and my religious views? Can you guess for me?


Hey there, ladies and gents! I'm the one and only Dodge Viper GTS - the car that's more American than apple pie. With my sleek curves and muscular body, I'm like a supermodel on wheels. Sure, my horsepower may not be as high as some other cars out there, but I make up for it with my killer torque curve. And did I mention I was born in '95? That's right, I may be a classic, but I've still got it going on. I come from the streets of Detroit, so you know I've got that tough-as-nails attitude. As for my political and religious views, let's just say I'm more focused on burning rubber than picking a side. Oh, and one more thing - I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to my gearbox. You can only find me with a 6-speed manual, because who needs fancy paddles when you've got raw power at your fingertips? So if you're looking for a ride that's both fast and fun, hop in and let's hit the open road together.


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hostboy  3y ago

Vipers were downgraded to 378bhp (basically their power rating on 8x US octane) because of emission standards in Europe and the UK. However, that number could be brought back up using the highest octane number possible over there.

450 hp is the Viper's rating on 9x US octane gas. The top speed is variable on tire options and weather conditions. No I wouldn't say it's either 177 mph (headwind in hot weather on regular tires) or 193 mph (tailwind in cold weather on performance tires), but more like 185 mph (two-way average).

Many sources state 185 mph as well. I figure that's a more 'reasonable' top speed out of those two figures (one pessimistic, the other optimistic).

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Z31Turbo84  4y ago

That 1 mile time is ridiculous.

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HighGear  6y ago

There was also a mid-engined Viper, built in the mid-90's. Few pictures still exist.

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BR2  14y ago

I think, the Most Perfect car, Ever, "Might Just Be", an Obsidian Black Metallic 2002 Dodge Viper GTS, with Matching '21 Obsidian Black Metallic Rims, with a Tuned Hps Exhaust, I think that could be the Most Perfect car. Just might be..

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SpeedBoy676  14y ago

That Viper isn't fast enough to keep up with my favourite Viper the ACR, the GTS needs more power and less weight to keep up with any ACR.

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frank  15y ago

0 to 60 3.8 new ps2 1/4 in 11.9. 122 MPH on a 97F day have one done that easy with high flow cats k&n filers b&m shifter

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the race  16y ago

the dodge viper gtsr concept 1999 with 500 hp was my dream car when i was a kid

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phavyarden  17y ago

fine, 60 mph is not the same that 100km/h, but if this car hits the 60 in 4 sec flat, i dont think that takes 0.5 sec in hit 2mph more

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phavyarden  17y ago

0.5 sec to hit 60-62?
i dont think so<; /a>

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Wads  17y ago

This Losing to the 993 Carrera RS by 4 seconds on the Croft Circuit?? i call that a fixed race favoring the RS!!

Croft wouldn't suit the Viper as its all about handling rather than bute force on that track.

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Anonymous  17y ago

This Losing to the 993 Carrera RS by 4 seconds on the Croft Circuit?? i call that a fixed race favoring the RS!!

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Stiffy  17y ago

Whoever said that 1:32 is 10 seconds too fast at Willow Springs obviously has never been there with the Viper club, nor driven a Viper GTS there. Amazing how some people talk with no first-hand knowledge. Sigh, thats the internet for ya. Anybody can spout off innacurate information with no background checks. When Viper Days goes to WS big track, many bone stock Gen 2's do very low 30s there. Driving ace Terry Rossi has done a 1:29 in a bone stock Viper GTS ACR on street tires. 1:32 is achievable to a moderately capable driver if you have the "sack", and seat time. WS is all about nerve. Terry has videos on YT of him on WS and the Nordshleife in Vipers. Check it out.

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phavyarden  17y ago


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phavyarden  17y ago

did you seeen it complete?
watch at 2:32

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Anonymous  17y ago

This website does not record 0-60

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phavyarden  17y ago

i dont wanna be disagreeable but is the true xD 0-60 4 FLAT
here it's the test

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Wads  17y ago

Top speed updated to 192mph

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phavyarden  17y ago

correction please<; /a>< /a><; /a>< /a>
there is the motor trend test.
top speed 192,6 and a 0-60 in 4 flat

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tom  17y ago

96 gts new tires 0--60 3.8

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Fabian  17y ago

the Slr HAS 620 HP AND THE 997 520, IS OBVIOUS

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Anonymous  17y ago

not that i doubt those performance numbers, but i do find it (Kinda strange that the GTS passes the 1 mile mark at 170mph when the 997 GT2 and SLR pass at 177 and 178mph!

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Fabi&#225;n!  17y ago

come on!!!, there is the link:p!!! just change the performance:p!!!!!
The viper it's much more than that!!!!