Image of RUF RT12

RUF RT12 specs

Price in Europe €276,890 - €320,217
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1530-1573 kg (3373-3468 lbs)
Introduced 2005
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 27.4-10.5 l/100 km (9-22 mpg US / 10-27 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 292 g/km
Views 65.7k
Submitted by Georg

Lap times


0 - 50 kph1.5 s
0 - 60 kph2.0 s
0 - 80 kph2.9 s
0 - 100 kph3.4 s
0 - 120 kph4.4 s
0 - 140 kph5.7 s
0 - 160 kph6.7 s
0 - 180 kph8.0 s
0 - 200 kph9.8 s
0 - 250 kph15.4 s
0 - 300 kph24.8 s
Est. 1000 m20.4 s @ 282.0 kph
0 - 60 mph3.4 s
0 - 100 mph6.7 s
0 - 200 mph35.5 s
Est. 1/8 mile7.6 s @ 108.1 mph
1/4 mile11.0 s @ 133.6 mph
1/2 mile17.8 s @ 158.6 mph
1 mile28.1 s @ 187.5 mph
RUF RT12 acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed361 kph (224 mph)
Est. 0 - 100 mph - 011.4 s @ 830 ft
Est. max acceleration0.90 g (9 m/s²)
18m slalom71.1 kph (44.2 mph)
36m slalom134.0 kph (83.3 mph)
100 kph - 035 m (114 ft)
200 kph - 0133 m (436 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type Flat 6, 24 Valve, Twin Turbo
Displacement 3.8 l (232 ci)
Power 650 ps (641 bhp / 478 kw)
Torque 870 Nm (642 lb-ft)
Power / liter 171 ps (169 hp)
Power / weight 419 ps (413 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 561 Nm (413 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 34 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 11 ps
Transmission 6 Speed Manual
Layout rear engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)4.8 s
80 - 120 kph (5)5.1 s
80 - 120 kph (6)7.0 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph2.4 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph6.4 s
Est. 200 - 300 kph15.0 s
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196ss  4y ago

0-60 mph - 3,8 seconds
0-200 mph - 35,5 seconds
1/4 mile - 11,6@127,2 mph
1 mile - 28,1@187,5 mph

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Hoppelmoppel123  5y ago

Sport Auto (4/2011):
0-60 kph: 2.0 s
0-80 kph: 2.9 s
0-120 kph: 4.4 s
0-140 kph: 5.7 s
0-160 kph: 6.8 s
0-180 kph: 8.0 s
Top Speed: 361 kph
100-0 kph: 34.8 m
200-0 kph: 133.0 m
Slalom 18m: 71.1 kph
Slalom 36m: 134.0 kph
Fuel: 27.4 l/100 km - 10.5 l/100km
Price: 320217 €

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uptownfunker  10y ago

Ruf Rt 12
60 mph: 3.8
100 mph: 7.7
167.9 mph: 20.3
200 mph: 35.5
1/4 mi: 11.6/127.2
1/2 mi: 17.8/158.6
3/4 mi: 23.1/178.2
1 mi: 28.1/187.5

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Idealist  16y ago

I just have to say that the Ruf times are handicapped by the custom 20 inch Pirelli Rosso tires that are far from the best grip for a car of this caliber. Now that the ZR1 has come out with a 335/25ZR20 PS2 I have finally been able to transform my RT12 into a time attack machine that could easily best the GT2 RS time with my AWD exit speed.

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ky  16y ago

911------The best usable supercar in the world (40 years in development)-----God has spoken!

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Bezza  16y ago

At the 2007 Michelin tuner day an RT12 recorded 210.7 MPH on the bowl at Clermont-ferrand test track. It also did 40-250 KPH(25-155 mph) in 15.63 secs. For comparison, a 1000 BHP twin engined Audi TT took 15.08 secs and an EDO Competition Maserati MC12 Corsa, 14.85 secs. The Michelin Supersport test drivers who tried the ruf said there wasnt anyway they could think of improving the package. Shows that these RUFs are NOT tuner specials but ground up proper cars from a proper manufacturer...

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Anonymous  16y ago

how many did they make?

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Georg  17y ago

yes it is still in production...

according to RUF homepage their current model range is

  • CTR3
  • 3400K
  • RGT
  • RT12
  • RT12 S
  • R Kompressor
  • RK Coupe
  • RK Spyder

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Anonymous  17y ago

still in production?

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venom  17y ago

i wouldnt expect it to be that quick at the very least half a second slower because of the sections where that space in between two corners isnt nearly long enough. coming out of the first corner even a gt-r will reach a higher peak speed before chicago. its apex speed would also be lower through the follow through it would need to be past the tire wall to get significantly faster. anyways who would trust jeremy clarkson with an overpowered porsche :) imagine him in a yellowbird lol. spin out, get frustrated, burn it, tnt whatever ends it. he has actually done that to a same generation carrera.

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BumRush  17y ago

I bet this could do a 1:18.2 at the Top Gear Track, speaking of that, why doesnt Top Gear test Ruf's on the Show, the old 90's TG tested them, but not this one, anyone know why?

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Anonymous  17y ago

Quarter mile data still empty

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Anonymous  17y ago

Road & Track Dec-2005

11.0 sec @ 133.9 mph

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Anonymous  18y ago

How come they dont test RUF's on top gear????

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Anonymous  18y ago

STILL wont beat the Ultima GTR 720..

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CorvettesRule  18y ago

let's just see what happens when the CTR-3 laps the ring........

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Anonymous  18y ago

how the hell can the rt12 be a gt2 when this came out before the gt2 hmm? dude seriously you need to check yo self..

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Georg  18y ago

perhaps one day idiots start learning..who knows ;)

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FastestLaps  18y ago

Georg why do you even bother to reply to Ryo's idiotic comments?

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Georg  18y ago

Ryo Ruf recive chassies without manufactor code from Porsche, RUF has a own manufactor code and are independent car producer by US and German law since the 1980´s. Over 60% of the parts used in a RUF "911" are not from Porsche

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Ryo  18y ago

the RUF RT12 is a porsche 911 GT2 turbo because it looks the same if anyone wants to see it go to trust me its the same and the spoiler the bumper but different colour

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Georg  19y ago

sportauto test the RUF RT12 in the 2/2008 edition... at sportauto online they claimed the car finished in the top5 of all time sportauto supertest... reaching with 308km/h the second highest topspeed during a supertest at the Nürburgring northloop lap.

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Georg  19y ago

Ruf is a independent car producer by US and German law.. they recive chassies from Porsche without any numbers and use own manufatcor numbers.. the RT12 use 60% parts from Porsche the rest is completley Ruf build..but from that 60% over 90% get a rework... amazing fact.. Ruf offered a Turbo version of the 997 befor Porsche did..

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FastestLaps  19y ago

RUF CTR3 at least looks like it's no Porsche (apart from front and rear light clusters). The Body is 100% RUF design but the engine is twin KKK turbocharged Porsche 3.8.

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PhantomPorsche  19y ago

has RUF ever made a car that is not porsche based

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FastestLaps  19y ago

Just fixed the problem.

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JiSiN  19y ago

maybe 2 much to handle for the database, just kidding ;)

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Georg  19y ago

why is the max speed away? It is 360km/h. If I klick on sorted list the RUF RT12 is in the ranking with the 360km/h..confusing