Image of RUF CTR2

RUF CTR2 specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1422 kg (3135 lbs)
Introduced 1997
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 29.2-10.8 l/100 km (8-22 mpg US / 10-26 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 302 g/km
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Lap times


0 - 60 kph1.9 s
0 - 100 kph3.6 s
0 - 160 kph7.6 s
0 - 200 kph11.5 s
1000 m20.8 s
60 - 100 kph (5)8.8 s
80 - 120 kph (5)7.0 s
80 - 120 kph (6)13.8 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph8.0 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph3.4 s
0 - 100 mph7.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.0 s @ 105.0 mph
1/4 mile11.5 s @ 126.1 mph
Top speed347 kph (216 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.86 g (8 m/s²)
100 kph - 039 m (128 ft)
Noise @ 100 kph72 dB
RUF CTR2 acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type F6
Displacement 3.6 l (220 ci)
Power 520 ps (513 bhp / 382 kw)
Torque 685 Nm (505 lb-ft)
Power / liter 144 ps (142 hp)
Power / weight 366 ps (361 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 482 Nm (355 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 26 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 6 speed stick shift
Layout rear engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Hoppelmoppel123  5y ago
0-60 kph: 1.9 s
0-160 kph: 7.6 s
1000 m: 20.8 s
60-100 kph (5): 8.8 s
60-100 kph (6): 15.9 s
80-120 kph (5): 7.0 s
80-120 kph (6): 13.8 s
Noise @ 100 kph: 72 dB(A)
Noise @ 200 kph: 84 dB(A)
Fuel: 10.8 - 29.2 l/100 km
100-0 kph: 39.0 m

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Kain  8y ago

its real nur lap time would be closer to 7:40 if done on a decent day

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Bezza  16y ago

Being a Ruf fan I was just reading through the bits on the CTR2 and laughed at the comments made by a few ignoramuses about the 8 mins 15 lap time. Well I have a copy of Autocar issue 17/24 Dec 97 which featured this very lap! The driver that day was one Stefan Roser, yes him who drifted the CTR1 around in Faszination. It took place on a cold November day and on the same day Caterham set the road car record for the original Superlight R at 8 mins 6.2 seconds. Stefan tried several times to match this time and managed 8 mins 15 eventually. I am not sure if it was a full lap or the bridge to gantry variety, but the track was closed, so I guess it could have been the former. Anyway you can hardly say it was a rubbish lap can you, when the greatest RUF driver of all time was at the helm!

Anyway that sets the record straight. The reason why CTR2 was 10 seconds slower than CTR1 is probably because a) the track was slower on the day of the CTR2 test and b) the CTR2 doesnt actually have a better power to weight ratio than old yellowbird. Plus the fact that track day times didnt really improve until 1999 with the arrival of the GT3 which kickstarted the whole Nurburgring craze.

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Anonymous  17y ago

so it wasnt a race diver, but a journalist? did he/she have expierence?

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Georg  17y ago

it was a independent car magazine test were the car journalist did not have 200-300laps or more laps to try his best... sportauto has only 3-5laps to get a northloop time...

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Anonymous  17y ago

terble lap at the ring.

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Anonymous  17y ago

or it could have ben a damp or wet or cold track. and it might have ben a terrible driver. 8:15 for a 520bho RUF?!! c'mon, theres no way this cnt break 8mins,no way, there had to be somthing up with the driver,conditions, or maybe somthing was badly wrong with the car. o and this has 520bhp not ps, and 506lb ft of torque and weighs 3050.

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siya  17y ago

the car should'nt be a 4wd and 1997 4wd technology must have been low thats why its lap time is so bad

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Anonymous  17y ago

This Ring time is total shite, was it wet that day? how the hell can the YellowBird beat this by t=10 seconds? and its 10 years older. the conditions must not have ben good or the driver was total shit.

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Anonymous  17y ago

How in the hell did this car do such a shitty ring time with all that power??? And its a frigin RUF??

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Georg  18y ago

have replaced the picture with a real CTR2 picture..

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rice  18y ago

this is the ruf turbo r not the ctr2..

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Wads  19y ago

IP address keeps adding lap times without any referances..... if its you please include a ref as the laps will be deleted otherwise.

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Wads  19y ago

Fair enough Georg I was being lazy as the 8:15 lap time is widely reported so couldn't be bothered to look for a better ref.

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Georg  19y ago

time deleted..that is no reference just a list full of mistakes..

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Wads  19y ago

The best CTR-2 ring time I can find is 8:15. 7:49 is possible but only on the Playstation!

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Heyhuub  19y ago

Otherwise it will be deleted

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Heyhuub  19y ago

Reference for the lap please.