Image of Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 specs

Price in Europe €69,500
Price in US $39,995 - $49,560
Car type SUV/truck
Curb weight 2163-2180 kg (4769-4806 lbs)
Introduced 2008
Origin country United States
Gas mileage 21.9-13.0 l/100 km (11-18 mpg US / 13-22 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 405 g/km
Views 67.3k
Submitted by Georg

Lap times

Track Time
Oschersleben 1:56.00


0 - 60 kph2.5 s
0 - 80 kph4.0 s
0 - 100 kph5.0 s
0 - 120 kph8.0 s
0 - 140 kph10.5 s
0 - 160 kph13.6 s
0 - 200 kph21.0 s
1000 m25.6 s @ 206.1 kph
80 - 120 kph3.9 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph16.0 s
5 - 60 mph4.9 s
0 - 60 mph4.4 s
0 - 100 mph11.8 s
0 - 130 mph24.0 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.4 s @ 90.7 mph
1/4 mile13.2 s @ 104.0 mph
Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.63 g (6 m/s²)
Lateral acceleration0.88 g (9 m/s²)
Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8 16V n/a
Displacement 6.0 l (366 ci)
Power 426 ps (420 bhp / 313 kw)
Torque 569 Nm (420 lb-ft)
Power / liter 71 ps (70 hp)
Power / weight 196 ps (193 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 262 Nm (193 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 24 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 31 ps
Transmission 5 speed automatic
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

60 kph - 014 m (46 ft)
80 kph - 025 m (81 ft)
100 kph - 038 m (124 ft)
120 kph - 054 m (176 ft)
140 kph - 072 m (238 ft)
70 mph - 054 m (176 ft)

Interior noise

Noise @ idle49 dB
Noise @ 80 kph65 dB
Noise @ 100 kph68 dB
Noise @ 120 kph70 dB
Noise @ 160 kph74 dB
Noise @ 70 mph70 dB
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koenigseggjesko  2m ago

@FastestLaps please change


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Gregory Roddis  8m ago

My SRT Jeep GC 2019, did 4.4 sec 1/4 mile with Four in the car.
Brilliant SUV, a real muscle car. With the Trac 4x4, it feels like a slingshot throws you into the back seats at take off 😆 muscle car was always my dream, and this Jeep filled in that dream; very expensive but worth every penny.

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grandmasterb  15y ago

I think there is an error in the 0-100 times, the Audi should do 5,5 sec not 4,9 sec.

The SRT-8 accelerates much faster on the highway then most sportscars and you can take your whole family+luggage with you (try that in a sportscar!). So most sportscars are absolutely meaningless and unusefull compared to the SRT-8.

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Viking  16y ago

Since I have a moment, I will give a bit more of my views. Before purchasing my 2011 Mustang GT, I test drove two different late model Honda S2000 sportscars, and then a BMW M3. The Hondas appealed to my sense of lightweight low center of gravity and fun to drive sports machine. Unfortunately, my girlfriend didn't feel safe in the little cars. So then I suggested the M3 and she liked that. I really liked it as well, but then someone showed me the M3 vs Mustang test in MotorTrend and so I decided to go for the big overweight Ford after the test drive confirmed its fun to drive capabilities. I have never test driven the Jeep SRT8, maybe it is fun to drive as well?

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Viking  16y ago

@monkeypop thanks for posting the video. Not surprising. Most people who are into drag racing know that a lot of torque and horsepower combined with a strong automatic transmission and all wheel drive will result in good launches and very impressive acceleration. Having said that, I still don't like the Jeep. There's nothing wrong with it or any other ultra powerful SUV, it is just that I am personally more in road racing and back road corner taking. SUVs like the Grand Cherokee SRT-8 are bit heavy and tall for my driving taste. Of course most of today's "sports cars" are getting too tall and heavy for my liking. Yes that includes my new ride. Still the engineers have done some amazing things with the current crop of overweight cars, including hot SUVs like this Jeep.

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monkeypop  16y ago


Supercharged 0-60 in 3.6 seconds. Lots of videos on the guys account

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golf1diesel  16y ago

@monkeypop a Vortech supercharged SRT8 jeep humiliated an R8 V8 at the lights HAHA!

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monkeypop  16y ago

I guess the guy assumes that people that can afford exotics never stop driving them and thus couldnt possibly be on the internet lol.

I'm just saying that this is one of those surprise sleepers. Any true car guy should love it for that.

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BumRush  16y ago

Are people that Narrow monded? just because you Could be rich or whatever, does not mean you dont visit sites like this. JC!!

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Bhopper  16y ago

Srt8 over an exotic?? Any day right?? Well here's some news for you... You will never be able to own an exotic, if you were able to you wouldn't be on this page bit*ing you would be driving it... On the other hand you might possibly be able to afford a GC srt8 and still afford to modify it and thus be one of the fastest ppl out there... So dream of fast exotic car or actually own a fast ass car. Which one????

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monkeypop  16y ago

Not saying I would take one of these over a exotic but I wouldnt mind having one. Go play in the mud and spank sports cars at the redlights on the way home... sounds like a fun day to me.

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Anonymous  16y ago

1000bhp, 4wd, that would get you to 60 in 2.8, but cmon, a 1000bhp Chereokee lol over an Exotic? lol Buut, it all depends on our tastes too.

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monkeypop  16y ago

I dont see how posting a video of a stock STR8 Jeep makes you any less wrong.

Dude just pointed out that you can own one of these that will do 0-60 in under 3 seconds. You called B.S.. and where proven wrong. No reason to throw a fit.. just man up and admit it.

You know you think it would be cool to own a jeep that can spank even the most exotic supercars at a redlight. Any car should love the "sleeper" factor.

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monkeypop  16y ago

"I don't believe in a big fat corvette beating anything like Carrera GT or Enzo (not to mention Koenigsegg, Veyron or track cars like Radical). I do not believe that they can do much better than they already have done with current Z06."- posted by "fastest laps 3 years ago on the Z06 page when someone brought up the new blue devil (ZR1).

So yes.. you where clearly wrong. And you where clearly wrong that tuned versions of this jeep can post 2.8 seconds to 60mph but apparently you arent big enough to admit when you are wrong you would rather have a hissy fit.

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Anonymous  16y ago

Whatever you say guy.

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E  16y ago

theres not gonna be a test, so to say there not equal, is just plain stupid.

It's the other way around. To say that because no test showed that they are not equal makes them equal is what doesn't make sense.

Why is the site so magical that it can take horribly incomplete data and give you a conclusion? It cannot. Comparing the ZR1 with the Enzo gives you a bunch of laptimes with very different conditions. Some of the times are kind of close and you have 1000's of unknown variables. What can you do with that data? Nothing but say that the two cars may be close. There is no evidence to say that they are equal.

You cannot use a poor test to make a solid conclusion. Comparing cars with incompatable data does not yield anything. You need a good test.

Until they are tested side by side, there is no answer. That's just how it works.

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Anonymous  16y ago

Info on this site stas tat they are Equal, wether or not there tested side by side. so untill they are tested sid by side, they are equal. they may not have ben tesetd on the same day, nor by the same drivers, but it clearly show, Here, they are equal. and the tests are not incomplete, they have ben tested, just not in a comparison, so regardless, this site, =them equal!! and theres not gonna be a test, so to say there not equal, is just plain stupid.

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E  16y ago

Your argument is far from sound. You can't take incomplete info and make a conclusion. The only thing you can get from this site is that they are close.

If the test is never done, that just means that the question is never answered. You don't get to make up an answer.

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Anonymous  16y ago

No test is going to be done, atleast not Publicly, so with the information on this site, there Equal, doesnt matter if there side by side tested or not, fact is, since there not going to be, There Equal!

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E  16y ago

No, that's an estimate as long as they weren't tested side by side. It doesn't matter whether such a test will ever be done or not. Until such a test is done, it's a pretty open question up for debate.

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Anonymous  16y ago

Like he said, Its just as fast regardless, theres not going to be a head to head comparison, but considering the 2 tracks they performed on, and there straightline speeds, there pretty much equal, so yes, just as fast.

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E  16y ago

They aren't head to head, so there is no definite answer (on ZR1 vs Enzo, etc).

It may be the safer to think that the Italians are faster, after all they were independently tested on the Ring.

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BumRush  16y ago

How can you say the ZR1 isnt as fast as an Enzo nor Zonda? when the stats here show it clearly is, just as fast?

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Anonymous  16y ago

I don't like Cherokee SRT8! It's absolutely meaningless! A SUV will NEVER EVER be a sportscar!

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E  16y ago

Tuned or not, the Jeep loses in the bends.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Just kidding,lol.

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FastestLaps  16y ago

Oh no, don't say you're one of them!

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Yaspaa  16y ago


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FastestLaps  16y ago

If there is one category of car people that I can't stand, it must be the Cherokee SRT8 fan-boys.

Photo of Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

Photo of Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

Photo of Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

Photo of Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8