Image of BMW X6 xDrive50i

BMW X6 xDrive50i specs

Price in Europe €73,800 - €99,420
Car type SUV/truck
Curb weight 2190-2360 kg (4828-5203 lbs)
Introduced 2008
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 24.6-11.3 l/100 km (10-21 mpg US / 11-25 mpg UK)
Views 47.2k
Submitted by Georg


0 - 50 kph1.8 s
0 - 80 kph4.0 s
0 - 100 kph5.1 s
0 - 120 kph7.9 s
0 - 130 kph8.4 s
0 - 160 kph13.2 s
0 - 180 kph16.0 s
0 - 200 kph20.4 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph15.3 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph4.8 s
0 - 100 mph12.4 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.4 s @ 90.7 mph
1/4 mile13.5 s @ 103.1 mph
Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.61 g (6 m/s²)
18m slalom60.1 kph (37.3 mph)
100 kph - 038 m (125 ft)
190 kph - 0138 m (453 ft)
BMW X6 xDrive50i acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8 biturbo
Displacement 4.4 l (269 ci)
Power 408 ps (402 bhp / 300 kw)
Torque 600 Nm (443 lb-ft)
Power / liter 93 ps (91 hp)
Power / weight 179 ps (177 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 264 Nm (195 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 23 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 24 ps
Transmission 6 automatic
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Interior noise

Noise @ idle43 dB
Noise @ 80 kph62 dB
Noise @ 100 kph65 dB
Noise @ 120 kph67 dB
Noise @ 130 kph70 dB
Noise @ 160 kph72 dB
Noise @ 180 kph75 dB
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StevieTheologo  14y ago

I love the X6 5.0i! Why did they call it the 5.0i? Why not the 4.4i? Like the 1st generation X5 - 4.4i. I've actually driven in one, you can call it a Cayenne or Cayman eater.

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Babken  17y ago

I don't think that Cars in Action are cheating. Actually there are some sites that hate BMW but finally they admit that it's the ultimate driver's car.

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Georg  17y ago

cars in action has tested the X6 50i with 5.1s 0-100km/h... at sealevel and with 5.3s at 1400m abouve sealevel..

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Babken  17y ago

Cars in Action have a good taste and a deep understanding of the best automobiles namely BMW. Though I don't also think that the X6 xDrive50i is able to beat the M3, M5.

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Babken  17y ago

I think the 0-100 acceleration number of 5.1 seconds is not real. Though its engine is superb it can't propel a 2200kg car so fast. The actual figure should be about 5.4 seconds. Can anybody tell me where this figure is taken from?

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PL  17y ago

Wads & FL, thanks for changing the times! At least you guys could understand what I was saying without being fat, *******, bastards about it!

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PL  17y ago

Thanks for swearing at me Georg! We were having a decent discussion about a very valid point, but you felt the urge to swear at me to get your point accross? Is there something wrong with you?

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FastestLaps  17y ago

If more laptimes must be moved, please mark them with "m" next to laptime via "[Edit]" tool and I will transfer them to "Kyalami (New)" trackpage.

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Georg  17y ago

the GT-R, and GTI Mk VI for sure... we need to work through the cars in action database... if I am not wrong they have now marked the new track layout laptimes with a * in their overall laptimesheet..

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Wads  17y ago

Georg.... FL added the new config of Kyalami.... do you know which other lap times should be moved?

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BumRush  17y ago

Agree, It Is A Freak Time!

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Wads  17y ago

I've asked for the new track config to be added to the database

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Wads  17y ago

I'm not saying we should delete the time..... we are agreeing! I still think its a freak result as the turbo RS6, WRX STi and TT-S are slower at Kyalami but quicker at other tracks..... we are still agreeing as any number of factors could be behind the X6s result including driver, "special" BMW press car, weather, tyres etc. etc.

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Georg  17y ago

Georg..... I wouldn't go as far as saying there was any cheating but I hope we can all agree that the Kyalami result is a freak..... the results observed there are not in line with results from other tracks and trusted sources. eg. Autozeitung X6 is slower (quite a lot slower) than the M5, M6 X6M, M3, RS4, S4 S3, etc.....
at the Ring the X6 is wayyyy down the list and is slower than the likes of the Golf GTi (even the crappy Mark 4), Opel Corsa OPC, Clio Sport etc. in fact on the majority of tracks we have times for the X6 is slower than ~75% of all other tests. I'm not saying the Kyalami test is invalid just that its unusual....... we are all smart enough to see the facts and only an X6 fan boy would use the Kyalami result to say "X6 beats R8!" (ignoring the change in track config as well ;-)

again Autozeitung testtrack is nearly at sealevel and Kyalami is at 1400m... M5, M6, RS4 S6 are all n/a engines in heavy sedans vs a twin turbo V8 in a not much heavyer SUV in the thin air of south africa.. you all just look at the car bagde and say it can´t be that car X can´t beat car Y...
ignoring some technical facts which makes Kyalima little bit unique here at fastestlaps...

we all agree that
1) high altitude is a HUGE disadvantage for n/a powered cars (just look at the 8.3 second different between the TT-S and TT 3.2 V6)
2) the track layout has changed and is 2.5s faster now, we need a new Kyalima laptime sheet to add the numbers from X6 GT-R etc. and delet them from the existing laptime sheet
3) we have to accept what car magazines claim ...specially if they claim that they are surprised by the result and never expected it..
4) there is still the possibilty that BMW gave them a X6 with more punch..which is no magic if they play a little bit with the turboboost.. you can hardly blame cars in action for something like that..and as sportscars has tested BMW tends to send very powerfull testcars..
5) we have many tracks with extrem strange results that stay untouched... again just look at Tsukuba and the best motoring Civic Type R bullshit claiming laptimes faster than many supercars (Example Mugen Civic Type RR beating BMW M3 CSL LOL)... funny is the JDM Civics tested in Europe drop to the level of normal hot the UK a normal M3 is suddenly 3 seconds quicker than the same Mugen Civic Type RR
should we delet them too because they are as strange looking than this laptime

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Wads  17y ago

Georg..... I wouldn't go as far as saying there was any cheating but I hope we can all agree that the Kyalami result is a freak..... the results observed there are not in line with results from other tracks and trusted sources.

eg. Autozeitung X6 is slower (quite a lot slower) than the M5, M6 X6M, M3, RS4, S4 S3, etc.....
at the Ring the X6 is wayyyy down the list and is slower than the likes of the Golf GTi (even the crappy Mark 4), Opel Corsa OPC, Clio Sport etc. in fact on the majority of tracks we have times for the X6 is slower than ~75% of all other tests.

I'm not saying the Kyalami test is invalid just that its unusual....... we are all smart enough to see the facts and only an X6 fan boy would use the Kyalami result to say "X6 beats R8!" (ignoring the change in track config as well ;-)

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Georg  17y ago

PL just read the test.... and stfu... the track is now 2.5s faster ... the X6 is not faster than the R8 it is slower but it is faster than the M5, M6 RS4 and RS6...
Funny is no one wonder about the amazing GT-R Kyalami laptime..which was also done on the new 2.5s faster layout.. funny is none of you f**king dickheads had a problem to belive that a GT-R beats a R8 by 10seconds on a 2minute track..but if a X6 beats a R8 by 0.9 seconds all cry cheating... you guys should realy adjust your brains

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BumRush  17y ago

Ok ill That Time Is Highly Strange.

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PL  17y ago

Georg, it is obvious to me that you just cannot be convinced at all. I will say it again - THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT A X6 WILL DO A BETTER TIME THAN A R8!
We want proof!!!

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Georg  17y ago

cars in action online

BMW X6 xDrive50i
The biggest surprise ever in our test programme – the absolute supercar killer

here is the article...

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Georg  17y ago

The test is online...YES they have changed the layout and we need a new Kyalami laptime sheet ! BUT...two sectors of the track are untouched and there the X6 5.0i still beat cars like the RS6 M5 ... cars in action claim the track to be 2.5s quicker not 3.0s ... still pretty amazing time if you add the 2.5s to the 1:03.9min ..faster than M5, RS6, WRX STI, RS4

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Georg  17y ago

is it known from which car test date they used the new tracklayout? in their database the tracklayout sheet did not change

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Wads  17y ago

OK so thanks to "Boris the Blade" it appears that the X5 time was done on the new track layout at Kyalami which is around 3 sec per lap quicker than the old config..... so the X5 would have been down in the 2:07 region which makes more sense.

We need a new version of the track adding to the database for this and any other laps on the new track layout.

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Georg  17y ago

then we can start deleting nearly all times... sportauto is BMW/Porsche fanatic and hates everything coming from VAG including Lamborghini Audi VW...
Then we could delet all US times because there the US cars always shine..
Then we could delte all Tsukuba times ..look at Civic Tsukuba perfromance befor you talk about strange times..there the Civic regulary drives better times than igh perfromance sportcars from all around the world...
We could delet italian laptimes because ther Ferrari and Lamborghini is always little bit better than the rest...

Because of only one strange time we should not delet it... cars in action has not published the X6 Kyalami test online (only the laptime) so we don´t know what the reason for the time was... and till that happen the best we could do is wait and stop craying like little nobs..

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Wads  17y ago

Unless there is a video to prove that CIA laptime I'd also vote for its removal..... beating an R8, M5, M3 and SL65 AMG (and lots more) seems highly unlikely even if all of the other cars laps were in the wet.

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PL  17y ago

My point exactly! Remove the times submitted by Cars in Action, or risk losing the credibility of this site! I think CIA owes us a race, on Kyalami, between the R8 and X6 with independeant drivers.

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Cars in Action  17y ago

Cars in Action magazine in South Africa is known to be biased towards BMW's. For this reason many people aren't buying the mag anymore. It is also a well know fact that the owners and editors of the magazine only drive BMW cars. I agree that all Cars In Action submissions should be removed.

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Anonymous  17y ago

These are the cars this X6 has beaten:

Audi R8 Quattro
Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG
BMW E92 M3
Maserati GranTurismo S
BMW Z4 SDrive35I
Aston Martin V8 Vantage 4.7
Nissan 370Z
Audi TT-S Coupe
BMW E63 M6
Audi C6 RS6

And you dont find that Strange? Cars with more power, lighter weight, better brakes, stickier tyres, better aerodynamics, more downforce, yet you dont fin it strange this XDrive 50I beat all those cars? not even a little strange?

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PL  17y ago

Georg, I know that. I live in Johannesburg. But hell! I dont believe that the X6 is capable of a better laptime than a R8! I am sure the X6 is heavier and it is also top heavy. Somethin the R8 is not. In my opinion, if Cars in Action wants to restore some credibility, they should re-test both cars on the same day under the same conditions, by a someone who is not on their payroll!
These times are just a bit too much to swallow.

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Georg  17y ago

high altidue of over 4300ft and n%a powered car like the not realy light R8 4.2 loose dramaticly power... this car has a twinturbo engine deleting the high altitude problem... all n/a powered cars have problems at Kyalami

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Anonymous  17y ago

Well somthing is up, not even the X6M can beat the R8. Somebody betta check they data.