Image of Monteverdi Hai 650 F1

Monteverdi Hai 650 F1 specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 851 kg (1876 lbs)
Introduced 1992
Origin country Switzerland
Views 12.8k


0 - 100 kph3.0 s
1/4 mile10.6 s @ 136.7 mph
Top speed337 kph (209 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 3.5 l (214 ci)
Power 650 ps (641 bhp / 478 kw)
Torque 784 Nm (578 lb-ft)
Power / liter 186 ps (183 hp)
Power / weight 764 ps (753 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 921 Nm (679 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive
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Fangio Man  13y ago

It would be a fully electric bus! 8_8

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Fangio Man: 50,000 LBS at 50' long! 8O

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Fangio Man  13y ago

Atleast it does not have the weight of whale shark! :D

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Fangio Man: That isn't saying much, a Great White Shark ususally weighs more than 4,000 LBS.

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Fangio Man  13y ago

Actually this thing is called a "Shark", and with 851 it is even lighter than a white shark... :D

Where this 1/4 mile come from?

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Mental  14y ago

No kidding, that's true ;)

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lamboboy  14y ago

851 kg kurb weight?!

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papa bones  14y ago

it's a kit car that runs on milk and chocolate

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ninjacar88  14y ago

this car is awesome but has been overdone.

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zigzag  14y ago

Swiss made Monteverdi Hai 650 - only 3 pieces made in 1992. It has 650 Ps V8 engine and F1 chassie. It was 1 million Deutsche Mark!!!

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JeffC  14y ago

This is a racing car. It should be deleted

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vette  16y ago

where is the engine from?!

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Inline 6 rules  16y ago

Is the torque right?

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Yaspaa  16y ago

This is pretty much a racing car though, it revs to 11000rpm.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Is that the Mosler?

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Anonymous  16y ago

If one had 570bhp, theres no way this is gonna do 0-124mph in 8.0s, most people, with this car, when it came out said it had 570, but that 650 in its name wasnt just for show, it represents BHP, it has 659PS, even with 650bhp, thats hard to believe, hell a GTR XX is almost identical in weight and power, but with beter tyres, and that does 0-125mph in 8.5.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

I've found a test of this in a magazine, but it has 570 hp and 0-125mph in 8.0

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steve_1979  17y ago

850kg seems very light for such a big car.

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Anonymous  18y ago

Awesome car!! Love that ferrari red!

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427SuperSnake  18y ago

That's funny. All racing rivals are cars that I've added.

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Slonya  18y ago

Very cool car and very fast, i think.
850 kg and 650 ps and F1 chassis

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Anonymous  18y ago

This car was based on a real Formula 1 chassis, powered by an engine that was used in Formula 1 races, that is the reason for adding "F1" to the name. So you would expect that the Hai 650 F1 to be powered by 650hp, and... you'd be right!
Monteverdi got some orders, most potential buyers didn't want to know the price, they just wanted to get the car,
Monteverdi decided to keep 3 of the additional ten cars for promotional uses. (Hai means shark in german)