Image of Volvo S60 R

Volvo S60 R specs

Price in US $37,510 - $47,600
Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1667-1687 kg (3675-3719 lbs)
Introduced 2003
Origin country Sweden
Gas mileage 16.8-11.8 l/100 km (14-20 mpg US / 17-24 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 281 g/km
Views 78k


0 - 100 kph6.3 s
0 - 200 kph24.0 s
1000 m26.4 s @ 204.0 kph
Est. 100 - 200 kph17.7 s
5 - 60 mph7.2 s
0 - 60 mph5.5 s
0 - 100 mph13.9 s
0 - 120 mph24.7 s
0 - 130 mph25.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile10.2 s @ 84.5 mph
1/4 mile14.0 s @ 101.0 mph
Est. 1/2 mile23.6 s @ 123.7 mph
Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.50 g (5 m/s²)
Lateral acceleration0.88 g (9 m/s²)
70 mph - 051 m (168 ft)
Volvo S60 R acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type Straight 5
Displacement 2.5 l (154 ci / 2521 cc)
Power 299 ps (295 bhp / 220 kw)
Torque 400 Nm (295 lb-ft)
Power / liter 119 ps (117 hp)
Power / weight 178 ps (176 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 238 Nm (176 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 21 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 6 speed Manual
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Fahreddin Kaya  4y ago

I've 2004 S60 R manual at 170,000 km at clock but fully revised to factory condition from engine to even seats, almost all electronic replaced. For S60R there's two main things to get best acceleration, first it must be at advanced mode for Max acceleration, second dstc must be completely disabled by pushing 5 times simultaneously, if you do these it accelerate 0-100 around 5,5 seconds, 0-200 around 21 seconds. I've this car for almost 7 years and I ate almost all cars at road because it's extremely road holding, I've also other fast cars as Audi C7 A6 3.0 TFSI and Skoda SuperB 2.0 TSI 280HP but R is completely different, at real roads it's king because of its extreme road holding which is due to it's clever 4C system.

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KarKiev  4y ago

6.1 0-100, 14.03 1/4 mile Volvo S60R TF-80SC. Kiev

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Mateo Sagasta  5y ago

5.9 my BEST 0-100 km/h S60 R 2006
14.4 seg 1/4 de milla
Not bad

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Hayes  12y ago

0-60 5.5
0-100 13.9
1/4 mile 14.0 at 101 mph

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Malungelo  13y ago

I own an S60R manual and looking at your posts I agree either way. If you don't care about what breaks then you should lauch it at 5k rpm and never let go of the accelerator when changing will then get 5.0secs 0-100km/h. There is a slow boost response from the turbo everytime you lay off the accelerator to change gears which affects your 0-100km/h times significantly.

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Inline 6 rules  13y ago

The power is 220 kw!
Please change it!

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S60R ChipTuned  14y ago

I have tuned my s60R and I stuck with a 335i to 160km/hr

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maxim  15y ago

The acceleration is OK in terms of sensation. The motor is not very smooth and dones't sound tht great, even wth a 3 inch exchaust.

If you are a 'street'racer, first, get off the street. Secondly this car isn't fast when strictly comparing numbers unless you launch it above 5k RPM.

The bigest dispontment for me is the ability to throttle steer the car and get good feedback from seat-of the pants roll and slip angle. I am onbviously doing this with all driver enahncements turned off (yes, I did hit the required button 5 times).

I've had many 4 doors sports sedans and the e39 M5 was th best. I currently also have a 996 Turbo X50.

I bought the S0R 6spd man car so I can be conservative when visiting client and want to go out into the woldersness with mountin bikes and friends whtout having to put on and remove tmy Porsche Techuipment roof rack.

If I were to buy again, I would get a v8 Audi S4 with the 6spd man.

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Jo  15y ago

In sweden is it 5,7 confirmed

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johnocosho  15y ago

rev it yank back the clutch and an s60 r will do it in 5.0 secs dead, i can stay with a impreza sti till 125mph

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07,6speed  17y ago

The 06-07's are a different animal due to drivetrain differences, changes to engine management/ driveline programs. My 07, 6 speed auto runs 86-87mph in the 1/8 mile. Only mods an EVOLVE reflash and 3.5 inch downpipe.

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Anonymous  17y ago

I have an S60R auto and also a 997 Carrera S. The volvo isn't great off the line, although I have had a little work done on it and ran an offical 14.2 qtr.
Suspension lets it down which I am trying to address atm.
Overall a great daily car, but I wouldn't pick it if I was in a real hurry, just for longer drives.

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BumRush  17y ago

Nontheless this car has ben clocked to 60mph in 5.4, im not sure about 0-100kmh though. o and this has 300bhp Not 291!!

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Anonymous  17y ago

Have had 5+ years of experience with this car. A typical driver would be lucky to get 0-60 in 5.4 sec. This car is not easy to launch, does not feel fast, has angle gear problems requiring replacement, and simply is not reliably fast off the line. Handling wise, be warned the turning radius sucks, the Anti-Skid DEM has been shown to fail and require replacement. Those that rave about its "speed" are S60R owners that are either disillusioned or being biased in my opinion. I do agree with others that state ambient temperature and gas quality affect acceleration. There is a notable difference with temp below ~50 deg F versus above.

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Anonymous  17y ago

I own a S60R. There has been a lot of discussion about its performance in the Netherlands, where the car has been tested and they found a 0-100kph time of 7,7 seconds for the V70R (mind you the weather was very hot at the time: 30C or 86F).

Later, they re-tested the cars when the weather was normal (it was a december morning, so probably around 10C / 50F), and their retest showed a 0-100 time of 5,6 seconds for the S60R (0,1 faster than factory specs) and 5,8 for the V70R (again 0,1 faster). Not just the weather but the usage of cheaper RON95 gasoline (instead of RON98) caused the difference. The evidence is in Dutch:

I can tell you I do believe it will manage 0-100 in 5.7 seconds if you shift at the right time. However you do need the premium fuel for this turbocharged car, something that isn't necessary for a big V8 like the Jag XJR that's described in another comment.

The car is very comfortable to drive and I feel it's powerful enough (especially when revving high).

More of the power discussion can be found here:

I think the car does deserve the 5.7 status though, as you can read in Dutch (run some of the passages at the end through Googles translator if you don't believe me).

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Anonymous  18y ago

I own one of these(Manual transmision) and also a Jaguar XJR8(308 model with automatic transmision). I believe the 0-60mph factory figures are 5.4 for the Volvo and 5.3 for the Jag(fractionaly longer for the 0-100kph)so pretty similar on paper.I've got to say the Volvo feels much slower during hard acceleration, (although I've never timed it) so I wouldn't be surpised if the factory figures are a second or so adrift!Having said that I've heard that very few of these cars actually leave the factory with the claimed 300bhp and generally require tuning to reach this figure.Again I wouldn't disagree or it may just be that I've got a slow one.I guess no two cars are the same.

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Anonymous  18y ago

This car does 0-60mph in 5.4s and 0-100kmh in 5.7s and that is true.
Different magazines will post different numbers, that's why we don't cross finish line all together at the track.

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Anonymous  18y ago

Sportauto 0-100 km/h 6,2 sec and
0-200 km/h 23,4 sec.
Top speed test 256 km/h limited from AutoBild test.

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a few more dollars  18y ago

i'm buying one soon so i will test it and settle this once and forever.peace

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Anonymous  18y ago

heres an idea...not too be a dick or anything, but how bout being able yo put 0-60 and 0-100 mph/kph times when adding a car. just a suggestion cause i didnt know 0-60 isnt 0-100 kph..

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Georg  18y ago

The slow laptimes shows that the car is not a burner..

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Georg  18y ago

I find not a single test with confirmed 0-100km/h performance.. all car magazines only repeat the 5.7 or 5.8s 0-100km/h factory claim..

The only real test of the S60 R with real tested 0-100km/h perfromance is from sportauto they clocked the 6.3s

again 0-60mph is not 0-100km/h

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Anonymous  18y ago

this cars 0-60 was proven to be 5.4 in Road&Track magazine and Car&Driver tv..

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FastestLaps  18y ago

Please give us some clue on what media tested this car and got these 0-100 figures. We can't change anything if we are not sure that your claims are valid.

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samjackson  18y ago

someone needs to fix the performance times of this car! it has been proven to do 0-100km in 5.7 and even down to 5.4 and it will do the quarter mile in 14 dead at 162.5km and the engine makes 300bhp or 220kw