Image of Dodge Viper SRT-10 Roadster

Dodge Viper SRT-10 Roadster specs

Price in Europe €105,000
Car type Convertible
Curb weight 1526-1587 kg (3364-3499 lbs)
Dimensions 4.46 m (176 in) long, 1.91 m (75 in) wide, 1.21 m (48 in) high
Wheelbase 2.51 m (99 in)
Introduced 2003
Origin country United States
Gas mileage 31.9-11.6 l/100 km (7-20 mpg US / 9-24 mpg UK)
Views 28.8k


0 - 40 kph1.7 s
0 - 50 kph1.9 s
0 - 60 kph2.4 s
0 - 80 kph3.2 s
0 - 100 kph4.3 s
0 - 120 kph5.6 s
0 - 130 kph6.3 s
0 - 140 kph7.3 s
0 - 160 kph8.9 s
0 - 180 kph11.0 s
0 - 200 kph13.8 s
0 - 220 kph17.9 s
0 - 240 kph21.8 s
0 - 250 kph24.3 s
1000 m22.5 s
0 - 60 mph4.1 s
0 - 100 mph8.3 s
0 - 150 mph22.4 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.4 s @ 100.7 mph
1/4 mile11.8 s
1 mile30.5 s @ 168.4 mph
Dodge Viper SRT-10 Roadster acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed315 kph (196 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 012.2 s
Est. max acceleration0.75 g (7 m/s²)
18m slalom67.2 kph (41.8 mph)
600ft slalom108.1 kph (67.2 mph)
Noise @ 80 kph77 dB
Noise @ 100 kph77 dB
Noise @ 120 kph82 dB
Noise @ 160 kph85 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type Naturally Aspirated V-10, 2 valves per cylinder
Displacement 8.3 l (506 ci)
Power 517 ps (510 bhp / 380 kw) @ 5600 rpm
Torque 725 Nm (535 lb-ft) @ 4200 rpm
Power / liter 62 ps (61 hp)
Power / weight 331 ps (327 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 464 Nm (342 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 24 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 25 ps
Transmission 6 speed manual
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

50 kph - 08 m (28 ft)
60 kph - 012 m (39 ft)
80 kph - 022 m (71 ft)
100 kph - 034 m (110 ft)
120 kph - 049 m (161 ft)
140 kph - 065 m (213 ft)
190 kph - 0135 m (443 ft)
200 kph - 0140 m (459 ft)
60 mph - 032 m (104 ft)

Rolling acceleration

40 - 60 kph (3)3.3 s
40 - 80 kph (3)5.0 s
40 - 100 kph (3)6.7 s
40 - 120 kph (3)8.3 s
40 - 140 kph (3)10.0 s
40 - 160 kph (3)11.7 s
40 - 180 kph (3)13.7 s
60 - 100 kph (4)4.5 s
60 - 100 kph (5)7.1 s
80 - 120 kph (4)4.4 s
80 - 120 kph (5)6.9 s
80 - 120 kph (6)13.3 s
80 - 160 kph (4)9.0 s
80 - 160 kph (5)14.0 s
80 - 160 kph (6)27.8 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph9.0 s
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FastestLaps  8m ago

Just for posterity, here is the 75 year old video that was used as reference for 3.6 second time:


It is possible they just re-quoted some 0-60 mph time done in the States on drag strip. Judging by that rain they surely didn't measure 0-100 on that day. 😂

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Hoppelmoppel123  8m ago

@fastestlaps please delete the 0-100 (3.6) and 0-200 (11.8). This car can't do that

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GriN  10m ago


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07CorvetteZ51  1y ago

I competed against one of these during the 2004 and 2005 Washington DC SCCA Region Solo2 Championship Series. The driver gave me a ride in his 2004 Viper Roadster at a Spring Test and Tune. Vipers have brutal acceleration and cornering grip. At the time Hoosier did not have tires in his cars size, so he was hampered by having street tires. Despite my Corvette's Hoosier race tires he was always a little bit faster on courses. On the other hand, I was always within two seconds of his time, so if he hit a cone I would have taken his position. Fun times.

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Georg  15y ago

@Mike B

you are right did not look at the * behind Technische Daten...

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Mike B  15y ago

From the test with the R8 and Z06
Technische Daten is marked with a * and at the bottom it says: *Herstellerangaben, I don't know german, but google translates it as manufacturer's data; so they are infact marked.
But you are right about the other two, the 4.0s doesn't have any legend, but the 3.9s from the Viper vs Ram it is a manufacturer claim, why? because in the technical data it says that the Viper did 3.6s, anyway you were right.

You are right too.

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Viking  15y ago

I don't have any doubts that someone with a sensitive foot on the accelerator should be able to hit 100 kph in under 4 seconds. The low end torque is amazing, no need to slip the clutch, it won't bog. The problem is feeling the available traction and only feeding in as much power as the tires can take without spinning. Lumpy idle made the whole car shake, that was my first clue that I was in for a wild ride.

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Georg  15y ago

@Mike B

R8 - Viper - Z06 compare
Viper 3.9s

all three cars acceleration number are clearly NOT marked as manufactor claim that case they would be marked with a * as the legend at the buttom of the datasheet claims..

Viper 4.0s Autobild

Viper SRT-10 compared to Dodge Ram STR-10 ...3.9s

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Mike B  15y ago

I still haven't found that 0-100km/ of 4.0, but those 3.9 are manufacturer claims, (didn't dodge claimed 0-60 in 3.9s?)The articles state that.
The Viper has been tested from 4.2 to 4.8s to 100km/h, yes, I know that AMS and Sportauto aren't the only magazines, I just forgot to mention others.

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Georg  15y ago


I once saw a video footage of a former DTM racer explaining how to luch such cars ... I was shocked how many things they need to do and how many things can go wrong... the line between a 2.7s 0-100km/h start spinning wheels or stalling the engine is pretty small..
starting a Viper it is of corse less complicated in preperation but pretty sure even more difficult to get the maximum traction from the tires without spinning the wheels and producing smoke or starting with to low rev..

while seeking the video of the DTM driver Manuel Reuter explaining how to launch a DTM race car... this one


I run over a video of Manuel Reuter testing a 2005 Viper SRT-10 convertible there they claim a 0-100km/h time of 3.6s!

his claim..the Viper needs skilled drivers..

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Viking  15y ago

Getting so much power to the ground does take skill and practice. The owner of the one I was riding in at the autocross had wheel spin difficulties coming out of every corner, and he was a skilled driver in his own car and moderated his throttle very carefully.

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Georg  15y ago

ams and sportauto are not the only car magazines testing 0-100km/h...

at the first search at Autobild I found a 4.0s 0-100km/h Viper SRT-10 convertible

the second test was already a 3.9s 0-100km/h time for the Viper SRT 10 convertible in a direct compare to the C6 Z06 and Audi R8..

in a compare with the Dodge Ram SRT 10 the Viper convertible does again a 3.9s

on the other hand in a compare to the Ford GT Autobild has tested a Viper SRT-10 convertible which was only able to get 4.8s same happend in a direct compare between the Viper and a Gallardo and SL55

My guess is... with such a monster engine it realy depends on the test driver quality and his ablilty to get the power to the ground...

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Mike B  15y ago

I know but, I try to find from where they came from and for example I couldn't find the 0-100mph of 8.3, a 8.36, yes, but that rounds up to 8.4, and the 0-200km/h I'm pretty sure is an assumption based on the 1/4 mile time of 11.8 @ 123.6mph by motortrend I think, I can't recall right now, but that time was never matched again in any test.

I do my research, obviously, and a 0-200 faster than 13.8 was inexistent in any sportauto, AMS, autobild, autozeitung tests, can you really believe that the '03 viper is faster accelerating than the C6 Z06? I don't.

The same can be said about the 0-100km/h, the fastest is 4.2 by sportauto, and then are some 4.3 and 4.5 times, but no 3.9, albeit, there were plenty of 3.9 0-60mph times from car and driver, motortrend and road and track.

I personally can't stand the use of 1ft roll out, 60mph=100km/h and so on, I can't, or maybe I'm having a little episode of OCD haha

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Georg  15y ago

@ Mike B
if the numbers are in the car datasheet they are already aproofen means one of the moderators or our admin has looked at the reference the user who submitted the numbers gave us... we always use the best avaible numbers from car tests all around the world

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phavyarden  15y ago

i have a magazine where appears that time verified

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Mike B  15y ago

Real 0-100km/h for the 2003 viper is 4.3 by AMS
Real 0-200km/h is 13.8 by AMS

Real 0-100mph is 8.4, which was done with rollout, so it correlates perfectly with the 8.9 0-160km/ obtained by AMS in 2006.

Can we consider changing them? I'll add them but as they are slower than the actual (incorrect) data they're going to get rejected.

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Viking  16y ago

Great car, especially on a track. I got a chance to ride in a 2004 model SRT-10 roadster on a tight race course. The owner was a racing acquantance, we competed in the same class, and we were at a test and tune event (before regular competition season). Brutal acceleration, very tight suspension tuning (definitely better than the C5 Corvette that I was driving!).

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Anonymous  16y ago

You do know the 2008 Viper has 600bhp right?

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E  16y ago

510 hp is correct. There is no need to change.

It was power certified, not modified in anyway. From 2003-2008, there were absolutely no changes to the Viper's engine.

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Anonymous  16y ago

Nicely spotted br, Change power please. 500bhp, and 525 torques, please change. and 0-200kmh should be 11.7, as it passes the 1/4M in.

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E  16y ago

They have the exact same power. The change was only a result of the SAE change in measurement.

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BumRush  16y ago

And the 2003 Viper had 500bhp, and 525lb ft, not 510bhp, that was for the 2005 model.

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BumRush  16y ago

You have, SOME truth in what you say.

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Lotusman  16y ago

Nothing can beat a Viper except some Uberexotics...Z06 and GT-r are about even...GT-r is only faster because of 4 wheel drive and some ultra-sticky optional tires. And a Viper is cool, a GT-R is ugly, big and heavy...nobody even notices it unless you are familiar with the car. I'd rather have a 100hp Viper than a 1000hp GT-r...but I respect it nonetheless. I think all sportscars are good cars, some just better than others.

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user 1a  16y ago

The zo6 and the gtr can beat the viper in a grag race.

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Anomalous  17y ago

It's V10 engine requires 9.5 litres of oil to fill it!

Still, horses need about 20 litres of water a day so even IF they drank oil they would still be thirsty after emptying this Viper.

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Anonymous  17y ago

Coupe times from Top Gear, Variano, and Nurburgring belong here. Any tests before 2005 belong here as well.

Photo of Dodge Viper SRT-10 Roadster