Image of Detroit Electric SP:01

Detroit Electric SP:01 specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1070 kg (2359 lbs)
Dimensions 3.88 m (153 in) long, 1.75 m (69 in) wide, 1.12 m (44 in) high
Wheelbase 2.30 m (91 in)
Introduced 2014
Origin country United States
Views 2.4k


0 - 100 kph3.7 s
Top speed250 kph (155 mph)

Powertrain specs

Power 204 ps (201 bhp / 150 kw)
Torque 225 Nm (166 lb-ft)
Power / weight 191 ps (188 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 210 Nm (155 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 4 speed (5 optional), 2 speed auto
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive
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Fangio Man  12y ago

Lotus Elise seems to be a very popular base for e-mobiles. Well, why it should not? It is very light.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Mental: That badge looks like a baseball team logo. :P

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Mental  12y ago

What? Another e-mobile based on Lotus Elise? Becomes an ordinary, LOL. Another competitor to Tesla Roadster.

But what a name! Detroit Electric SP:01... sounds hilarious. And what a creative badge!

It has a very sexy exterior from the front and side view, but no wonder.. it's just blatantly copied from a beautiful Lotus. However, that's a good aspect. But the heck.. heck, that's awful! Why did they touch it?

OK, so about the tech. Looks like it has less power than Tesla Roadster, but this Detroit Electric (LOL, really a ridiculous name, how would they sell it with such a name?), but this thing weighs pretty much less. Only 1070 kg being an electric car! That's just not much heavier than a basic Elise, amazing! Should do pretty good results, and would be usable at the track, if anyone ever test these... As far as I know, this is limited to 100 units, right?

Well, the tech may not excite except its lightweight construction... But I hadn't noticed one detail.. Or I'm drunk, or it's really shown that it is equipped with 4/5, 2 speed automatic gearbox... How to hell is that possible, if it's an electric vehicle?!? I've seen everything, but an electric car with a transmission? I've never heard that's possible... Surprisingly.

This car is something really impressive. Being an e-car it's light, equipped with gearbox and beautiful. I'd take this over Tesla anyday even closing eyes on its name and horrible rear view.