Image of Porsche 928 GTS

Porsche 928 GTS specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1628-1681 kg (3589-3706 lbs)
Introduced 1992
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 21.9-14.2 l/100 km (11-17 mpg US / 13-20 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 354 g/km
Views 53.1k

Lap times

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 40 kph1.9 s
0 - 60 kph2.8 s
0 - 80 kph4.2 s
0 - 100 kph5.6 s
0 - 120 kph7.7 s
0 - 140 kph10.0 s
0 - 160 kph13.2 s
0 - 180 kph16.7 s
0 - 200 kph22.1 s
1000 m25.2 s

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph2.4 s
0 - 40 mph3.3 s
0 - 50 mph5.0 s
0 - 60 mph5.3 s
0 - 70 mph8.0 s
0 - 80 mph9.9 s
0 - 100 mph13.1 s
0 - 130 mph25.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.8 s @ 87.6 mph
1/4 mile13.8 s @ 102.5 mph
Porsche 928 GTS acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed275 kph (171 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.55 g (5 m/s²)
36m slalom121.3 kph (75.4 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.90 g (9 m/s²)
Noise @ idle52 dB
Noise @ 70 mph76 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8 n/a
Displacement 5.4 l (330 ci)
Power 350 ps (345 bhp / 257 kw)
Torque 500 Nm (369 lb-ft)
Power / liter 65 ps (64 hp)
Power / weight 212 ps (209 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 303 Nm (224 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 20 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 5
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

100 kph - 035 m (115 ft)
180 kph - 0136 m (447 ft)
30 mph - 09 m (31 ft)
60 mph - 039 m (128 ft)
70 mph - 049 m (162 ft)

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)5.3 s
60 - 100 kph (5)8.1 s
60 - 120 kph (4)8.2 s
60 - 120 kph (5)12.1 s
80 - 120 kph (5)8.0 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph16.7 s
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Viking  15y ago

The Porsche 928 was a fine car in its day. Twenty odd years ago my nephew had one, I think he said it was an 1985 model. He let me try it. I thought it had a powerful V8 and stable high speed handling. The interior was a bit spartan for the class/price, but it was an overall fine performance car. With the current horsepower war,many new cars are much faster, but that's progress. In 1992 this car was very fast.

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ky  16y ago

This is a great car. It was built to replace the 911, there was uproar, nobody wanted the 911 to go. Porsche learned a lesson. consequently many people resented this car, but it was good

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Kremiteer  16y ago

I have this car, I love this car!

If you love cars, you must appreciate all of them, regardless if old/new all of them have something special.

my 91' mustang GT, 92'928 GTS, 99' jaguar xjr are all amazing in their own way.

Love cars


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Anonymous  16y ago

yeah crazy power freaks that dont no no better!

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Some people won't think so.

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Anonymous  16y ago

I think this car has enuff power, espescially for 1992.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

4700 euros gets you 450bhp turbo kit.

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Anonymous  16y ago

you dont have to love older cars to love cars, what a stupid thing to say.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Actually you do have to love older cars as they are the real cars. I didn't say I knew you, I just guessed your age by your comments, and was pretty close.

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BumRush  16y ago

So just because i compliment on newer cars means i dont like older ones? do you know me? no, you dont no shit about me, so dont pretend you do, ill have a love of cars more than you can understand, just how ignorant can you be? really? you do not, need to like older cars to have a love of things automobile, you have no idea.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Dude the only cars you like are new ones, how are we supposed to take your opinions seriously when you're stuck in your own time bubble? You refuse to even try to understand what makes an older car great. That's not a lover of cars.

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BumRush  16y ago

Im a lil older than that, u shouldnt judge on how someone acts or speaks, thats a mistake humans make Far too often "Mate".

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Haha, anyone who doesn't get what's so special about a ferrari 250 GTO is obviously 19. :D

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BumRush  16y ago

I was old enuff to appriciate cars when this came out, and i hated it.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

If you were old enough to appreciate cars when this came out, you would have loved it, one of the prettiest Porsches ever made. If however you are a youth of modern times, you would hate this car simple, Which one are you?

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Anonymous  16y ago

dont you mean common Ignorance?

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Yaspaa  16y ago

Common sense dictates otherwise.

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Anonymous  16y ago

You have no idea when. dont assume.

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Yaspaa  16y ago

I was when you were born.

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Anonymous  16y ago

Your not 1???!!

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Yaspaa  16y ago

I've no idea what words teenagers use these days.

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BumRush  16y ago

.........Ummmmm, not the word id use.

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Yaspaa  16y ago


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Stephen Taylor  17y ago

I own a stock 95 928GTS auto and recently took it to York dragway. I only just failed to beat 14 for the standing quarter and my car is 14 years old.
On the road at over 100 mph the acceleration matches the 360's.

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928GTS  17y ago

928 is the best and most cool car they've ever build! Since I was 16 I dreamed of it and in 1995 I bought a Model 92. I still drive it, when the wether is fine, enyoing the cruising qualities 5.4 V8 engine with 500 torque, but the dynamic range ofup to 6600rpm when I need them. I sure will keep him, cause I think it'll be sooner or later a real classic car. Definetely it is a cougar ( ;-) ) and a lot of my 911 driving friends ask me to take them for a ride...

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Dave  17y ago

Hm alot of talking here. Strange that this model always gets refferd to as slow. What people is forgetting here is that this car has 50/50 weightdisp, rearwheel steering and more low rpm tourqe than any other porsche today.
The porsche numbers are numbers that all cars should perform under bad condition (fully loaded, hot weather etc)
When a reporter tested a 928 S4 automatic in 1987 he let go of the throttle at 275km/h and porsche says that it goes in 265km/h and he clocked it to 5,7s 0-100 when porsche said 6,1s

And with its handling its really fast on the tracks.

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Georg  19y ago

The new numbers are from a sportauto compare from 1993 found it on a M3 forum... I guess the 1/4mile time is rubbish.. low 13s time should be easy for the 928GTS..

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Georg  19y ago

have changed the 0-100km/h to the correct 5.7s... 5.9 was the automatic version